
ITT: Things involving technology that you consider to be a massive mistake.

Attached: mistake1.jpg (425x282, 20K)

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social media

Anonymous imageboards

closed source hardware
closed source software

thats all. nothing else

register based architectures

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Sup Forums

>Allowing normies on the interbutt

UNIX and everything remotely related to it.


Proprietary Software


ARM on mobile phones. We could have replaced laptops eons ago if ARM had never been slapped on phones by jews.

Attached: power_of_arm.webm (720x1280, 2.13M)

oracle database + its license structure

Where would you get the batteries from?

What would you prefer, lisp machines?


>da joos
>actually believes x86 is good for phones
You ain't the brightest tool in the shed, are you?

That's just it though, x86 processors are literally more energy efficient than ARM. We could have slim 1,000 mAh batteries instead of big bulky 3,000 mAh ones on our phones if x86 were used.

The always-connected conception of computers, and the inherent media consumption that followed.

Not to say that anything more than 80x25 single-task OSs in the home was a mistake, but, well...Is it really a PERSONAL computer if it's always part of a network far beyond yours or anyone else's control?

Android can literally run on x86 natively and benefit from the insane energy efficiency of x86 at 1-2 GHz.

4-core Atoms could have been used for low end stuff and core-m for high end stuff. It would have been amazing. But NO, now we just get emoji machines priced at $1,000+ that constantly overheat and thermal throttle.

>the notch
>headphone jack fuckery
>no SD card slot, "use le cloud instead goy"
>locked down phones
>consoles (locked down manchild devices)
>DRM in optical media and cables (and in general)
>botnet of things

I bet this can relate

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Western civilization

No, I'd prefer if Wirth made an OS. Either it is timeless and great or it would magically disappear the moment it was derprecated.

africans in western civilizations

Graphical Interfaces.

Attached: veve.jpg (640x795, 43K)

I'm white btw. I just don't like the way Jews built your precious civilization

but jews are middle eastern, and they didnt built western civ

It doesn't matter where they are from. They are and have been parasites since forever and you need to educate yourself



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u need to educate yourself
you believing yourself that jews built western civilization
its like believing that the intestinal worms made men

nordVPN commercials


Object oriented programming

came here to say this

tabs. it's basically just taking a function that should be performed by the window manager and implemented a special and incompatible version of it inside the program itself which can not be reached by any of the ordinary methods.

Attached: mistake.jpg (446x346, 57K)


This is bait right guys? why would you want the full x86 extended instruction set on a fucking phone? A reduced instruction set (RISC) is advantageous in power efficiency.

Windows 10.

>killed off small forums for public game server communities
>now being used as a substitute for Mumble/TeamSpeak in competitive gaming environments for some awful reason

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IPv4 almost had 48bit addressing

Not sure if you're ZC or BS but you're certainly a fucking racist and Hitler's enemy lmfao.

Attached: historical-perspectives.jpg (750x430, 126K)

Well, Windows 10 is currently implementing the tabs precisely the way you want them, user. I guess Microsoft is your Lord and Savior now.

Sony being proprietary turbo jews
>this could have been our future

Attached: minidisc stack.jpg (628x338, 21K)


OpenVMS or an opensource version of zOS

Codes of Conduct

What. Firefox, Edge, and other browsers support integrating the tabs into the taskbar, so not sure what you mean "by any of the ordinary methods" because that's very ordinary


women in tech

Consumer drones buying computers everything hardware and software wise now is designed to be terrible and break after a year and offers no options for customization or diy stuff. There's a reason thinkpads are popular.

no they don't. almost every browser has dropped support for that """"feature""""".

I bet you've never had a x86 androit tablet.
protip: they suck, badly, and their batteries don't last much. also, the more efficient core-m CPUs are much more expensive than ARM CPUs.

>they didnt built western civ
top kek

>t. intel marketing divison