You dudes shilled me on kde, tried it and can't see myself going back to ugly as fuck gnome. kde itself is very buggy compared to gnome, but it looks gorgeous, so I'll be sticking to kde. My dudes, what's the best kde distro? I'm currently trying fedora kde and it's not too good. Not sure if it's fedora specific or kde specific problem. What about kubuntu and kde neon? Please reply only if you've actually used the distro, otherwise it becomes a shilling contest to mislead noobs. Wait, is that how I ended up on kde??
Best KDE distro
opensuse tumbleweed. it's to kde what fedora is to gnome.
This thread again...
KDE Neon. Least buggy KDE
Saged this shit, tired of KDE shilling
a lot of exfeces refugees
Install FVWM
I don't know what XFCE is or does, sorry.
I had very slow boot times with TW on SSD...also breaked like crazy on every second update...fuckin Lunduke and his OpenMeme
boot time is slow, but everything else is fine. never rekt an update, i don't know what you guys are doing with your machines desu
The issue I found with tumbleweed is that it tends to break if you wait too long between updates or if you screen locks / computer sleeps during an update, but it's easy to recover. Still a hassle and too annoying so I installed Leap on my laptop, and specifically switched to more rolling repos for specific programs, like emacs.
After trying most, Neon. I tried Kubuntu, Manjaro, Fedora, OpenSUSE and this, and honestly I like this one more. It's the only one I haven't had problems and also gave me less headaches regarding installing whatever I needed.
OpenSUSE would be a close second, but yeah fuck you for making me install codecs. Not cool, man. I'm offended and shit
Slackware. The guy who maintains it is a KDEfag.
KDE Neon.
KDE Neon or Manjaro KDE. Both are fairly good choices for a solid KDE experience out of the box. Manjaros default theme is nice, too.
I haven't found anything that does not work on my Arch GNU/Linux installation with KDE. If installing Arch is too much of a hassle for you, you could try Antergos or Manjaro - they are basically Arch with a graphical installer.
I've got Antergos on my shitbox it more or less wurx.
Also kinda funny KDE was actually the fastest, most responsive DE on that old pile of shit, out of KDE, GNOME, LXDE, MATE, and some others.Obviously tiny little tiling Was have it beat but still. It's an old ass Toshiba Satellite from like 2009 for 2 duo 4gb RAM and whatever garbage igpu intel made at the time.
Thinking about trying KaOS but haven't gotten around to it. Gonna put it on my MacBook since I'm gonna have to migrate away from OSX/iPhone in the future due to Apple's retarded direction. Guess that's what happens when you leave your company to a dumbass faggot.
I like lxde.
Fight me niggers.
>Best KDE distro
There is no best KDE distro, KDE Is fucking bloatware
pic related, it's KDE
I like and use KDE but these shills, no matter how creatively written and 'stealthy,' are just that. The dramatic rise in KDE threads over the last months can't be hidden by sounding like le dumb linux noob in the pitch
gentoo, arch and derivatives are your only options for a good kde desktop.
neon is good but the lts is ancient and you'll not want to use it as a daily driver without ppas providing recent releases of whatever you would want to install.
Manjaro KDE or Antergos KDE if you're lazy. Arch KDE if you're willing to get your hands dirty and your feet wet.
KDE Neon, OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, or Arch. All three have the filepicker patch meme.
Well, KDE did have a pretty nice update recently, and GNOME have been especially big niggers as of late.
why on earth would people "shill" kde? they dont get paid, and it isnt as if people new to kde will even start filing bug reports.
Patreon money.
show me the patreon
Do not underestimate the mental ill losers NEETs who has nothing better to do.
Why? It's a solid and simple desktop that is blazing fast
KDE is pretty much the default for Gentoo systems unless you're one of those i3/awesome-fags
This is why you use LXQt. It's KDE without the bullshit.
Debian stable has zero bugs with KDE, and it runs plasma 5.8 (which is as good as any version). Fedora includes a lot of bloat and is generally worthless. Debian can be upgraded to testing or unstable at any time if you find the packages too out of date.
GNOME is way better
If you're noob
1. Mageia
2. KDE Neon
install gentoo
Fedora is the best KDE available you fucking idiot.
>I like lxde.
aka I am poor and use my mom's old laptop
Use Xfce or no DE at all retard.
>not appreciating a light, modular de
That's MATE. Your DE is literally a dumpster collection.
lxde is actually great, its just openbox that has gotten really shit lately.
I wish it would ditch that shirt already and do it's compositing straight on top of wayland.
and mate is complete bloated dogshit that slurps guhnoam's leftover gtk3+ semen and breaks all my themes. its about as far from modular as possible, crashes all the goddamn time, and has shitty broken behavior and configuration compared to xfece.
Why does everyone's screenshots of KDE have good font rendering except mine? Where did I go wrong
>not installing the microsoft fonts
>not tweaking the font settings