Reminder that Sup Forums is a pajeet tech illiterate board who called bitcoin a botnet virus when it was worth cents back in 2009 and all they talk about is consumeris garbage and linus tech tips while jerking to stallman (soyboy) and showing off their riced shitty rajeet linux distro
Reminder that Sup Forums is a pajeet tech illiterate board who called bitcoin a botnet virus when it was worth cents...
bring Sup Forumsuro back
NYPA pajeet
*slips in hand into the pant*
best thread ever
Sup Forums confirmed for liking traps
what does soy boy mean
>faggot thread again
wtf guys?
god i wish that was me
>65 year old grandpa
Jebnij sie kurwa w ten zjebany pędzlacki łeb debilu
thank god for sissy white """""men""""
Is anime a bad influence?
It's making our men want to become anime girls and play dress up.
fetal alcohol syndrome
I'm going to suck my first cock this week
Wish me luck Sup Forums
wat an is this>?
It's not anime doing it.
good luck~~~!!! do you plan to swallow?
New Game
don't do it you're gonna get aids
nothing really happens here so I guess it's alright to leave this up
yes and lick it clean afterwards
white men don't get aids silly
You guys can blame this thread on /llsifg/. One of our regulars named MOB created it.
can you explain the appeal of playing gacha games to me?
imagine spending money on virtual items only to not be guaranteed the item you set out to buy
who the fuck does this
How is this thread still up
that's clearly not a girl
It would be transphobic to not allow this thread to exist
Don't forget to clean your mouth out with bleach you disgusting redditor
Not that different from all the loot boxes in AAA games nowadays.
no >:3
Go back.
>threads still up
is Sup Forums actually the best board?
i dont even have a current gen console
last high profile game I played is P5 and MGSV and those had PS3 ports
plus, the current gen is so creatively bankrupt they're making """""HD remakes"""" of LAST GEN games, they're not even 5 years old at this point and they're already reselling them because there's nothing else to play
fucking hell
>it would be faggotphobic so lets allow degeneracy of white man on a fricking blue board
asians are sissy by default, so it's ok
Oh, they are asians? Well... it's okay then... i guess
What do tits feel like? Like bags of sand?
is this not a blue board
my boss just saw OPs jif
wtf? i LOVE technology now
These girls have non-free parts!
n-non free?
Delicious body.
good thread brehs
Their pee pees are proprietary
wtf? i LOVE proprietary now!
Better watch out with this thread. I made a thread a couple of days ago saying Stallman a soyboy and they took it down and gave me a warning
>2+ hour tranny thread on Sup Forums
best start of the week ever
im not mad just disappointed
who's she?
>this thread has been up for two hours
Mods confirmed gay as fuck
Im done with pornography lads
i havent jacked off to porn in over 7 months and these threads dont get me hard anymore
i just masturbate to mental images i give myself now
mental imagery is the best
Should just start ERPing then.
this thread better still be here when i wake up tomorrow
theres been some cunny threads in Sup Forums that lasted to the bump limit recently too
but then shortly after the "thread 2" got deleted so im not sure if mods are just thinning or perhaps someone isnt showing up for their shifts
Welcome to the botnet.