Why does Sup Forums hates Sup Forums so much?

Why does Sup Forums hates Sup Forums so much?

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Because all video games are children's toys, manchild.

Proprietary software defenders.

Because Sup Forums spams on Sup Forums

Cringeworthy RGB gamer crap being shoved 24/7 by internet twinks on their faces.

Barely they know, Sup Forums also hate this shit and pretty much hate video games as well.

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Everybody hates Sup Forums. It's the most popular and the most underage-infested board.

Community full of manchilds and wannabe electronics/tech expert, just because you snapped in some boards like lego that doesn't make you one or an engineer.
Videogames are the reason malwares like windows are still considered ok

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because none of the boards like eachother even though most users post on more that one board

All ad hominem and muh malware without any actual argument
redditors unironically present sounder arguments

Because you defend using Windows.

Do you unironically suggest someone uses Linux or macos?

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I don't suggest anyone uses MacOS. But you should use a GNU+Linux distro.

>you should use a GNU+Linux distro

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What reason do you still have to use Windows?

enjoy shitware, normie

It isn't Linux?

I'm a professional developer, fuck me if I'm going to torture myself with subpar tools, shitty drivers that never work properly, and a divided community that will make your bad day worse

If you want to use Linux, fine, use Linux, it's an ok-ish OS. But fuck your righteous attitude where you think you're important enough to tell me what I should use for my shit

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Sup Forums is like Sup Forums's cute brother Sup Forums really admire his big bro while big bro doesn't really hate his younger brother but the fact he is his young brother just make him want to tease him

Enjoy your botnet. I'm sure Microsoft will be gentle with you.

Imagine having this much of a complex

Sopa de macos, uma delicia!

Also if you're using an AMD CPU, you're clearly a tasteless poorfag.

Unchecking a few options is too hard for you?

>developing on windows is better
are you a pajeet by any chance?

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How cute.

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underage, get the fuck out

What do you mean?
did that post show my inferiority complex

It's highly probably that I wrote code when you were in diapers

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Because while one certainly can argue and try to prove that Sup Forums is soyboys and manchildren, it goes with absolute certainty that Sup Forums is soyboys and manchildren, with no room for doubt or error.

Yet you're still a pajeet defending a shit tier OS.

Look! Mommy!! LOOK at ME!

I'm clicking on check boxes! Me l3 l33tz h4XX0rz lel!!

What do those words even mean? Soyboy, is that supposed to be an insult?

Man this place really went downhill

>good dev tools
>bloated pajeet studio
Who needs a 15+ GB fucking IDE. That's how much the OS should be max.

Most Sup Forums like to pretend they use their shit obscure Linux distro exclusively, even though I reckon 95% use Windows. Also gaming on Linux is shit.

Sup Forums is a shitvoid of 12 year old weebs sperging out over god awful Jap style games. It's infested with consolefags too

Why do a bunch of elitist cunts hate other elitist cunts?

Shill go

>man... the botnet gave me these buttons to disable the botnet, linuxfaggots btfo!

>use proprietary CPU
>use proprietary motherboard
>use proprietary graphics card
>use proprietary PSU
>use proprietary SSD and HDD
>use proprietary network card
>use proprietary router
>use proprietary keyboard and mouse
>uh but it's ok because I use Linux
Freetard logic 101

This. Loonixdrones should just kill themselves.

DELET THIS reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I use a Librebooted Thinkpad. What now?