Is criticizing the sound of a singer's voice the plebbiest complaint a person can give towards music? Pic related

Is criticizing the sound of a singer's voice the plebbiest complaint a person can give towards music? Pic related.

no, because at least they're highlighting something specific

the true plebbiest criticism of music is "this is bad"

is tickling joanna newsom's wanna-be-whimsical clit the plebbiest thing someone can do?

I have no idea why people criticize Joanna's voice so much, I feel in love with it the moment I heard it.

I think "this is weird" is a bit worse

Neck yourself waifufag

Its a personal preference you easily offended waifufag

Because they don't care about art.

What the fuck? I just said I love her voice, how does that make me a waifufag at all? YOU neck yourself, and never ever fucking reply to me again or I'll make sure to annihilate every thing you've ever loved in your life, thanks.


I have a hard time getting into Neil Young, and a minor part of that is because of the voice.

After The Goldrush is really good though.

I love her voice as well, but just like its unique characteristics can enhance our subjective enjoyment of her music it can have a detrimental effect for other listeners.

if they can't sing it live the way they do on the record you might as well not sing it at all

>people actually believe this

this album is so cheesy and not well arranged. it wants to be so much more than it is, and you dumb fuckers actually believe it

No because some people have shitty voices, and when they make vocal-oriented music you can't escape it.

No because you enjoy songs based on how they sound. If you don't like the way something sounds, then that's your reason for not liking the song.

But that shouldn't excuse you from putting in some effort towards understanding the sounds.

If people can stand thom yorkes and björks shitty moaning they should be able to stand joannas voice.

Bjork and Yorke are respected more for their musicianship than their voice tho

Most pleb is "muh opinion". I immediately assume anybody who cannot even attempt to articulate themselves is a complete drone who leeches their opinions from others and a pointless set of criteria that doesn't challenge them in any way.

>not well arranged
What's good arranging?
This isn't about hitting notes, it's tone of their voice.

>it's tone of their voice.
Yeah some people have shitty tones to their voice

if someone doesn't like a voice then who fucking cares? there is literally millions of albums to listen to besides one fucking Sup Forumscore artist people mostly like because her ass is fat. step outside of your own box once in a while and please just let it go

pic related fucking sucks because the vocal performance is complete trash. his voice is just awful for music

No it sucks because the compositions are mediocre as fuck.

>not well arranged

now this is shitposting

explain how it could be better? fucking van dyke parks arranged it