Is this true?

Is this true?

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>tfw you used tinder like a "dating" app and no one told you its for hookups
feel like such a fool

speaking of fools, whoever doesnt put a condom in their ethernet port nowadays is one.
Cant imagine browsing without noscrip ublock and httpseverywhere.

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I study CS at a univeristy and use windows 10 and I am literally the smartest in my family and out of all of my highschool friends and I've never touched linux so no its not true at all I come on Sup Forums all the time and don't even know half the soyboy shit kek

No, this is true

Attached: microsoyboy.png (2418x800, 1.01M)

What is a soyboy?

apple's a soyboy platform basically.

I use Arch/window, a shitty acer laptop, a self built desk top, ublock, the new firefox, and sublime

I also have a girlfriend(male) so I don't need tinder

Enjoy getting your life sucked out of you by a roastie normies.

yeah sure whatever you say

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Steam is pretty soy.
Paid digital distribution of games, books, music, and TV shows/movies is the reddit of game, book, music, and TV show/movie distribution.

Attached: soyboy.jpg (640x908, 71K)

>studies CS
>doesn't use *nix
Have fun with CR LF

Just say you like sucking cocks, "her" penis is still a penis

Get a shower, microsoy

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I never sucked her cock oddly enough. She is getting a vagina in about six months so I just stick it in her ass or she gives me head. I honestly keep her junk locked up in a pink cage. Well she locks it up and I hold the key. I don't really touch her dick.

I mostly like her because she is smart, pretty, and acts like a woman who hasn't been corrupted by feminism.

Is this what you end up with if you use Arch?

Attached: contempt 5.jpg (406x480, 61K)


Is this bait?

She's not getting a vagina. She's getting an open wound and will have to take medications and perform weekly dialations for the rest of "her" life.

You can't even fuck it like a proper vagina. It's not self lubricating.

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I use arch for my own enjoy meant and enjoy breaking it to learn stuff. We use debian at work.

You can blame me learning python for meeting my girlfriend though. I meet her on the learn python discord channel and we hit it off.

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>She's not getting a vagina. She's getting an open wound and will have to take medications and perform weekly dialations for the rest of "her" life

Pretty close and I have been told if we have sex fairly often she doesn't need to stick the dildo in the vagina.

I think the doctor she is going to in thailand said it can make juice. I think his name is Doctor Chet.

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what are they?

Satanic trips wasted for obvious b8

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Is anarcho capitalism a part of anarchism? If so, isn't that a part of communism?

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pick one

>using speccy
heh, spotted the soyboy

Attached: Untitled.png (3840x1092, 1.29M)

If it can make juice then it's *literally* from the fucking colon.

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Communism => no hierarchy, no state govt. => anarchism
Stallinism is a conservative prevertion of socialism.

Communism is literally the statalization of the whole economy, are you retarded?

>clock speed
>800 MHz

It isn't the colon because I told her I didn't want to stick my dick in that.

She is loving though and we cuddle a lot. I am sorry you guys are so jelly of me.

Attached: 1494528144398.jpg (774x774, 325K)

It's obvious that you're trying to archieve pic related if not totally mimiking it.
Stop it

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It's live.

Attached: Untitled.png (742x651, 75K)

Add Kaspersky to the right side.

who is that gril in left bottom corner, what is the movie?

Attached: chomky.jpg (676x673, 131K)

Line endings on windows, unix like systems use only LF. That can cause you a lot of headache since most of academia software is made for unix and usualy there are only shitty ports for windows.
Thats why at my uni professors prepare linux VM images for just one program that we are going to use in class for those who only use windows. So stay away from windows for academia

okay, i laffed

chomsky loves israel in comparison to the united states


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>intel fanboys on suicide watch
why does intel need 1153% more employees?
oh, I know, marketing!

Attached: wtf.png (624x184, 5K)

And other social democrats out there?

>Stock prices
Take your stocks over to /biz/ my 8700k shits on a threadripper and it's a quarter the price.

On the left : Sup Forums
On the right : /normies/

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how the fuck is that even remotely relevant to technology, stop trying to detail the thread reddit. not even relevant to OP.

>Samefagging this hard
Your next response will be an edited web page. Don't try.

Sorry to see you having to provide life support to your garbage thread every hour, OP.

>being this delusional

Wtf. Move out and only two years later rent? Buy first house and only later earn aveage wage?
What kind of backwards dream is that?

>first kiss
>age 15

Attached: ff3.png (659x633, 67K)

>move out
>rent a home 2 years later
Am I supposed to live in the streets?