The Donald

What do you think he listens to Sup Forums?

The Wall




Shit album to match his shitty politics

He doesnt listen to music. He has a life.

Nigel Pepper Cock - Fresh White Reeboks Kickin' Your Ass

This joke isn't that funny, guys.


Donald stepped outside...


Donald is too alpha to listen to much music, while I myself love music, it's actually a very feminine trait (taking in the world instead of making change in the world)

He's not much for being entertained, he's doing shit, getting power and making money. Little boys and women like to be entertained, men like to make shit happen

t. virgin

No question.

get this garbage off of Sup Forums

Yeah, let's get good threads like those funny memes where Bernie Sanders has a cool music opinion and then Hillary has a dumb one XD

both of those threads are thinly veiled excuses for faggots like you to come out of the walls

just go back to where you came from, you don't need the link

the amount of devastated Sup Forums edgelords the day after hillary's sweeping victory in november will be remembered forever.

im left af but those threads are equally shit

>music is a feminine trait
Get out.

Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo.

>voting for donald trump is edgy!

I hate both candidates, but even I'm not this stupid.

>he fell for the "gb2pol" meme

>I'm not this stupid
you post on Sup Forums

you are a fucking moron deal with it

>everyone is stupid like me

Le projection meme.

nice trip

check these dubs tho


fuaaark nice dubs

The sound of victory.

there's no meme you autist, this thread is already very off-topic and does not belong here

I know it's hard for people who are defined by their hatred of other people to keep to themselves, so I wont blame you for it x


Sup Forums IS Sup Forums you fucking faggot.

It's like the 3rd most popular sub board on this entire site, the majority of users here are Sup Forums, you can fuck back off to Reddit or Tumblr if this bothers you.

I second this.


literally talk radio

Donald has always struck me as someone who has no genuine taste in anything, whether it's music or humor or fashion or anything else. He is a slave to whatever is most popular and flashy and expensive, and whatever falls in line with his own uninspired opinions. MDDA

You dropped your fedora

>I need that rich white daddy dick up my ass RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!


no one is bothered by you friend, trust me

are you triggered, friend?

>implying samefagging
I suggest killing self.

>waits an exact minute for his second reply
>uses "friend" twice
>accusing others of samefagging

oh boy