What Sup Forums think of Kyary?

What Sup Forums think of Kyary?

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Love. I've been listening to her a lot lately. Her stuff is all written by Nakata, granted, but I feel like she has stronger personality informing his choices than the entirety of perfume or the chick in capsule.
Yume no hajima ring ring has been stuck in my head for a few days on and off.

hoy shit i love her. such CATCHY TUNES plus she cute

it's shit for weeabros.

you know the type: ascended nerd, watches "artistic" anime like penguindrum, plays yume nikki, ironically crossdresses as touhou character at his local con, has a tumblr full of psychedelic imagery, jerks off to perfume's legs, namedrops Les Rallizes Denudes, still thinks Lil B is funny, posts on Sup Forums because /jp/ made fun of him

that guy.

(He's you)

Who? I don't listen to gook music sorry.

nice projection


and she just gave $100,000 to some asian Survivor contestant

what is her deal

but what do you think of _her_ was the question

>still thinks Lil B is funny
how long until he's considered classic btw?
3-4 years?

talentless hack

like everything Nakata touches besides MEG
and she doesn't work with him anymore because even she realized this

she is so charismatic and beautiful, and her music always puts me in a good mood. Listening to her a lot lately, mostly her old stuff cause her latest single was weak.

5ive Years Monster leaked online and its fuckig amazing, a great song and a throwback to her old sound and image. She's a babe

is this the rym guy who is unironically a prostitute and considers himself a woman

Lol no? I don't use rym.
I just love kyary bb

Catchy, but uninspired and shitty, music. Also, her voice is autotuned to FUCK.

I still listen to her stuff sometimes but it's as generic as you can get.

lol I remember posting something similar to this like 2-3 years ago and people told me to go to /jp/, glad you have been blessed by the light, friends

Plan on getting this

Her music fills me with real good feels. Her concerts look really fun too, if I went to one I'd probably stop being such a stoic bitch and actually have fun. I want to hear the fucking songs she apparantly did with SOPHIE already.

Also I want a kyary gf

I wouldn't say it's generic. The super colourful, dense instrumentals have a lot of character and the hooks are way better than most jpop.

cute and catchy music and she's a 10/10 cutie

We already have a Kpop thread up, summerfag.

>and the hooks are way better than most jpop.
True, but jpop is almost entirely shit.

She's the only jpop artist I've found that I enjoy so far, but again, it's very shallow listening. The only appeal is the cute voice and weeb attraction.

That said, I really like SOPHIE (way better than any shitty jpop producer), so I'm also interested in that collaboration.

Not to mention that what little influence A-Chan actually had over Nakata drove Perfume to the shitheap (See: COSMIC EXPLORER)

Have you heard Jun Togawa? Idk, listen to her if you want some deeper artsier shit and more powerful vocals. She's the only japanese pop I've really connected to other than kyary so far and I feel like I've posted about her on Sup Forums too much

Also, what don't you like about Nakata/do you like so much more about SOPHIE anyway?

Amazing everybody here posted reasons why they like her music but you commented on her fanbase, i don't even have to like her to know that's not how you criticize music. Post's like these show you care much more about the image you project than about actual music.


Nakata has been shit since he dropped the old Capsule sound.
Make way for Sasaki.

>implying Capsule never was club oriented Shibuya-kei


Alcoholic. life is a party to her

Eh, I think Perfume or Capsule would better fit that description. Kyary is wacky for people who don't listen to j-pop eye emm ohh.

Kyary is cute. CUTE.

The Nanda Collection was 10/10.
Everything after except for Tokyo Highway and Yumeno Hajima Ring Ring has been pretty mediocre.
She's over...