Hey user, can we borrow your headphones?

>Hey user, can we borrow your headphones?

Other urls found in this thread:


Sure, if Azusa's okay with it. She's already wearing them to listen to the waking the cadaver cd I recommended her.

>tfw ritsu will never use your face as a drum stool

why even live

Ew user, her butt stinks and is hairy.

this perfect for listening to

sure but i doubt you have a dac/amp powerful enough to use them :^)


is that supposed to be a bad thing

What kind of headphones are they wearing?

AKG K702 White Edition

Why? It seems all of you already have your own headphones.

akg k701



No fuck off

>ywn b a keion


why do you think that?

You all literally have headphones on right now what the fuck?

>girl borrows earbuds
>covered in earwax
>pretends she doesn't notice



Mugi a best

is k-on any good

it doesn't even have to be actually good, i mean i liked dumb pleb sol shit like lucky star back in the day, that shit was comfy af. but i don't like the way the keions are drawn at all, something about their faces creeps me out so i never checked it out

This thread is embarrassing

>is k-on any good

No its not. Its just a bunch of highschool girls drinking tea and acting cute in the music room and never playing any instrument other than the few scenes.

>watching keion for the music

Nigga, SoL is the least pleb anime genre.

>No its not. Its just a bunch of highschool girls drinking tea and acting cute
tbf i did just admit to liking lucky star so maybe i would like it

idk seems kinda autistic

i can deal with that as long as no one finds out tho. it's 2comfy

Slice of Life is GOAT faggot

>current year
>being illiterate

Slice of Life is GOAT faggot

That was literally my opinion too.

>current year
>being illiterate

K-ON! is the greatest SoL anime ever made and honestly it might be my favorite anime ever. Definitely watch it. Stick with it for at least the first ten episodes because I don't think they inrtoduce Azusa until episode 8 or 9 and she's one of the best girls.

Fuck off. All these talks about K-ON! being the greatest SoL anime are just lies. A friend told me the same, I marathon season 1 and I felt like I was raped. Its a waste of time, its shite


Name a better SoL.

Uchuu Kyoudai
You're welcome


Hahaha gay

I'm planning on watching this

dennou coil
even non non biyori is better

I like your taste. It's comfy.

I need to get off this website

It's comfy yeah. I liked Lucky Star better though I think.

Don't u h8 on Space bros
Also whoops forgot to turn off my trip sorry for being a faggot


Sorry but I'm not into yaoi

I'd recommend you watch 1-2 episodes of Aria at a time

What said.

ya, I think I first told myself this over 7 years ago now

you're fucked m8, your life is only gonna get worse from here

>tfw debating chinese cartoons on Sup Forums
What the fuck am I doing?

Okay. Some shows are better to not marathon.

Dude don't!! please don't! that is how wars between weebs and otaku's start.. it's the most cringe-worthy argument you'll probably see ever.

>dennou coil

these are not SoL shows, at least not in the same way K-ON! is. these contain supernatural and sci-fi elements which I think a lot of people would agree violates the terms of being a SoL show.


this is only four episodes long.

>even non non biyori is better

it's very good, possibly the best modern SoL, but it's not better.

>allowing them to take what is mine
>losing the frame of the encounter to five children 12 years my senior
>ever being this beta
>not saying ''hmph... i follow my goals and don't care for such frivolities''
>caring about such frivolities and not following my goal of being in a superior band
>maybe a mastering engineer (freelance) if it doesn't work out


azumanga daioh

oh god

Of course.

>losing the frame to five children 12 years my senior

literally so fucking wrong



Switch Sheldons slut with Coal Burner and its perfect

I seriously hope these arent your headphones

haha what a fuckup you are with your life!!!!

they are, i use them to listen to death grips