If you want help: >State the budget & CURRENCY for your build >List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work >For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)
CPUs: >NO i5 7500/7600K or i7 7700/K. THEY ARE DEFUNCT AND SUPERSEDED BY COFFEE LAKE >NO R3 1200/1300X or R5 1400/1500X. THEY ARE DEFUNCT AND SUPERSEDED BY THE R3 2200G AND R5 2400G >G4560 - non-gaming (light tasks) or bare minimum gaming builds with a dedicated graphics card >R3 2200G - Budget builds (best with OC + fast RAM) or for gaming WITHOUT a graphics card >R5 1600 / i5 8400 - Great gaming (especially the i5 8400) or multithreaded use CPUs (especially the R5 1600) >R7 / Used Xeon / Threadripper / i7 - Heavy Multi-Tasking / VM Work / Mixed use
RAM: >Current CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3000-3200 MHz is ideal >Before buying RAM for Ryzen, check your Mobo's QVL or look for user reports
Graphics cards: >Crypto-Currency miners have driven GPU prices up (particularly Radeon) 1080p >MSRP of standard 1080p cards: 1050Ti, 140USD; 1060 3GB, $200; 1060 6GB, $230; RX 570 4GB, $170; RX 580 4GB, $200 >GTX 1070 if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match 1440p >GTX 1070/Ti and 1080 are standard choices; currently overpriced >GTX 1080Ti if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match 2160p (4K) >GTX 1080Ti
General: >PLAN YOUR BUILD AROUND YOUR MONITOR IF GAMING >A 240GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor
What is the next desktop CPUs from intel? Cannonlake or Ice lake? As in what are the next CPUs that will work in a Z370 motherboard? Also what are the next Enthusiast (X Series) CPUs from Intel?
Colton King
Ice Lake, launching early next year. Cannon Lake was supposed to come out this year, but it's now mobile only and already launched. Coffee Lake was also supposed to launch this year (next month, in fact).
Kevin Davis
Thanks buddy seems Intel is going to keep on jewing. I don't even see an i7 for this Coffee lake-S
Is it known if Ice Lake will work with Z370? Damn, thanks for the help
Henry Powell
Ice Lake will work with LGA1151. In fact, LGA1151 support has so far lasted about 4 years going on 5 (Skylake to Ice Lake). The same can't be said for any AMD sockets (not counting AM3+, because the last CPU launched for it was in 2013).
Camden Nguyen
Some user said he found a 50 inch, 4K, HDR TV with real 120Hz (not the fake kind where the back-light flashes at 120Hz or the screen simulates in-between images) for under 500$ at Costco. Can anybody corroborate this? I don't see it.
Probably one of those TCL TVs, they're legit. I wish they sold outside of burgerland.
Robert Baker
How's the response time?
Isaac Peterson
That's some low quality shilling, Pajeet. It's not even close to three years since the first LGA 1151 boards hit the market (August 2015) and of course Coffee Lake isn't compatible with 100 or 200 series motherboards, making the number of pins the socket has completely irrelevant (and they're not even physically the same in terms of pinout).
Connor Lewis
This better be bait, you fucking retard. LGA1151v1 and v2 may as well be different sockets because Coffee doesn't work on 100 or 200 series chipsets
I'm tempted to get this one because its so cheap but at the same time I want to be restrictive and save for a super specced out monitor. But I do want to see if 32" monitors are for me and I could just sell it afterwards when I upgrade since its a bad monitor in the long term (panel is underwhelming, no vesa support, not 4K, overall not the greatest monitor for media consumption).
Right now I have a 144hz TN 24" that I plan to keep.
Should I?
They are legit but the cables don't support 4K at 120hz.
You will have to choose between 4K 60hz or 1080p 120hz. Linus did a video of it like last week.
He's probably the most annoying faggot on earth Besides that his channel content is shit
Xavier Harris
Yup. Jealous. Jealous of his good looks, his money or perhaps how popular he is? Maybe all three?
Logan James
I'm still on i5 4670k and gtx660. I wanted to wait until AMD/Intel's 10nm cpus but alas it will be a long time till then. I'd rather wait for a year 2bh. I don't really play many games on PC nowadays. Although, I'd love to play Arma 3 on max and at 60fps+.
I want to build a FreeNAS server around the Asus PRIME J3355I-C.
So all I need is: *4GB DDR3 (cheap from auction sites) *M.2 drive (any will do, right?) *HDD(s) for the files to be backed up from my desktop *PicoPSU or regular PSU (which one is best?)
>2 x 250 GB SATA SSD >1 x 500 GB SATA SSD >1 x 4 TB HDD I'm going to be running Windows 7. How should I set everything up? I'll be using this machine mostly for gaming and working with VMware Workstation Pro.
Luis Gonzalez
TCL uses that in-between frame tech to get "120hz" at a native 60hz IIRC.
Aiden Watson
>t. linus He's gay with an ugly wife. Hell no I'm not envious
You need a better graphics card more than a better CPU. If you want to play ARMA3 on max you'd probably need a heavy OC on your i5 or maybe even a 4770K with an OC, plus the new graphics card
Nicholas Myers
Kohai, don't be retarded.
> M.2 drive (any will do, right?) If you really want to use M.2 for file server (I don't see a point), then at least buy NVMe instead of SATA. The trick is that both flavours are available as M.2 and clueless retards buy SATA M.2 often. Then, if you really want it to provide any kind of benefit for your NAS, make sure to configure it as cache for your slow HDDs (not sure if that's possible in FreeNAS though, in plain Linux yes).
> PicoPSU Not for HDDs! Go for regular PSU.
Gavin Jones
>If you really want to use M.2 for file server (I don't see a point) The point is to save space (no need for cables etc.) in a mini-itx case, senpai desu.
>then at least buy NVMe instead of SATA. I only plan for it to be a NAS drive that is a 'slave' to my desktop PC for regular file backups.
Prices for NVMe M.2s are rather high, senpai, but if you think it will make the difference...
Yes. From what I understand if you're playing below 1080p you're better off with Intel, but is good
Josiah Brooks
Or maybe I could just use a USB stick as the boot drive instead desu.
Jaxson Morris
I'm only upgrading my gpu, not building a full rig tho
Michael Stewart
>From what I understand if you're playing below 1080p you're better off with Intel Those benchmarks are just designed to remove the bottleneck from a super high end graphics card as much as possible. They don't apply to that guy who's getting a low end card
Ryan Price
All of TCL's TVs are native 60Hz panels with optional frame interpolation, which is useless for gay men since it adds tons of input lag. You have to pay significantly more for a TV like the X900E to get a native 120Hz panel (all of which can only do 120Hz at 1080p or below).
> NVMe vs SATA in a fileserver Kohai. Your bottleneck will be network bandwidth anyway (single 1GBit interface in that ASUS Prime).
When it comes to accessing block devices, Unix-likes are caching in RAM very aggressively.
So the question is whether you really want to see any improvement by installing SSD. If you want, then go for the best available, since limiting factor will be access time rather than bandwidth (that is limited by the network card anyway).
If you think of buying SSD just to install the OS, don't waste money, you might as well put it on the HDD (FreeNAS supports installation on the same device that is used to store the data, right?).
Lincoln Cook
@65065148 >letting AMD live in your head rent free BASED
Jason Davis
>@ Got a chuckle out of me, user. Thanks for that.
Michael Johnson
Why is this general allowed to be made by someone who is so obviously biased in favor of AMD's hardware? I would expect more professionalism from a board so technically inclined as this(allegedly hehe)
Juan Hernandez
I'm pretty sure LG is the only company that offers 4k/120Hz TV's so far. HDMI 2.1 isn't out yet though so you can't actually connect anything to it though.
Austin Reyes
>AMD for multitasking >Intel for gaymen Fucking stop. The i5 8400 is more than good enough to run a game and do rendering in the background. You are not some project manager running 60 VMs & rendering software.
Cheap Coffee Lake mobos still aren't out yet. By the time Intel finally launches Coffee Lake "for real" we're going to get a Ryzen refresh with higher clocks, closing the gap for gaming. I don't get why Intel is so fucking retarded.
Colton Peterson
I have a g3258 and a 770. I have some expendable income now and wanted to update my cpu and gpu but gpu prices are so high right now I think Ill stick to my 770. But my cpu is holding me back. Whats a good cpu for my socket. Something not too expensive since I wont be able to oc it.
Jace Barnes
>R5 1600 / i5 8400 - Great gaming (especially the i5 8400) or multithreaded use CPUs (especially the R5 1600) Alright, this shit needs to stop. Most creative or modeling software do not take advantage of more than 6 THREADS (not cores, you fuckwits). That means that your best option for multitasking is any CPU that has 6 threads with the highest IPC and clock speed possible. This means that Ryzen 1600 goes into the fucking garbage while the Core i5-8400 comes out on top of the shit heap.
There is absoluetely ZERO excuse to justify getting a 1600 over an 8400, especially now that the H310 motherboards are about to launch.
Nathaniel Wilson
intel > amd
Samuel Scott
>intel shills doing their thing as usual Is the pay really that good?
Jacob Reed
>we're going to get a Ryzen refresh with higher clocks, closing the gap for gaming >gaymen Even AMD's leaked slides admit that Ryzen+ is going to be ~7% worse than Coffee Lake, so why pay the same money for an objectively worse processor on a gimped socket?
Nolan Perry
they do it for free
Wyatt Rodriguez
>H310 motherboards are about to launch Citation needed. There is not a single confirmed release date from any manufacturer. Speculations keep jumping up a month. It could be fucking May for all we know. And by then Ryzen refresh will have already been out with B350 boards
Aaron Bennett
There's more amd shill on Sup Forums than anything though, so I imagine they must be getting some sweet pensions.
Hunter Walker
>(FreeNAS supports installation on the same device that is used to store the data, right?).
This is where I'm a brainlet, senpai. Do Linux-based NAS OSs support that?
I can say with 100% certainty that Ice lake will not be compatible with Z170, Z270 or Z370. Intel always aligns a socket change with a new uarch change, it's been over a decade since the last time you could have two different uarch's on the same board. It would be a monumental act of good will for Intel to make Ice Lake backwards compatible, which is just wishful thinking.
Anthony Watson
>goofy ass lanket >stereotypical chink for a wife >Tom's Hardware and Austin Evans are better in every way
Samuel Edwards
>Why is this general allowed to be made by someone who is so obviously biased in favor of AMD's hardware? It's not though. What's biased toward AMD hardware?
Stop with the spam
Haswell i5 like the 4670
Gabriel Harris
What fun shit can I do with this motherboard and its many USB ports?
Asher Murphy
>only one (You) Hello Mr. Shiposter!
Aiden Robinson
Thank you for the (You)
Carson Martin
>an indian hardware enthusiast is unable to comprehend there are numerous people who prefer intel cpus
>What's biased toward AMD hardware? Recommending any Ryzen CPU when Coffee Lake does everything significantly better in the real world. Here's you're (You)
David Smith
Have we recieved any news of the clock speed specs for the Ryzen Zen+ processors coming out in april?
Jaxon Thompson
Thinking on buying a cheap 120hz monitor with free-sync from a friend to plug it to a 1070GTX, can I just use adaptive sync? how bad it's gonna be?
>Sup Forums ever liking poozen Hello Mr. AMD Shillmaster Shekelberger!
Jack Nguyen
>significantly better >at a 36-50% higher price
Angel Kelly
Zen can now go from 3.9-4.1GHz to 4.1-4.3GHz Or literally worse improvements since Intel rereleased Haswell in 2014.
Ayden Brown
All right guys, enough with the cpu shitt, lets get back to the "bg" of Pcbg
Elijah Smith
So many intel jews in this thread
Liam White
There's rumors for 4.2, I'd imagine 4.3 max.
Ryder Butler
IDK about FreeNAS, but plain Linux and most other Unix-likes do support that without a hassle.
Aiden Wright
Reo that fucking shill OP or this thread gets shitposted to bump limit
Charles Bell
Am I going insane? Did the GTX 1070 just go up in price?
Wyatt Taylor
what are you even saying? whats wrong with OP?
Alexander Wood
he is infatuated with poozed cpus
Juan Fisher
As of right now AMD seems a better choice. Cheaper mobos that will last untill 2020 and unlocked cpu. Even the benchmarks i saw seems to run smoother on 1600. Things could change in the near future
Luis Sanchez
No, you can't. Freesync/Gsync is only really useful around 60fps anyways, if you're targeting 120fps you won't notice a difference.
Daniel Jones
as compared to what, 8400? cite your sources
Eli Cox
>Austin Evans are better in every way Hello soy.
William Fisher
Also I wouldn't really recommend the G4560 right now, since it's being replace by a 300 series Pentium soon.
Aiden Anderson
thats just all the op's just ignore him and help peple
Jeremiah James
Pentiums are very short term picks, nice for a year
Angel Rogers
Nvidia/amd gpu on a freesync/gsync monitor is same as a not having it at all. It does not make it any worse. And yes, you can use adaptive sync in Nvidia control panel since it is a driver feature that just switches vsync on when at monitor's refresh rate to reduce tearing and turns it off when the fps is lower.
Mason Cox
Stop drinking the Kool-aid >As of right now AMD seems a better choice Let me tuck your sweet ass in, sonny >Cheaper mobos with less features, lower quality parts, and soon to be matched by H310/B360 motherboards which will undercut B350/B450 and still have more features (apart from overclocking, which almost none of the cheap B350 are adept at doing). Also, you need to buy significantly more expensive RAM in order to make Ryzen even remotely competitive with Coffee Lake. DDR4-3200 is the bare minimum speed you need to come for a Ryzen 1600 at 3.9 on all cores to get 90% of a Core i5-8400's single threaded IPC. And of course there's this whole issue of most DDR4-2666+ memory kits not working at their advertised speed unless you bought a $100+ B350 or X370 motherboard... >last untill 2020 And fuck over anyone who kept their old motherboard by locking out features in the newer CPUs (like XFR2.0 in Ryzen 2). Also, there is no guarantee that AM4 will support Zen 2. Remember what happened with AM1? >unlocked cpu You need an unlocked CPU for Zen just to catch up with a stock clock Coffee Lake, and even then it's not enough to compete. >Even the benchmarks i saw seems to run smoother on 1600 Can you prove that with solid numbers? No? Then it's invalid >Things could change in the near future Multi-threaded support stops after 6 threads for compatibility reasons with older operating systems. That's never going to change.
Leo Carter
Ok guys. I have quite of a big problem. I purchased a r3 2200g, asked for a bootkit and updated bios of my mobo and put inside r3. My conf is: R3 2200g Asrock b350m pro4 8 gb random value ddr4 memory Gtx 670. As soon as i start the pc with the nvidia connected it will freeze after some time. The screen frezes, event viewer tell me nvdrivers crashed and anything apart from audio won't work. So i tried the gpu in another pc and it works fine. I said, ok. Let's try with the APU only. Same freezes. Then i said let's move on the bootkit cpu. With the A8 9600 it will freeze only with gpu in the first slot of the mobo. Without dGPU it runs ok. What the actual fuck? The GPU is working fine. The A8 APU only works with no dGPU Ryzen 3 2200g is not working in any possible way. At first i was pointing my finger at the mobo, but it shouldn't work with A8 too... Any suggestion?
Nathaniel Thompson
>You need an unlocked CPU for Zen just to catch up with a stock clock Coffee Lake, and even then it's not enough to compete.
Id say your right on the first part, but after OC they are fairly evenly matched
Noah Collins
>after OC they are fairly evenly matched Bullshit. Show me the numbers.
Jack Davis
Seems kinda weird that AMD isn't releasing a 2500X or 2300X. >Hurr 2200G and 2400G is all they need No it's not, the APU's aren't soldered and the ones without integrated graphics are. It's probably not a big deal for the 4C/4T ones but I can totally see someone wanting a 4C/8T CPU with solder.
Jack Brooks
Why would you want Zen CPUs without iGPUs? The only saving grace of the entire Zen line-up is the APUs because what they fall short on CPU power, they make up for in graphics (although a sub $100 GT1030 puts that to shame...).
Wyatt Reyes
Did you install Windows from scratch? Sounds like you have conflicting drivers.
Juan Torres
Yes I did. I also tested rams too with memtest and they are fine. Also Turned on performance mode on windows to avoid any problem with power plans
Nicholas Watson
>less features >lower quality parts that is entirely dependent on manufacturer and both amd and intel boards suffer from it. if were comparing boards with similar features (sans intel specific shit) and quality then amd boards are still noticeably cheaper
Ryder Jenkins
Are there any new BIOS' on the motherboard manufacturer's website? I know they had to release multiple versions to fix crashes and bugs, try updating to the newest one.
Liam Collins
R7 Vs threadripper.
Obviously threadripper is the better of the two, but a huge jump in terms of money.
Will an R7 be ok for having 2-3 VMs running concurrently?
Zachary Cox
Updated to newer version that came out couple of days ago. Ryzen APUs are supported since 4.30 i updated to 4.50 and then to 4.70. Nothing changed