What happened to Paul's Hardware? midlife crisis?
What happened to Paul's Hardware? midlife crisis?
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Fucking shill, I hope he dies in an Intel housefire
Soy boy.
You didn't hear? About a month ago his kid died. He talked about it at the start of one of the podcasts he does with Bitwit a while back.
cmon man thats not funny.
He hasn't been the same since the death of his child.
When I see this type of shit I always wonder who are those four hundred people, discouting the bots who see a picure of someone else's face and just have to click like. It's retarded if it's like your neighbour showing off his dog or whatever, but then at least it has a social explanation.
But who goes out and thinks
>i just want to show that i'm tour fan by declarijg that i liked to see your face
Or they're just totally brainwashed by social media that they don't even articulate a thought, and just click on the shit randomly?
Link and timestamp or it did not happen
how fuckin retarded are you its the second reply on pauls fucking last post
you sound underage
who gives a shit.
just another piece of shit retard who """""builds""""" computers. fuck him. hope he kills himself.
im 32 in april checkmate shitface
Kek get r3kt other guy
enjoy your chuck e cheese birthday party then faggot
>tfw no imouto
It baffles me that a man who presumably just experienced the loss of his own child decides the thing to do is to take a photo of his own sad face and upload it to the internet.
It's just... bizarre. It's weird thing to share. But it's a pretty common thing people do these days. I may be old fashioned but when I am feeling like shit and depressed I don't really feel like taking selfies.
he has a niggernose
absolutely nothing of value was lost
sounds like he found out his kid was gonna be retarded and aborted it. sick return policy, techdude.
officially Bitwit and him are working on a video this week
they might be ghosting for a week to avoid the Newegg tax shit storm though since they both used to work there, but thats just my guess
So he RMA'd his kid?
what the fuck is he crying about? just try again for fucks sake, and be glad your previous child didn't get born. Having a mentally retarded child is the most annoying shit ever
The man saved himself and his child from misery in this world.
The world has enough mentally broken people as is when it comes to the presence of SJW's, it doesn't need more.
*tips fedora*
It seems thay have fertility problems.
*the message remains unchanged*
They don't have fertility problems.
The doctor informed Paul that his baby would grow into Linus Manletcuck Soytips, and he made an unflinching and correct decision to pull the plug to avoid this shame and indignity.
Great for you.
Now back to YouTube or Sup Forums so you can use your buzzwords and copypastas as much as you want
Make me soylord.
Sauce or at least the full image
Aka hapa version of Linus.
So aborted, or a miscarriage
Sucks for him and his wife, but at least they can always try again
Eh, I don't really agree. Paul is always so nice to everyone and has no ego to speak of. Definitely one of the better tech youtubers.
Your post was really well written. What is your Tumblr? I will give you a free follow as thanks for setting me straight. I could also donate some Reddit gold to your account, if you prefer that instead.
>Having a mentally retarded child is the most annoying shit ever.
Yeah, that is what your mother vents to me about after I get done fucking the shit out of her.
wow calling someone soylord as an insult so original
you must have a lot of friends huh
He gets paid to talk about computers on camera
It's entirely possible he's still in shock
an unborn fetus died... that sucks but its not that bad, you made it sound like toddler or something died.
Kid was DOA
he cancelled the order
They aborted the kid because it has a genetic disorder. So in PC hardware terms, the kid is defective. And judging from aborting in january and we expect it in march, it's a late abortion and they opted to have it aborted which is worse than a miscarriage. With miscarriage there is nothing intentional with this, they literally signed a form saying to kill that kid. That's hard to take for some people.
1/5 eggs
child was found defective in box
would not recommend
Why are all of these tech shill tubers have 1/10 wives...save for Bitwit who married a solid 5.
Linus picked an ugly Chink, Paul married a Flip and Jay married a landwhale (granted he was a tubby too when he got married).
Intel Steve is truly our Sup Forumsuy.
Steve from oz or Steve the tech jesus?