Pi-Hole thread

Pi-Hole thread

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dankpad x200 running pi-hole

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pi hole is awesome. i offloaded all of my ad blocking to a tiny VM, and now ublock origin in my browsers only really has to do cosmetic filtering. my phones get better battery now too

5% of all of my traffic was just ads, fuck that. also blocked malware too

I'm using it right now.

Any other recommendations? What else should I run on my Pi?

maybe openvpn server

>he needs a GUI to manage this when there's a fully featured CLI client

Yo this bait tastes like shit

Why not use a firewall?

Attached: pfBlockerNG.png (5605x3798, 2.28M)

Can you use that in a VM? How would the host system use it?

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Why not Pfsense?

Can I Pi hole run on a raspberry pi model b+?

it's pretty dated yeah, but I tried running it and pages took forever to load. Is it just dated hardware? Should I look for a newer model? thanks bros

can a* apologies it's early

No, seriously. Doesn't the virtual machine connection depend on the host?

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What's the point of peehoole if ublock does everything it does and more.
>inb4 smart TVs
Who the fuck browses from those.
>inb4 phones
Who the fuck browses from them at home.

A virtual machine can be configured with different types of networking. One of which can be a bridged connection directly to the same network the host is connected to, letting it do anything a real computer connected to the network could do, including be a router, DNS, DHCP, or any of that other shit, assuming the rest of the network is setup to work with it.

Yea, who wants to protect there entire network and increase performance. Dumb nerds.

Protect from what.

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Brainlets and hipsters. No particular reason.

No answer it is then. Same goes for my original post.

lol, see ya kid.

So... with bridge mode basically a same network card can be used to connect two computers?
There should be a downside about that.

It's typical freetard shit, no arguments, only autistic screeching because they are fedora tipping retards who think they have an IQ of 150.

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are you actually getting paid to shill or is this just remorse for setting it up and it being pretty much useless?

Nice b8, or do you really not understand the benefits of blocking ads and malware for your entire network?

I've been running it on a B+ for a couple years now, seems to work just fine

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Is it ad blocker analog?

Ads are better blocked at clients. Malware is not an issue. Are you running Windows or something?

Router doesn't support it

>malware is windows only
Why are linux and macfags in denial?

And you're wrong. Protecting your entire network with devices that may not have the same capabilities is better. Look up layered defense. This is entry level shit scrub.

The kind that can be blocked by pihole is Windows-only. All exploits for Linux are basically breaking out of browser's VM.

I'll give it another shot, anything specific in what you run?
I ran it with Debian previously

I use pfsense

No difference, but if you're using it as the only router it doesn't hurt I guess. Using it if you already have a router is simply retarded.

mandatory post

Attached: domains.png (804x487, 43K)

Why The Fuck Did I Buy A Raspberry Pi: The Thread.

How can malware not be blocked when blocking domains and or countries? How will the malware phone home when it can't connect?


How does that answer the question? I'm talking about firewalls not a browser.

I'm running it on the very first model B which ever came out. It does its job entirely fine. Some operations which probably need it to query whatever database it uses are kind of slow, but as a sort of thing which you just set up and it keeps on working it's absolutely great. No issues at all.

Good for normies with a raspberry pi to spare and using it for pretty much nothing else

This kind of malware won't be on present on non-Windows machines in the first place.

>and now ublock origin in my browsers only really has to do cosmetic filtering
This reveals you to be ignorant DESU. uBO does a lot more than block DNS entries. You should look into the functionality of the software you have installed.

malware domains. ublock and umatrix can block them on a browser level, but its even more secure to block those domains from even communicating with your network

Wtf are you talking about? You implied blocking malware on a firewall isnt needed because muh linux. That's a very bad way of thinking since it is possible and a firewall can stop the malware from phoning home. Layered defense is the best practice in network security user. There is no sane argument against it.

Then Routers already have a firewall, you're just replicating the existing functionality.

pfsense acts as my router too user...
pfsense is a lot more capable than a shitty router/AP point with a very basic firewall built in.
Where are you going with this?

I finished long ago. If it's a router, good for you, if it isn't, you're retarded.

lol, seems like you dont know much about networking since you were having a hard time understanding the benefits of blocking ads and malware for your entire network no matter what OS is used.
Defense in depth user, defense in depth.

If you have two things doing the same shit it won't increase your security, user.

Depends how its implemented, but thats not what defense in depth implies, user.

hey user can you share your block lists? you have a lot more than me

That's what having a router and a pihole implies though.

>R Pi ethernet limited to 100 Mbps

What if you have Internet connection faster than 100 Mbps?


Well let's break the problem down so we can better understand it user. So you define your Internet speed as greater than 100Mbps and the Raspberry Pi has a 100Mbps NIC, so therefore our ceiling is 100Mbps.

Fucking idiot

Use non shit hardware and use an actual firewall/router

Does not matter, DNS lookups do not eat that much bandwidth.
Have a 500/500 connection and it’s fine.

Is there any list of all google domains? I want even to break recaptcha.

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Application-level firewall with browser adblock is superior solution in every way.

Finally somebody who knows how this actually works...

"Configure your router’sDHCP optionsto force clients touse Pi-hole as their DNS server"
Somehow I do not trust this.

also will this not route all mt trafic via raspPi? It has shit network card and will slow everything down.

Widens the attack surface. I wouldn't do it for a router.

>do you really not understand the benefits of adding vulnerabilities and slowing down your entire network?

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By default the shitty router box your ISP gives you acts as a router, DHCP and DNS server.
Pihole will only be your local DNS server, the traffic from your host to the internet always has to go through the router.

It speeds up your network by blocking ads
It blocks possibly malicious ads

If you're that paranoid you could disable the webinterface and ssh, automatic repo updates and reboots.

Fuck ads, they're as dead to me as toolbars.

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Infoblox for the win I am afraid...