/ufglt/ - UnFriendly GNU/Linux Thread

/fglt/ - UnFriendly GNU/Linux Thread
Users of all levels are not welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please don't be civil, notice the "UnFriendly" in every UnFriendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, consider whether or not we care

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Your unfriendly search engine, mailing lists...
>b-but what search engines respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
>b-but what e-mail providers respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try protonmail or disroot

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

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Other urls found in this thread:


previous thread:

How can I install Fedora with XFCE as minimal as possible?


Thats not minimal at all.

sudo dnf -y install xfce4-terminal xfce4-session xfce4-settings xfce4-panel lightdm

Fuck off cuck Goy.

When I reboot after that, nothing change.
I am on the cli again. ;___;


sudo systemctl enable lightdm
sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target

Now nothing happens. ;___;

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Good VPS and distro to run ? I would prefer more minimal system without a lot of things installed by default. Arch maybe ?

Attached: FB_IMG_1484242189866.jpg (480x590, 12K)

Petition to change /ufglt/ to /ufgt/ so it kinda spells you faggot

how 2 fix vlc looking so retarded?

Attached: vlc.png (1920x1080, 113K)

Round 2:
After spending 4 hours trying to install i3wm and having font scaling/resolution problems I'm going to try this shit again from the beginning.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-11 at 10.16.27.png (1276x1066, 125K)

If your OS was wiped for whatever reason, how long would it personally take you to get up and running again in the same capacity without suffering?

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by installing mpv

I literally just did that

lol... Of course two clicks in and already having to google for things to fix. Hanging during the install process. Why am I even wasting my time with this shit.

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For a build box or cloud lab maybe. Having to manually merge in config file updates all the time kind of blows for a server.

why do it on top of mint in the first place? if you just want to try it with an easy distro ubuntu has a minimal install iso that's a decent base to get an i3 setup started quickly

Try Manjaro Architect and select i3
ez and quick

Yeah just go for a minimal install. havign said that I had xfce, kde and gnome all installed at once. I installed i3 and was able to strip all the others away without any issues somehow.

Depends on the machine. Some minutes, some hours.

5 hours a fully riced i3 (did it yesterday)

how can i compile falkon browser

Whoops, posted in a dead thread.
Has anyone got a linux install working with a raven ridge 2200/2400G APU?
My bootkit's coming in tomorrow and I'd rather not fall for the microsoft meme on my new build, but I've heard that I need to have the latest kernel to get the display even working with one of these APUs.

Any openSUSE users here who gets their resolution changed after screen turns off?
I need help...

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Fuck you

This helped me:
Sudo rm -rf /

I found some people saying that :(){ : | : &};: will help, but it slowed down my computer and didn't helped...
Will this really help? If not I'm switching back to windows 10!

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:(){:|:&};: Is a meme in Linux akin to delete system32. It doesn't really help. sudo rm -rf / makes the resolution keep constant.
sudo makes the command work no matter what
rm refers to a system operation
-rf translates to -resolution fix
/ Takes the current resolution.


Oh... that makes sense. Gonna try this will report back with results later

Is i3 or any similar wm ever going to play nicely with kwin or any other KDE-compatible compositor?
I just want to have a TWM and a composited, accelerated desktop, will those 2 things ever go together?

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After I did an update on ubuntu I've apparently subscribed to some news outlets. I don't know how to remove this, it's annoying af, constant popups

does anyone know how to fix this?

>wait less then 10 minutes
Fuck your self

how do you get the pop ups, is it through a web browser or in the desktop

desktop. have looked through startup programs, nothing there that's out of the ordinary

run "apt list --installed >> packages.txt"
and post everything there in a pastepin

I've looked through it, there is nothing suggesting there that I've subscribed to anything. Do I have to reformat?

this is weird first time i hear someone getting malware on linux, can you provide a screencap of what kind of pop-ups you are getting

In wayland the wms are basically all accelerated compositors. Still doesn't mean twm will opt to do silly effects like kwin, but they might?

Can't seem to get automount to work. I'm running clover XFCE and thunar-volman doesn't seem to work. I have gvfs and udisk installed as well.

nvm i fixed it (i think so at least), i feel dumb as fuck. thank you for taking the time to help though, appreciate it


Installing. Texlive-fontsextra wrecks my archlinux memepad so bad it reboots mid-install and gives pacman PTSD. is this a common issue?

why don't you try to install it from the site. worked
w/o probs for me last week

i get "unkown cmake command 'qt5_wrap_ui'" i have no idea why dose it happen

>a window manager playing nicely along kwin
>a window manager playing nicely along a window manager

I can use a different wm in a different virtual console right?
Do I just need to configure a display manager with a session for each wm I'm gonna use?

Considering I use NixOS and do backups of my personal files including the nix config, I'd say it would take me about 15min to get my OS back up plus however long it would take to transfer my personal files over from the backup.

so I know I can push outputs to txt files by doing the following
echo "test" > output.txt

but is there a way to also push the command into the output.txt?

How is Steam performance with Wine on Archlinux? I have a T440p (with dGPU using bumblebee), would like to play EU4. On W10 it worked alright, so I'm supposing with Wine it would be a notch below that

dx9 and opengl support is bretty good
dx11 support works but its nowhere near perfect and complete.

If I use xfce and i3 and switch between them using display manager, is there a way for those two to use different gtk themes? Or do I have to create separate users for xfce and i3 in order to achieve this?

So.. Best simplistic/minimalistic irc clients?
The two suckless ones seem to just create fifos, that seems a bit two hardcore for me... Unless I create some scripts to deal with them I guess..

There are probably multiple ways, but one simple thing that comes to mind is just putting the theme switching code in each WM's session / rc / ... file (whatever you have run pre- or during WM startup).

>would like to play EU4
IIRC EU4 has a native linux build

> /u faglet/

isn't only a WM though, dickshit

It does have native linux client. PAradox developed games all have native linux clients. no need for wine.
And Steam also has a linux client.

Is Fedora a good next step after Ubuntu?

Been on ubuntu for about a year and I'ìm just looking for something that's stable and has more up-to-date packages but still semi-noob friendly and doesn't need babysitting.

Good luck using only the compositor of Kwin without the window manager, retard.

Good job finally understanding the question I asked a few hours ago, dickshit

I have a 120 Go SSD with Windows 7 (51 Go free space) and a 500 Go HDD
I would like to install Debian as my main OS since I don't use Windows that much.
What should I do in term of partitions?
Is it possible to partition my already half-full SSD?

Just shrink your windows partition and make one for your distro.

What´s the easiest linux distro?
I mean for a fucking retarded like me.


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fucking ubuntu
(will newfags ever stop asking this shit ffs)

Debian or ubuntu
But download debian
Ubuntu isn't really liked among our autistic community

>Ubuntu isn't really liked among our autistic community
speak for yourself, retard. all of us use it.

How i install i3 in debian?

I need a distro that isn't a piece of shit and isn't Arch, Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo, CentOS, Redhat, or Fedora.

apt-get install i3

>isn't a piece of shit
>isn't Gentoo
pick one, and only one newfriend

>doesn't even enable networking via Ethernet on the live distro so I can install it.

What are you looking for?

CentOS is my goto for somewhat shit to setup but unbreakable once running.

use chroot like a sane person

Something that
I can escape this accursed mouse pointer blinking.

>all of us use it.
Had no idea

Attached: 1519703801777.gif (350x262, 1.75M)

Doesn't werks ;_;

Is manjaro any good?

Worked for me minutes ago. Also

You are either baiting, retarded, don't have your apt configured properly or any combination of these.

Hmm that always works for me
Otherwise just compile it

Not him but you're a fucking retard, the metapackage is clearly in that link, i3-wm, if you had got it right the 1st time he wouldn't have asked.

I need a stable but not ancient Distro for werk. Pls halp


Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Grab software from ppas, backports and HWE kernel if you need newer versions.
Upgrade to 18.04 LTS 1-2 months after its release.

Gentoo you nigger cock

What the fuck are you even doing?
Save your dotfiles and don't install petabytes of packages jesus christ
Not that I know of. Are you using a custom-kernel?

So I got a rx 580 to replace my gtx 960, and the only thing that doesn't work is one of my displays.
Hardware is fine, it works under windows. It also works under grub and during boot up. Once gdm (on xorg) is up, the display stops working.
xrandr says the monitor is disconnected and monitor itself is not getting a signal.

I've tried swapping the cables and ports from the other two displays, this specific monitor won't work no matter what. I'm assuming there some xorg setting that's preventing it from working, any help?

Was my first time ricing i3, thats why.

post /var/log/X11/Xorg.0.log

Ofc it won't work out of the box
you need to replace the graphics driver

FIrst thing I did was uninstalled all the proprietary nvidia drivers and installed xf86-video-amdgpu driver. The other two monitors hooked up to the card work fine, its the third one that won't work.

I can post the logs, but it appears that xorg stopped logging after I swapped the cards. Weird.

Not sure if anyone will know how to do this.

When using bc
$ bc
another way I often use it is
$ echo 5+7 | bc
Does anyone know a command I could enter that would set bc to scale=5 (5 decimal places) and enter the arithmetic. Something like
>echo scale=5 5/3 | bc

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use a Here Document

From the man page:
In /bin/sh, the following will assign the value of "pi" to the shell variable pi.
pi=$(echo "scale=10; 4*a(1)" | bc -l)