should i?
Should i?
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you want to?
If yes, then;
Can you afford to?
If yes, then;
Sure, go ahead. Enjoy your new GPU.
its for mining bicoin
>limit: 2 per customer
this is bullshit
*GPUs. This glorious motherfucker is
gonna order 2 and SLI those bad Like what the other guy said, if you got the money, buy it
yeah i got the money. Its for mining bitcoin
It's able to fulfill the task you wish to perform with it. Therefore;
+why do you want an outsider to greenlight it? Its your money to do with as you please and at the end of the day you're the only one held accountable for it. If you want the GPU and can afford the GPU then get the GPU.
It's merely a matter of preference and no discussion can add anything of value.
why is it limited to 2 only?
Are you baiting, or are you really that stupid? You wont make any profit mining BTC. Mine ethereum or Zcash, Zencoin, or other shitcoins on this list
Because of faggots like OP.
OP here, pic related. I am going to build one like this. Already ordered my 2 fresh new Titan V
games on suicide watch
Nice bait. Its just like the bait that was posted yesterday, the day before and the day before. Seems like an original idea, you are really creative. Keep up the great le epic tr0lling mate.
You're not going to mine Bitcoin with GPUs in 2018.
why isn't everybody mining crypto currencies?
High electricity prices
whats wrong? Its called free market
>salty miner tears
Titan V's are designed for ML algorithms you retard
Happy miner here
because its highly polluting the environnment
>The thermal energy content of coal is 6,150 kWh/ton
>Coal power is about 33% efficient
>The 1080 uses 250w
that's 32.5kWh this thing uses so it uses
about 30 pounds of coal an hour or
4 grams a second
if you have to ask Sup Forums, the answer is yes.
it takes effort
Are you really happy ?
What are you gonna do when the crypto bubble pops?
>literally nothing
Because neets who know how to mine don't have the funds, and people who have the funds don't know what mining is
OP here
Just bought 2 x Nvidia Titan V
>continue order
no you didn't
Oh shit my card got rejected. Forgot to deposit my unemployment check.
Mining isn't really worth it in most places when you consider electricity prices and the time investment isn't as insignificant as most people think, especially when you have a full time job.
Also the time where you make big bucks like the bitcoin hype over the last ~2-3 years are gone, 99% of people are better off investing that time and money into their carreer for a better ROI.
literally had some dude heckle me at a brick&mortar because I bought up last three gtx 1080 ti's and he needed one for his gayming rig
heckin lmaoed at his face
let's be real for a moment
crypto is literally FREE MONEY
if you haven't hopped onto this train yet you're either a brainlet or dumb
dont like cryptofags but always a pleasure to see gaymer soyboys being butthurt for others taking away their toys
This Do people like you have a solid plan, or are you going to crash and burn?
Imma sell my used gpus to gaymers. Almost hitting ROI anyway so I don't really care if the gpus somehow catch fire and self destroy
> Almost hitting ROI anyway
Say tomorrow every crypto went -99.5% and all your GPUs spontaneously combusted. Does that mean you'd come out at a loss?
how many MH/s?
yes lmao he's fucking retarded
>duhh electricity is free but my money isnt
If I held yes, but I insta cashout weekly so I'd stay at a small loss given your circumstances. I keep a small part in XMR because I legitimally believe in that coin
Can you run Crysis?
I am going to be happy because I'll finally be able to buy a GPU.
>its for mining bicoin
why'd you buy a titan v instead of vega 64(s) then?
Wait a bit until the next price rise, what are you poor?
As much as you would like to delude yourself into believing that anybody cares about the environment at all, I can guarantee you that no one took the environment into account when deciding whether or not they should mine crypto.
>mining bitcoin in the current year
You will never earn enough to cover the price of these plus your electricity. Unless it's for hobby purposes in which case go for it, who cares. Time would be better spent mining alts though.
Yeah bro fucking do it bro c'mon
>Almost hitting ROI anyway so I don't really care if the gpus somehow catch fire and self destroy
You're to purposely sell faulty products to people acknowledging that they could catch fire and ruin that person's house on top of possibilities of people or their pets dying in a fire? And you don't think there will be any repercussions for your reckless deceptive sales or how that others like you will be selling them in mass causing oversaturation of a 2nd market of used gpu's?
Instead make a massive cluster of FM Towns computers and mine with em.
Maybe if you're using it for 3D rendering.
Dirty miners like you should be dragged out to the stteet and shot like the dogs you are. You sick fuckos use gpus as slaves for your own profit. Gpus where meant to play. I cant wiat til they outlaw graphics hardware abuse so big bubba can rape your asshole as you spend the last of your days rotting in a cell.
I know you're joking but Titan V doesn't have SLI connectors. It does support G-sync though, strangely.
Supposedly it's less efficient than a regular Titan X or even a 1080ti at mining, which in turn are less efficient than Vega/GTX1070/ti
You're wasting money
source pls
I feel the same way
Nice fucking link, retard.
If everyone does it you won't make money, if you faggots knew what you were doing you'd stay quiet.
What was your first setup like? I'd assume most of your initial profits went back into the rig, but what was the journal amount of USD, 5K, 10K down? I had a small setup last year, doubled my profit and sold, but I'm thinking about mining some shitcoins again this summer with a bit more serious setup.
pimax ready
>what was the initial amount
Yeah I'm shitposting in bed
How good is your security?
buy it completely worth the money make roi in like 5 days bro
You could make more money selling usage of your GPUs to render 3D animations or whathaveyou and you don't have to go through shady exchanges to get your native currency.