Last time any of the members of Pink Floyd saw him was in the 70s

>last time any of the members of Pink Floyd saw him was in the 70s
>none of them attended his funeral

Did they even care about him?

His family didn't want them visiting him because his mental problems tended to worsen when pf was brought up. As for the funeral I don't know, maybe they thought photographers would follow of them or something. I definitely don't think they didn't care about him.


I knew this guy who was convinced that all the other members of PF dosed Syd with acid repeatedly, intending to fuck his mind up and drive him out of the group.

This dude would literally cry about Syd all the time. I don't hang with him any more.

they did care, I can't be bothered to find sources but Waters stated a reason for not showing up, I believe. Also, dedicating your catalogues longest song to him must at least mean SOMETHING, nigga.

no, but his friends did that.

Syd's friends?

Are you sure he wasn't dosed with acid too?

At some point probably not. The remaining members of PF have pretty much been on an ego trip since the late 70s. Unfortunately for them, their greatest contribution to culture manifested in having Hipgnosis design the Dark Side of the Moon album cover, to be emblazoned on vintage-looking t-shirts forever.

No, but he did have a subscription to Bitch magazine, if that gives you any indication of his personality.

The BLANDest.

damn, I never realized Shine On was longer than Dogs til now

I googled it because I was so eager to call you out lol

They certainly did care, but nobody really knew much about how to handle psychedelia problems and by the time they figured out how far gone he was, it was too late . From Mason's book about pf:
>"Roger also called Syd's brother, saying we were extremely worried about him - he came down to London and went to see Syd, emerging to say he thought everything would be all right. This was s recurring reaction. There would be a lot of talk about Syd's condition but then he would have a good, focused period and we would think, great, he was back to normal. "

there wasn't even a funeral. it was just a private family thing

but didn't he write all their music when he was in the band?

>a guy I knew had this theory that made no sense at all
>but does that make sense?

idk, i care about my aging grandpa but i hardly see him because it's sad watching him lose his mind and i guess it's just hassle and i'm a bit of a shitty person

but yeah, i guess there's different types of caring. there are lots of people you care about but can't necessarily give the energy to show it properly. everyone has their limits, it's just human nature

From what I've read, Roger made sure that Syd received every penny that was owed to him from back royalties.

I also heard that Roger would check in on Syd from time to time in the 1970s. In fact, the opening scene in The Wall, where "Pink" is sitting in a chair letting his cigarette burn to the filter was based on something that Roger saw Syd do.

Syd never went crazy. He just wanted to be a legend. It was performance art. He didn't particularly enjoy performing live/touring, so he bowed out gracefully and continued to write for Pink Floyd, feeding Roger Waters the music while he played out the "crazy syd" solo era in his spare time for fun

He wrote a lot of songs that glorified himself, like SOYCD etc

>feeding Roger Waters the music
So that means he didn't write the Gilmour era material? I would hope so.

how do you tell if you're crazy anyway

if a group of other people, even like 4 or 5, label you as crazy then that's pretty much it. scary stuff yo

Also, they did meet Syd from time to time and helped him produce his solo albums, but he was seriously ill and became a recluse. Some more quotes from Mason:
>One paper also reported that Syd's sister Rosemary had asked him what he thought about the reunion. She remarked he had not reacted at all. "He's no longer Syd", she said. "He's Roger now."

>I just did not feel it right to try and contact Syd. He had had his own life for a very long time, and to burst through his door in Cambridge waving my text in his face would have been extremely invasive and unfair."

The Fuck man, that's straight up not true

nope nope nope
It's all true, Syd was in control the whole time, he even faked his death so the tabloids would leave him alone, he's alive and well, secretly living his life, he's happy

Nice bait.