Isn't it perfection?
Isn't it perfection?
why watch someone playing game when you can play it by yourself
muh loonux
>watching someone else play
What are you,12?
no. prove that it is perfect, proving a negativ is virtually impossible.
kde still ugly as fuck
>Not doto
oh boy. looks like someone got triggered
why watching sport when you can do it by yourself?
>no KVM session anywhere to be spotted
you disgust me
I don't watch sport, I do it myself since thats whats fun about sport.
>i dont read books or watch movies cause fighting with aliens in real life is more fun
>i don't watch reviews because i am a millionaire who buys all the hardware
>fighting with aliens in real life is more fun
it is
what? having to watch other people play games because your os won't let you play them yourself?
or having to use an external program for video streaming because everything related to browsers runs like absolute dog shit in the grotesque mess that is the linux gui?
Kill yourself immediately
nice proofs, budderino
i watch streams in mpv on windows too, because i can seek back or pause a stream and contine watching when i want
>doesn't buy hardware to test it by yourself
What are you poorfag? I buy plenty of GPUs right now
>why do you watch people doing things that you can do in real life
suddenly becomes
>why do you watch people doing things that you can't do in real life
nice moving of the goal posts there, user
>can only watch other people play
>state of the art linux 'gaming' circa 2018
this is bait
So what is the sexiest and BEST desktop?
not even close, pal.
he Clock Too Big For He
Gotdamn Bar
>he does not live in a country which gives him the right to return online orders without any loss of money
pretty pathetic senpai
I would get arrested if I tried to walk onto a football stadium.
>has to watch other people play because is too dumb to install lutris
you get used to it
i can't afford a 10million car a race.
maximum kek
Why watch the worst version of dota, that doesn't even work on linux?
I get that it is less competitive than the other ones, but still.
i'm disgusted
>Using Breeze Dark with a panel shadow
You hear this a lot: "A thread died for this." While accurate, this phrase generally carries no weight. But just this once, if you would do me a favor and hear me out, it would do all of us a lot of good.
A. Thread. Died. For this. You woke up this morning, poured yourself a bowl of Faggot Flakes, moistened them with your impotent Faggot prostate milk (which IS in fact impotent, because you're a fucking faggot) and, within seconds, decided that today of all days would be the time you decide to cut your synapse firing quota by just a little too much.
So you hopped online, carved out this uninspired chicken scratch, probably failed the captcha once for every strand of peach fuzz on your half-empty sack, and clicked Submit.
At that moment, a thread died. A thread that could have been bumped. A thread that could have been resurrected with content, or valuable discourse between its denizens. Hell, it could've even been bumped for absolutely no reason. And that would've been okay. Because, had it survived, a few more seconds could have been spent without having had your abortion of a post been born in this world.
I live by that motto. Nothing worse then seeing other people play while you laze around
teemoo a cute OwO
linux has no games
Because ganoo slash loonix
Fuck off you dirty commie
He actually can't. Because he's on Loonix.
You're missing the anime girl wallpaper m8.
pc has the worst library of games. get a ps4
>those icons
use dwm
Satan is right.
Mostly 'competitive' multiplayer shit as of late.
he is a cuck
LoL works perfectly on wine and though
cuz he uses nogaems memeos
Why fuck my wife when I can watch someone do it?
Because he can't.
His computer is unable to play the game he is watching.
Just another benefit of being part of the GNU plus Linux master race.
>League of Legends
Grow up, kids.
>t. mactoddler
Why not watch someone play a game? Why read novels when you can write them yourselves? Why watch movies when you can make them yourself? Why read shitposts when you can write them yourself?
>be me
>go to klendathu
>watch my friends get turned into mush
>bugs tear people apart as they scream
>my arm is ripped in half
>they have to amputate all the way to the shoulder because my flesh is just shredded
>get a cybernetic arm
>join the roughnecks
>taking the fight back to the bugs
Stop pretending you read books and go back to playing with your toys.
I'd rather watch other people play with toys, thank you.
Linux doesn't support league of legends and their new launcher has made it impossible to install it through wine/PlayOnLinux. He can't play it unless he uses a KVM, another PC, or a dual boot.
Why let someone else compile packages when you can do it yourself? Install Gentoo!
>permad for fucking nothing
Not true tho
>league of legends
No it's not perfection. Why would anyone want to play a worse dota?
You can play both on Linux
GNOME is way better
>Join the federation
>fight the borg
>find out they are weak to regular bullets
>I get to cheeki breeki for the good of all mankind