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released May 20, 2016
I need more black metal with intros like this
stop shilling for your band neo-chuck
Favorite Black Metal album/EP under 30 minutes?
yes I am in Gruesome
*tips deerstalker*
Probably this, though the single release of Mass Grave Aesthetics by Deathspell Omega comes close.
why is there no good black metal outside of mayhem, darkthrone, bathory, ulver and burzum
Because you're an entry level pleb
Because you're like 14 and just read the Wikipedia page on black metal
because you dont know what good black metal is
keep critizing me. honestly ive checked out a lot of black metal albums but nothing hit me as hard as these bands do
You're not only baby tier in metal, but baby tier in music period.
well mayhem was moty 2014
here's moty 2015
thanks ill check the rest of this album out
my pleasure, hope you like it half as much as I do
Sup Forums here
who is the peter molyneux of metal?
Thought this was bretty gud, but I've only started on my black metal journey. Any recs similar/better etc?
varathron are so underrated (yes i posted this in the last thread, but it's fantastic)
Best nsbm band?
I need a new folk metal album to listen to. Gimme a good entry folk metal album. Please
did you listen to both of Wodensthrone albums yet
DsO need to stick with the concept EPs. Kenose is fantastic
You just read off the most common black metal bands who happen to be very overrated and suck. Fucking autist.
>36 minutes of blast beats
which one? both? There's a lot more going on there but yes they're both filled with them.
they dont suck. you FUCKING loser. you fucking piece of garbage
bathory isn't even good
FUCKING piece of shit
You are gay and probably suck dick perhaps even your own
Cruelty and the Beast is a gem and Dani's lyrics are very impressive.
It's about time we all acknowledged that.
things i like about bathory:
-slammy oldschool style
-decent comfortable heavy tempo
-occasional great riffs
things that suck about bathory:
-not enough riffs
-songs sound the same, even across different albums
-vocals border on mediocre
This is GOAT. The only criticism I've heard it that "REEEEEEEEE! PITCHFORK LIKED IT!"
i like their demo better
>being more of a hipster than the band itself
What is the shittiest thing you've heard in recent memory?
They got that 40 watt sun/warning guitar tone, it's really nice. The Gloomy Sunday cover is pretty great. Debut album was the best though.
it's time to physically remove yourself from the world, user
6 years ago this was the first black metal album i've heard:
i revisited it a while ago and it made me wonder why i didn't categorically dismiss the genre from the start
im pretty tired of being called a hipster for liking things different from others. the demo is good, Ive listened to other releases and like it the best. Must you be so bothered by that?
ya RIGHT nerd that shit OWNS
>Sweden protest after three mosque fires in one week
swedish police are known for being the weakest cucks of europe
Now that's a campaign I can get with.
What are you listening to?
real grim shit
What is djent metal and how do i into it
you don't
djent is chugs with pretentious scifi imagery
I havent heard the brand new one yet
1: buy an Ibanez 8-string tuned to Drop A
2: buy some wood polish to keep the neck of your 8-string looking sleek and clean
3: be absolutely sure you want to djent
4: drink the wood polish
>Sithu Ayyyy
He's brogressive metal
that post is so perfect it's worth putting on your resumé
tags: djent instrumental melodic metal progressive metal rock Glasgow
definitive bedroom djent
8-strings are actually tuned to -H these days. Only animals can hear them and it makes dogs run in circles
yeah but does it djent?
wish there were more good viking metal bands
>viking metal
>starting a pornogrind sideproject
>lyrical themes will be about lesbians and scissoring
>ask my dad what our band name should be
>Lickity Splits
but they're viking/black metal
blackened folk, viking is a theme not a genre
can we trade dads
mine hasn't listened to anything but Rock You like a Hurricane since 1984
wording this post
My dad was the same for a while. Every time he got drunk he'd constantly babble out "DAY ON THE GREEN, 1984! WOOOOOO! I SAW THE SCROPS AND METALLICA! I SAW CLIFF FUCKING BURTON!"
Luckily about 10 years ago or so, he got into old school prog, noise rock and czech grind. He still thinks J-rock is gay tho
>He still thinks J-rock is gay tho
Cause it fucking is
Nani the fuck did you just fucking iimasu about watashi, you chiisai bitch desuka? Watashi’ll have anata know that watashi graduated top of my class in Nihongo 3, and watashi’ve been involved in iroirona Nihongo tutoring sessions, and watashi have over sanbyaku perfect test scores. Watashi am trained in kanji, and watashi is the top letter writer in all of southern California. Anata are nothing to watashi but just another weaboo. Watashi will korosu anata the fuck out with vocabulary the likes of which has never been mimasu’d before on this continent, mark watashino fucking words. Anata thinks anata can get away with hanashimasing that kuso to watashi over the intaaneto? Omou again, fucker. As we hanashimasu, watashi am contacting watashino secret netto of otakus across the USA, and anatano IP is being traced right now so you better junbishimasu for the ame, ujimushi. The ame that korosu’s the pathetic chiisai thing anata calls anatano life. You’re fucking shinimashita’d, akachan.
Anyone got a link to that sludge album that was literally about giant slugs? Can't remember the name.
Just came back from seeing Amon Amarth. Dragged my gf along who listens to top 40 shit. Really great show
5 star post user
No link cause lazy on mobile but the band is called Slugdge
good shit, wish we had more bands come to my area of the world. just say sabbath and maiden the other week, thats all we have had this year so far though. seeing immolation later this year, have to drive half way across my fucking country though.
black metal is the face-painting edgemeister of metal. even power metal puts out less disingenuous material. i defy anyone to name me 5 BM bands (BM stands for bowel movement, remember?) that aren't bullshit.
Agreed. I hate bm.
Where is Immolation playing? I need to see them.
wellington, NZ
Thanks, found it on Soulseek.
What does /metal/ think about Ghost? I'm entry level and I really like the soft vocals combined with heavier instrumentals.
I used to agree with you, then I stopped thinking about it. It all sounds the same to me, with a few exceptions, and those are the ones listening to at least once. You know the mu-core picks, but try out Paysage d'Hiver. He's this dude from Switzerland making black metal by himself in the late 90's - now, and there's very little "muh burning churches" to it.
Is there any good non atmoshit american bm
and here i thought Sup Forums is filled with people that are left winged.
Where is all the anti-Islam metal bands?
Being anti-Christian these days is like picking on the disabled kid.
If you're so tough, try beating on the guy that's raping all the women and children, do something useful.
Woe's Spell For the Death of Man is GOAT.
>MFW some Syrians start an anti-Muslim black metal band and burn down mosques and shit.
Does Melechesh count?
Holy shit
being anti islam is racist
>muslim is a race
I don't know about bands but I'd assume there are some forthcoming songs if not already since they attacked the eagles of death metal show
there are a couple this year from what I recall were before that but at best they're veiled satire
I think
I suppose it could just be straight up pro isis. it certainly reads that way.
it pretty much is when most of em are darkies
>fw i just listened to this song and giggled at the irony of it.
If you attribute genetic attributes to justify your hatred it amkes them a race in your eyes, artificial concept anyway, thus racist.