How much storage do you have total Sup Forums?
How much storage do you have total Sup Forums?
Not much, hope to get some sort of server set up soon with a bit of redundancy and a non-retarded file system.
Me too.
Currently have 256GB but have files backed up online; hoping to get all my backups put onto a local NAS.
Do you have any plans or are you currently building a NAS? Would love to hear about it
About 8TB. I'm looking at replacing all my odd sized HDDs with 3, 6TB HDDs. If I'm just storing TV shows, movies and anime for a Plex server, what's the best way of setting them up? At the moment it's just one media type per HDD.
>525GB m2 SSD
>2TB external
Another internal 2TB drive coming soon
> what's the best way of setting them up?
Probably just mdadm RAID5 on Linux. If you get another drive, you grow the array.
I've got 4 3tb hdds + a backup for each of them that all contain the same folder structure. I maintain a liberoffice base database file that I use to keep track what hdd contains which files. They're all packed to scene release standards and usually kept in a drawer, I just put them in the harddrive dock when I need them to extend their lifespans. I hope to create a storage server on the future where I can merge all hdds together and have them ready all the time
I also think about a way to encrypt them, while still having a rather low risk of permanently losing the data in case the luks header gets corrupted. per-file gpg would be nice, too, but then I'd still need a way to scramble directory and file names
>while still having a rather low risk of permanently losing the data in case the luks header gets corrupted
That's already a low risk, but sure, back up the header? You can trivially dump it in cryptsetup.
> per-file gpg would be nice, too
What for?
I didn't know backing up a luks header is standard procedure, since I didn't have any similar setups ever, so thank you for the hint. As for the gpg approach, my password manager pass does it that way and I think it's great to be able to manually decrypt your stuff even if everything else fails
>250GB ssd
>500GB sad
>3TB did
I'm good for now
Just a 250GB SSD and a 500GB HD
What do you guys even store?
Note that it's better (probably) to group same sized drives into separate zpools.
10TB available. I used to be at 9TB used but I recently went through and deleted a ton of shit I was keeping for no real reason. Sparked by a fucking massive failure on my part
>have a NAS
>have two seperate backups of the data on a whole bunch of HDDs
>NAS fails
>both HDD's with half of my "TV series" were corrupted too
>lost a good 2TB of media
Then I realised what the fuck was I keeping every season of married with children for anyway. I downloaded so much random shit I never even thought about actually watching.
>not archiving every piece of media you can get your hands on
256GB laptop SSD, 2TB external HDD, and a 128GB flash drive.
Reminder that if you store that much data you're mentally ill.
Enjoying your drm riddled stream that you may only watch on (((approved))) devices?
512 GB and that's plenty for my needs.
128gb ssd
I delete movies and anime I watch. Does anyone here even remotely rewatch half of a percent of the stuff they save?
Ofc not. But they keep it just in case. Meanwhile the machine gets clogged up and you know the rest..
2TB external backup drive
Roughly 5.5tb on my desktop. Maybe 1 tb of that is porn. The rest is random movies or games. I really need a bigger ssd though
>2TB external backup drive
>For a 250 GB of information stored on SSD
literally just a 1TB Seagate hard disk.
can anyone recommend me a 250GB SSD for cheap?
must have reliability
House file server has about 16TB total space. Laptop has a small SSD. 256GB I think. Another server has around 16TB as well I think, but it isn't used much for storage. I've got a 6TB in my desktop, but I stopped using it.
1.25 tb + like 40gb in cloud backups
Main build has a combined total of 1.5TB in SSDs and 2TB of mechanical local storage. Backups, etc.
Server has 14TB across 6 drives. 7TB useable. Plus a 250GB SSD. I'm looking at getting another couple high capacity drives. Looking at the 5TB Toshiba X300 drives for $130 each.
32TB RAID0, only 7TB taken up so far.
>2TB x3
>6TB x2
All on external hard drives with no backups, because ThinkPad. I really need a NAS to store them in to say the least.
14TB. 10TB free.
Currently only 240GB SSD and a 1TB HDD. I have another 500GB HDD, but not using it for some reason. I'm really wanting to buy a 2TB HDD and move all my series and movies to it.
I could probably put my whole computing life on a 16GB stick
My plan is an array of 4TB HGSTs with ZFS, max capacity somewhere around 24TB. I won't bother with prebuilt enclosures or whatever, I'll just throw it on a linux system. I would love to get my torrents, rarely used files etc off my desktop, but for now the price tag really isn't worth the convenience (until I actually start running out of space).
this much
>you have 16GB
>google has 10TB
You don't want lots of drives.
Buy four 8TBs or some shit.
I never understood why you shitters keep movies, tv shows and anime.
You're never rewatching it, you're most likely not sharing it and you won't be able to sell it if the Internet goes down, because no one will care and it'll be illegal.
So why the fuck do you people hoard that? Porn, documents, music, pictures, 2D is the only thing you need to hoard.
Yeah, that makes sense. I guess I had it in my head it was better to have more drives / less chance of one failing and losing 8tb or whatever. But if I have ZFS it shouldn't matter.
Why not? I like collecting those things. Plus I have my Plex server shared with a lot of people.
1TB HDD and 125GB SSD.
Disgusting weeb.
fite me nigger :)
You have a case that large but you still need a NAS, hot swap dock, and external drive?
Also planning to buy a new HDD for my NAS, probably a 10TB wd red (or red pro dunno)
Probably swap out at least one of the smaller mirrored pairs for another pair of 10TB soon.
What's on that drive user?
About 10TB, I've just built a NAS so I'm gonna start loading that up soon
I'm using FreeNAS but I've found it to be pretty restrictive in some cases so I might throw Debian on there at some point but I'll have to set it up at a desk where I can work on it which will be annoying
>You have a case that large
the air 240 is not particularly big.
128gb on this shitposting machine