How can I prove my ISP is throttling me? I pay for 3 megabit down ($50 a month)...

How can I prove my ISP is throttling me? I pay for 3 megabit down ($50 a month), but hardly see more than 1 megabit down.

I complained to the FCC, and it was "fixed" for a few days and I was getting closer to 4-6 megabits down. Now it's back down to where it was now that the FCC investigation ended.

It is unusable after 7pm (like uploading a 1 megabit file to google drive is nigh impossible, and speed tests don't register, or captcha thinks it's not connected to the internet most of the time). No one else is on my network.

I am told a VPN may offset any throttle, but how would that be since such a thing would be as fast as it's slowest connection.

Attached: article-0-0BE824F400000578-859_468x339.jpg (468x339, 36K)

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you could have shitty copper in your home, it could be too many people using the web in your internet, you might have some type of malware... it could be anything

It's called congestion.

>I am told a VPN may offset any throttle, but how would that be since such a thing would be as fast as it's slowest connection.
Can work if your ISP only throttles certain kind of traffic

if its wireless then relocate your router, change channel, etc.

also 50 bucks for 3 megabits/s? thats a lot for a really low speed. consider switching ISP's

holy shit user, I'm in brazil and I pay $40 a month for 60 megabit

Yea I figured it was bad bad bad congestion. But the fact they were able to deliver faster than what I pay for then goes down to 1 megabit and lower since worries me.

I use Ethernet...and I can't change ISPs. There are no others. My only other option is to tether a 4G connection (not LTE, since there is no LTE coverage here).

I suspected bad copper, I have since replaced the phone lines within the house with good ones as a precaution. I know I don't have malware, or anything obvious.

I pay the same for 1 gbits...

what do you mean there are no others? where the fuck do you live?

If there was a bright center of America, I live in an area where it'd be the farthest from.

(Southern Michigan)

how the fuck do you manage to get ripped off so badly?

I know that feel OP I pay for 10 mb down and am lucky to get more than 1. Only one ISP available where I live unless I want satellite. Sometimes when I'm on /gif/ trying to fap webms will only play a few seconds at a time then buffer for 10 minutes and I get fed up and just go on my phone instead. It's sad when my cell phone gets better internet than the fastest service my ISP can provide.

literally anywhere that isn't part of a large city's metropolitan area in the US

Lemmie, guess? Frontier?

Price you pay to lie about living in a 'free' country.

How about the VPN thing. If my ISP is serving me 1 megabit down, how would a VPN improve things?

holy shit, for a developed country, the tech is shitty in US. I pay 17 euros for 500Mbps+TV in eastern Europe

Attached: trans-oceanic-knowledge-exchange-general-discussion-17th-shard[1].jpg (578x392, 96K)

I really don't get burgers, i also live in south spicland, really away from the capital and pay usd 25 for 50 megabit, and if i want 100 megabit it's just usd 10 more, even when here they always shit on the customer.

We also had the tech sooner, and it'd be very expensive to upgrade the old systems. This is why we used NTSC in the free world, rather than PAL.

The US is a hell of a lot larger than your third world shithole

also, this

Attached: us-population-density[1].png (1280x919, 927K)

Where does OP live?

Holy fuck i pay $20/mo for 500 Mbit/s, stop living in third world country

How are your taxes?

Fucked for other reasons (corruption, mainly). Internet is taxed to 18% (included in that $20) so thats pretty fine still. No taxes are spent at telcos, if you were getting at that.


A VPN encrypts all your traffic through a single connection, circumventing your ISPs ability to throttle based on content or who you're getting it from. It only works if certain kinds of data is being throttled, not if your connection sucks to begin with.

>[start throttling the VPNs too]
heh, nothing personnel kid

How big is your nation's military?
It just isn't cost effective then :P

Yea, I tried satellite (exede) and they throttled VPNs to nothing.

Because you are paying for UP TO*

enterprise internet is more costly, but will meet what you sign up for.

How does that work? Does a VPN connection have a unique fingerprint? I thought it looked like any other encrypted TCP stream. Or are they only throttling known VPN hosts?

I don't like that *up to* BS clause. It protects ISPs from litigation for failing to deliver a product.

yeah of course it does.. but if you have a 10gig link in the ground, of course you are going to over subscribe the bandwidth because you know not everyone will be online at the same time using their maximum... some old granny is going to be checking email and the kid next door is watching Summit getting wrecked and freaking out on twitch

Why not tether your phone at that point?

Well, there are some indicators of the initial handshake with deep packet inspection, also OpenVPN by default uses UDP. However with just configuring it to use TCP 443 you circumvent 99.99% of systems.

Data Caps? Even unlimited is capped at 23GB, then you are placed at the bottom of the priority list, so if things get heavy, you get throttled.

I think at that point I'd still prefer the faster option and just avoid bandwidth heavy stuff. Can you even download more than 23GB in a month on 1 Mbit?

I lived in the mountains and tethered ATT to my home network through a VPN for about a year. It gave me a consistent ~3mb/s regardless of how far over the 22GB data cap I went. Not bad if you have no other options.




You get nothing

Pretty much. 1 megabit is the highest. I've seen it as low as .003 Megabit.

Torrent download/upload speeds. Speeds can vary depending who you are connected too.