How much longer until we're going to be able to upload our consciousness into a computer?
How much longer until we're going to be able to upload our consciousness into a computer?
Won't happen in our lifetime
You will never be able to experience life as a computer in order to avoid death. You may teach a computer to mimic your thought patterns with amazing accuracy, but you will never be able to BE that computer.
Sorry, but when you're dead, you're dead.
this comic is depressing as hell, mainly because it's true
>You may teach a computer to mimic your thought patterns with amazing accuracy
Good enough for me
Just like quantum teleportation will never be anything but constructing an identical body at the destination and having to dispose of the original.
Oh, then in that case, you can already do it. There are some artificial intelligence chatbots capable of mimicking people with astounding accuracy.
No there isn't you idiot.
The trick is to do it gradually (Ship of Theseus style). Consciousness is an illusion, as the comic illustrates: there is no difference between your brain being simulated on silicon or on carbon. Connect the brain to the computer, and *slowly* start replacing wetware neurons by software neurons, you won't feel the difference but you'll slowly become completely simulated in software. Once 100% of the neurons have been replaced, It Is Now Safe To Turn Off Your Mortal Corpse.
That's also why you should never step into a transporter, by the way.
You're fucking retarded.
Neuron cells die and get replaced just like any other cell in the body. Replace a single neuron with a synthetic version and you are still you.
Then replace two and you are still you.
Then 3.
Eventually you will be more synthetic then biological.
Once fully synthetic replace the synthetic hardware with hardware emulated in a computer and live like a fucking GOD
Neurons are not static. New ones can grow in response to stimuluses. If you replace the organic matter with unchanging synthetic neurons, the person may develop mental illness and lose sanity because their brains can't morph over time.
I'm a clueless pseudo-scientist: The Post
(seriously, consider suicide)
This is the only way to still survive.
I found it to be a very shallow reflection. Mainly because the player character is the lowest common denominator.
Yes there are you double idiot
Please do consider hanging yourself soon if you legitimately think that would work.
>be ignorant retard
>read words
>feel stupid
>be rude and mean, because maybe it will make even stupider people think I'm cool.
You are literally describing the post they were replying to.
this is what it'll actually be like
This is why we need to kill all lawyers
forgetting the specifics the ontological question remains
lol, try asking the chatbot a question it hasn't heard before
>implying we don't "die" when we go to sleep and multiple times per day without noticing
Thats the issue. When you make an identical copy of yourself and have the exact same thoughts. And the original died the very moment you are teleported.
Is that you or someone else?
Neurons can be static without mental illness.
Even if possible, you can only copy a consciousness, you can't transfer it.
You will die, no matter what.
Please at least finish primary school before posting.
The amount of unironical wrong in this post is cringe, not even in the fun way.
I would make soooooo many fucking copies of myself. I would make a cooperative army of just myself.
So, the physical ronnie must be kiled for the virtual one to exist freely, who is the one who kills him anyway?
>I don't care if I die as long as there's some stupid software out there mimicking me forever
ultimate cuck
>Once fully synthetic replace the synthetic hardware with hardware emulated in a computer and live like a fucking GOD
I got some spare neurons if you need some user.
>implying we don't die each time we make a step and our atoms disappear from where they were a moment ago and appear where they are now
We're all going to die
I hope this guy is right.
Continuity of consciousness is an illusion anyways. If you destroy the original during the scanning process then it's literally no different from "transferring".
inb4 m-muh soul
And why does that matter? It's literally no different than rebuilding an exact copy in a physically different location or even at some indeterminate time in the future.
I remember having this thread the first time I ever clicked on this board
and years later, everyone is still retarded
>How much longer until we're going to be able to upload our consciousness into a computer?
why would you? what the fuck is the point of constructing some device and software to dump and execute the exact structure and data in your mind? sounds like it will literally never happen and it's a waste of time.
legit, I'd rather build a machine that could deprecate humanity than worry about my shitty mortality.
the only way I can imagine living forever is if you manage to find a way to fully control entropy, as in reverse it or otherwise.
literally never, it doesn't work like that. It can only be copied, not uploaded. Your "consciousness" is just a set of neuronal impulses. They exist physically, in your brain.
>but muh cell regenerashun
your neurons never regenerate.
Sorry to bust the bubble OP, you will only exist as long as your brain does. Have a lewd anime girl as consolation.
Pretty sure Michio Kaku disagrees.
>having to dispose of the original
Did Ronnie Predict Zero Time Dilemma?
Ronny makes comics that aren’t just about him being a fat weaboo?
>your neurons never regenerate.
This is actually a topic of debate. Adult neurogenesis does occur but only in select areas of the brain, namely the hippocampus. Beyond that there is a concept called neuroplasticity. which is effectively a means for the brain to adapt to damage and environmental stressors (like the Taxi Driver study) which actually compounds both topics fairly neatly. [
Without modelling the latter at the very least, it'd hard to say how accurate any sort of copy could be rendered. There's also things like the circadian rhythms and endocrine systems which have a significant amount of play in the human psyche especially. Fianlly you'd have to be able to simulate interactions that occur on a quantum level (like vision) to apply accurate stimuli to the simulated brain. There's really an endless number of caveats and bounds to constrain the whole of the concept.
is this a splatoon character
> How much longer until we're going to be able to upload our consciousness into a computer?
Not in your lifetime.
They'll probably only start to grasp ways in which something like that might be done long after you're dead.
>your neurons never regenerate.
It seems more like they generally don't, but not never.
Figures it's maybe a biological compromise to reduce the chance of doing more damage to the functionality of your brain programs as repairs happen.
Not necessarily something man can't manipulate eventually, but it may very well be that we'd have to do our own thing and introduce erasure codes or something before it's actually a better compromise than what already happens? Well, even this is probably still far out there...
Hopefully never. The only thing the 1% and elite can't buy is a cure for death (though God knows they're trying). It's comforting to know that even the high and mighty will be brought low by the great equalizer in the end.
need your body to get used to it. also, it emulates your natural process in the body better. also, imo, unless of we figure out the brain works, i think its water to create replacement for cells than to create a replacement of the whole thing. like if the brain was a house, and what normally does the repairs is a builder, it would be easier to give the builder materials to fix the house with than to build your own house and replace everything yourself.
New neurons can grow while the old ones stay. Synthetic neurons cannot do this, unless they are the same as regular neurons in their inability to be transferred to a computer.
To give an actual answer:
Nobody knows if it's possible and if, how it would work. So maybe it'll happen in the next decade, or it may not happen at all. We just can't say.
If someone deleted your "consciousness" file would that count as murder?
You guys seriously need to read the Bible.
>spill your beer on main server's keyboard
>get tried for genocide
Never. You are the physical neurons in your brain. Any deviation is a copy.