How the FUCK do you keep updates turned off on this piece of shit?

How the FUCK do you keep updates turned off on this piece of shit?

Windows Update service is set to disabled, and then it re-enables itself. And then installs Windows Update Assistant, throws shortcuts on my Desktop and Start bar, and begins a 5GB download.

I even set my connection to metered and this piece of shit still downloads.

The goddamn Indians are out of control.

Attached: Windows-10-placeholder.jpg (645x484, 42K)

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install gentoo

Like this

Attached: Capture.png (802x633, 41K)

>How the FUCK do you keep updates turned off on this piece of shit?
why? don't you want updates?

Group policy is configured.
All relevant services are set to Disabled.

And then.... tada! Services are enabled now! Here's an update!

I even blocked update servers in the hosts file which worked for about 2 weeks but apparently they've added another.

It's a laptop permanently on a hotspot connection. A single update can cause overages. It's set to a metered connection and I still get these bullshit updates without asking.

It's in Control Panel

Attached: Untitled.png (1000x724, 90K)

Maybe try not being a retard instead.

Have you tried to read EULA? It is supposted to do what is in your best interests even if you dont know agree.

Install GNU/Linux distribution or cease your whining.

A good way is setting your connection as metered so it disables a shitload of network things and doesn't auto-download updates so you only get a pop-up every now and then.

>5gb download
Proof or gtfo, latest build of 10 came around months ago, no one can be retarded enough to not be on the latest build already.


Attached: muh cp.png (1342x738, 48K)

that looks digustang

You need the enterprise edition and must configure group policies like this.

Attached: noautoupdate.png (1377x885, 186K)

no, my eyes are still in perfect condition

windows 10 was not designed to support this configuration well. possible solutions: 1. install gentoo; 2. get a better connection; 3. end it all.

Should I just wait till next LTSB release comes out? Any idea when that is?

like this

Attached: controlpanel.png (1200x675, 39K)

Man, it makes me sick just to look at that shit. I remember a time of chaos, trying to "fix" winshit. Wastes so much time for nothing.

linux is a server operating system

Wow, embarrassing.

Fucking hell, I installed 1604 only 2 days ago and now it's at 1607 ?. Shit.

Also, disconnect it from the internet faggot. No, internet, no update.

>he doesn't keep his OS secure and up-to-date
stupid desu

Attached: Untitled.png (442x250, 8K)

Well m8 I just happen to do it a few hours ago, let me tell you my story:
> be me
> almighty IT tech
> "borrow" for an undefined time le epic Dell precision m4700
> load it with 500Go SSD and 22GB RAM (don't ask question if you don't want the answer)
> install Win10 Pro (I split the SSD in 3 so I will install two Linux after)
> do the usual win10 updates post-install iykwim
Here is the trick:
> at 50% of "preparing to install the update" for 1709 version, computer has a power issue that turns it off instantly.
> I plug everything properly and turn the computer on
> it boots a little slowly but I don't really care
> I start windows updates but it's stuck at 50%, OK I'll give it time.
> two hours later still at 50%
> "when in doubt: reboot"
> takes half an hour to reboot
> at reboot : sfc/scannow
> "everything is fine m8 I swear"
> go to windows updates
> still stuck at 50%
I did it guys... I won.

this, I am waiting for new updates

None of these are Win 10.

install windows 7 you twat


>he still uses windows

Attached: sides1.jpg (200x200, 10K)

install win server 2016

what do when laptop installs new win10 version and turns off when rebutting and then recovering the previous version of windows?? I guess this laptop goes to the bin

>How the FUCK do you keep updates turned off on this piece of shit?
write to bill gates, he still takes a keen interest in Microsoft and would be very interested to hear of your concerns

When it starts the rebuttal, get a lawyer, or at least pick up some lingo from law and order, and form your own rebuttal. That ought to fix it.

In windows 10, delete the wuauclt.exe file from System32 (easiest to do this from linux), and remove all permissions on the directory Windows10Upgrade in the root directory of your filesystem. This prevents windows update from working, and also prevents the upgrade assistant from downloading anything malicious.

Use Win10 LTSB

O&O Shutup 10, stops all updates till you turn back on.

Attached: O&O.png (886x738, 63K)