Floens come back. We're sorry. ;_;
Other urls found in this thread:
works on my galaxy s6
I still use it
it works so whatever
Hmmm. Note 8
Works fine on my machine :)
Werks for me
What happened? Still using it.
Is there a client that supports flags?
>not using the pure black theme on amoled screens
stop browsing Sup Forums and Sup Forums you mouthbreather
Also Note 8. How'd you get that font?
I'm just really busy. I'll work on Clover again in a few weeks.
>not using pure black theme on lcd screen
Try the Dev mode
Clover Dev edition still gets weekly updates niggers
Dumb question, but is there any way you can use split mode where it splits the screen horizontally instead of vertically?
Hi. Btw did you guys know that if you hit two thumbnails at the same time both of them open? Cool little bug.
wait whats going on, is it not supposed to work?
Using it on my one plus 3t
Same desu
can i pls just get a good Sup Forums app for stock ios
Stop being gay lmao
Pixel 2 XL
Fucking dumb phone posters.
wen eta jb pls IN INDIA WE ARE WAITING
would be better if the text was darker tbqh
Galaxy S8
Works on my note 7
I'm using the dev build but how do I get WebMs to play? It shows nothing for me, even though it acts as if its playing something
Ancient Galaxy Note 2 with Resurrection Remix
The catalog needs to refresh every time you hit the back button. I keep bumping old posts
I remember somebody suggesting something to fix webms in here but I forgot and ended up reinstalling clover. There is a way
Works with 3 thumbnails too.
It also needs to clearly warn you near the text box when you're typing out a post in a thread that's 404'd.
Anyone getting problems with showing images?
how is this not a meme at this point lmao
Pmed you the fix
sent from cloverâ„¢ app
>we're sorry
No we're fucking not.
>not being Sup Forums Sup Forums /fit/ Sup Forums master race
works on my s5 and kyocera hydro phone
>meme race
real master race is Sup Forums /fit/ /diy/ /ck/
no, Sup Forums Sup Forums /jp/ Sup Forums
I'm very sad. I made the mistake of adding another imageboard to Clover. But even if I remove the boards, the site remains.
>Failed to show image
>Failed to show image
>Failed to show image
>Failed to show image
Every fucking picture
Not using red and green theme on ips screen
Just clear data?
Is there a clover fork for multiple image/text boards? I don't want to install more than one and clover is the best.
Live with the times
>Sup Forums
get out
The price of FOSS software. Next time you'll finally learn to use the proprietary software that you resent so much.
Then pay for it.
Just admit that you're poor, or retarded. If you're so adamant on using that particular service or feature, either you pay for it, or you work your ass off and create it. It's that simple really. Why won't you do it? Because you're a lazy communist piece of shit. But then you'll go complaining about Google/Firefox being SJW-friendly and all that. Give them your money instead of taking everything for granted, because those people at least had the decency and presence of mind to reinforce their worldview by funding companies who gave them support in exchange of money. It's that simple, really.
>after months of seeing shill threads here, i finally install dashchan
>quite decent
>some updates needed
>forward to 8 months later
>still waiting
where is the dashchan fag? and why he doesn't update his app? I am considering going back to floens.apk
Have you considered killing yourself?It'd be beneficial to your mental health
Anime website
Sup Forums is just Sup Forums but with more technology
>where is the dashchan fag? and why he doesn't update his app?
maybe he figured out that working for free is a shitty job. especially if the users are entitled retards like you who take everything for granted
Am I missing something here? Using an s5 btw
Not even able to provide a valid answer to refute my claims. Sad state of affairs... It's only a guess, but would you happen to be under 18? Unemployed?
pretty much this. people are lazy entitled idiots. /thread
>just be a slave already lmao why would you want to be free
free as in freedom =/= free as in free beer
>entitled retards like you who take everything for granted
why am I entitled, for asking about an app development in this forum?
Also also
>but muhh data collection
>then pay for it
>implying i.e. windows is free
>just be a slave already lmao why would you want to be free
Retard. I just told you that if you didn't like the current situation you'd just have to work your way out of this by creating YOURSELF, BY YOUR OWN EFFORTS (a word probably unknown to an entitled manchild like you) a software with said features.
And may I remind you that you're blindly believing in a so called freedom while you're under the control of your internet/Sup Forums addiction to the point of complaining in Clover threads. Just unplug yourself if it doesn't work on your pajeeted android device and do something productive already.
Based corporate shill poster
You are actually right, but i was reffering to what you said at the top, sorry, i was too lazy to read entire post
whoa are you me?
>replace /fit/ with Sup Forums+/biz/
> *shits on clover*
I can't provide a valid answer to a retarded statement that has never been valid, and your autism has been confirmed by the underage and unemployed maymay. Thanks for proving my point
What is
>"FOSS software"?
>as if Sup Forums isn't a free service
>ad-hominem retort against foss
>implying proprietary software isn't botnet when paid for
>like all foss, firefox is still foss with donations
I'll pay if I have to, but you're dumb as fuck for paying for what could be free service. I have Firefox extensions to block corporate shilling, but you are just a walking sellout; literal Facebook-tier.
>no (you) notification
For anyone complaining about a lack of updates, see this post
I pay for FOSS through donations, but I won't buy into glorified botnets being marketed as services when there are better and free alternatives. Shill brainwashing elsewhere, you gullible cunt.
>latest commit by Floens 19 days ago
You were saying? Anyway, although OP is a foggot, I don't blame him for thinking Floens has abandoned us.
I see your issue, but 19 days from the latest dev release is a whole lot better than 8 months from the stable release (which the majority of Sup Forums probably uses)
What even is there to commit in a glorified Sup Forums reader? Not much activity should be expected. Anyone can contribute; fix what you're complaining about and get off his back.
That's so ugly
Mishiranu 4 lyf
This. But don't forget we're on Sup Forums and specifically on Sup Forums where people are entitled and think we have to spoonfeed them everything. I hate those people with such a passion
>proprietary software
What is retarded about his statements outside of the bullshit on "buy and there won't be botnet"? He's on point. Anons are acting like beggars for an already free product
Show me a client that supports flags, i will buy it.
wow that's actually really gross
It looks best in teal
Adobe is free
>light theme
Most of them are just saying that there are bugs in the app, contributing to the final product, and that's a thing that, as a developer, I'd really appreciate. Asking for free as in code publicly available is not mandatory for me, but it's a nice thing because in some contexts I really care about my privacy, especially now that we're living in a world where police officers have smart glasses with face recognition that can be used to track every single movement. I'm not a freetard like the average Sup Forums poster, but shitting on free software without any valid reason is retarded
It's literally never been free, not as in beer neither as in freedom
Contributors that go uncredited by its' users, that is the only valid reason to shit on FOSS; by this thread for example.
Fucking hell just use everychan you retards
It has everything you need and is FOSS
Not on fdroid
Anyone knows the structure of the code? How would I go adding a right side sliding bar? I've only done some Android dev, but I hate the xml gui thing.
what did we do
Of those boards only /fit/ has "master race" potentinal.
we bullied her for not wanting to add (You) counter
Why tf does everyone have a big ass font
I use Mimi
>Sup Forums masterrace?
How to show netspeed in status bar?