So Sup Forums have you build your own script setup to hard link your porn collection or range it in whatever way you want by modifying 3 lines of script core?
Porn on GNU+Linux+Porn+Programing
Other urls found in this thread:
>watching porn
>Cortana constantly laughs at him for his porn watching habit
I'm pretty sure this is someones fetish.
He is sexually aroused to his own coding skills the porn is there to not trigger normies.
Oh, didn't realize it. Anyway I won't deny that what he's doing is pretty cool
Why do you think they are named win cucks?
>Watches porn
What? Are you too good for real women?!
>real women
What? Do you not realize feminism has ruined modern women?!
The setup is pretty sweat.
Do you have experience is programing and how would you implement it?
Pro Tip using hard links gives you all the benefits of making a copy without losing space.
only in POSIX file systems.
Why does Chad have a picture of a cat in his porn folder?
>real women
It's news to me that ntfs can't do hardlinks
What is the command for it in windows?
MKLINK /H target
Er I think you might have to name the link so the argument is linkname linktarget
Either way MKLINK is your guy, I'm on my phone so can't check
>own script setup to hard link your porn collection
don't you mean "HARD LINK"?
This confused me also without the target.
Windows can do hard links when did that happen.
You learn something new every day.
PS: do you need the ultra + server + game of the year + gold +complete edition of windows to use it.
It hasn't. Not all women are feminists, defeatist beta faggot.
>tfw have over 8TB of just JAV, not to mention the several TB of other porn (Western soft/hardcore, hentai OVAs, doujinshi, h-games, etc.)
The problem is that it's scattered across different hard drives. At least they're all plugged into the same server. When I get my tax returns, I'm gonna build myself a ZFS storage server with 50TB usable.
>waists time
Am I the only one wishing for a 1 ZiB in a standard 3"5 physical size?
That ought to be the absolute worse virgin/chad I have yet to see
Do you want to know how i use my hard link setup or do you know how to make it yourself?
I can tell you.
I've already got most of it catalogued into a database, so no need for it. I'm interested to see how you did it, though.
If only...
Its basically a derivative of my old script and I did have a hell of a time explaining it to others and what exactly it is doing.
I can drop the sample code and a picture that explains what basically is going on.
How comfortable are with bash scripts?
Can you run bash scripts?
PS: How is the database setup looking?
Sure, post the script.
The database is simple, just a few tables, one for each category of media (videos, games, etc) with column for the media info (title, date released, actresses, genres, etc) and a column for any related tags I want to attach
Here it is
Picture shows setup before running the script (Everything is PG and Sup Forums kosher)
After it i will post the image showing the results
Before running the script
Here is the result of running the script.
Basically run
it starts
And generates is what actually is generating the results.
So its best to look at what is doing.
I'd love to try this, but i'm already an addict, so it might be dangerous, haha.
Was thinking of making a custom NAS box with a shit-ton of drives running ZFS or Btrfs or something. Maybe powered by a RISC-V SBC once those get affordable + distro support. Or perhaps just an ARM one, either way I'd prefer a non-x86 architecture.
I would have it running Kodi, and set that up to be able to stream the porn over a web interface so I can have it streaming wherever, to whatever device. Alternatively if there's another self-hosted streaming service type thing, I may consider that.
This is retarded.
Just use Hydrus Network instead of using this horrid disorganized scripts
>and set that up to be able to stream the porn over a web interface
>web interface
Why don't you simply mount a remote folder locally and do it this way?
>Hydrus Network
First time I hear about it.
Dose it support all my native programs?
Video opens in my video player.
Images open in my image viewer etc.
ah, could do that as well. I needed a good usecase for NFS.
>Dose it support all my native programs?
Yes you can set the files to open in their native programs. If it couldn't I wouldn't be using it.
It is also open source
Of course it has it's pitfalls--
-made in python
-made by a Sup Forums user
-mirrors the files you store in it, though this isnt really a negative point to me
Mounting remote folders makes console only fags drop dead.
Have powerful computer with GUIs etc.
Mount server locally and use all your GUI programs without a problem.
File brows with thumbnails etc.
>b-b-b-b-b-b if we install GUIs on the server it will slow down by 0.0001%
Shh no GUI on the server only my computer.
Best of both worlds console is obsolete.
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b ....
whoa how do I do stuff like this?
Can I copy all the results of a "search" (or whatever this is) like I can copy from a folder if I want to give them to someone?
I have to say I have this fear in the back of my head.
That I'm locking myself into a program that might become obsolete(support stops; hours wasted in tagging).
My scripts on the other hand will always work simply because I have written them.
The results are always transferable.
I simply don't like the idea of spending hours on tagging only for it to disappear.
I also don't like the use of a app database file.
I might give it a try however I'm not going to invest days of work into tagging.
I prefer my script and simply removing the commented out section to get the same thing.
Like searching for tags.
I'm not going to lie the idea is interesting.
However what are the benefits of this over simply installing a booru local host web server for yourself?
For basic explanation of the workings.
I'll never understand why people download so much porn
Why limit yourself to some when you have access to petabytes of porn at any given moment by watching online? You can still save your favorites
>Can I copy all the results of a "search"
>That I'm locking myself into a program that might become obsolete
Doesn't matter if it's obsolete.
>I simply don't like the idea of spending hours on tagging only for it to disappear.
I've been using it for 3 years no problem. dev updates every week
>I also don't like the use of a app database file.
Why not? If you're afraid of it being corrupted just back it up weekly
> what are the benefits of this over simply installing a booru local host web server for yourself?
don't need a bloated web browser to view the content. has tons of more features than what the standard booru server can supply. it can also be used remotely anyway
>by watching online
Explained in the picture.
>Porn website jewing with its bandwidth
>Bloated unstable video player in bloated web page
>Waits for porn
Also your internet connection is literally the worst in speed compered to a HDD.
Not to mention I can
Can literally change 3 lines to say
"computer give me best porn videos from these porn actress involving lesbian orgy and Bukkake"
"all best quality videos regardless of the theme"
"only best hetero sex videos"
And get a result of them mixed without the random garbage, porn streaming websites give you (some of the results are disgusting or simply WTF and/or garbage).
stuff online gets deleted often.
its also just slower. everytime you want to view your favorites, you essentially have to redownload it. that's a waste of fucking time and it's absolutely retarded.
Saving the super-HD 4K stuff from paysites, being able to access porn when the internet's down, the autistic pleasure of having a big collection of data, etc.
So if I read it right there's literally no reason to save porn unless you live in a third world country like america with shitty internet?
I give it a try however I'm still skeptical.
>Why not?
Because its not native to a OS.
If tags where supported natively in a file system its a different story.
Its look in.
Basically lets say the dev's vanish and you are left with 3+ years of tagging that only works with this database.
If the application has limitations (max number of tags or files etc) you are fucked.
Dynamically populated folders can always be exported and are useful because everything supports folders.
Also the fact that I have written everything about it so i know how to use it and it will never be dropped.
>dev updates every week
Remember true crypt and what happened there?
Stuff right out of a conspiracy thriller.
Like if the dev's got grabbed by the NSA, tortured and forced to write on their website how everyone needs to start using MS bitlocker because [pure insanity + propaganda].
>stuff online gets deleted often.
>shitty internet
no you didn't read anything at all
fuck off.
As if you have read my post, as I said you can still save your favorite videos without downloading terrabytes of porn
>Because its not native to a OS.
No OS will ever have robust tagging and searching options.
> 3+ years of tagging that only works with this database
it's just a simple sql database. you can transfer it anywhere you want
>max number of tags or files etc
I have 8million files tagged in it. the only limit is the OS
> folders
folders have limits on Windows.
> i know how to use it and it will never be dropped.
of course until you simply get tired of maintaining it
>Remember true crypt and what happened there?
what about it? TC still works just fine and I prefer it over VC since it's been real world tested. Again, it is also open source so you can check yourself for malicious changes by comparing it with older versions
Some people have terabytes of favorites.
>why do people like collecting
is basically what you're asking
Let me explain this to you this way.
YOU literally have lag and a wait period before watching streaming porn.
Or show me a internet connection + browser combo that gives you access to the data faster then a local HDD.
YOU literally need to use the peace of crap player they made out of flash or some shit.
while we can use whatever player we like.
YOU literally watch 1 video at a time and need to dick around (more wasted time) to get another started.
while we can have a trusted collection of known good porn vids.
YOU can literally get garbage like if you want a porn star however one of the videos is actually a man jerking off to a crappy webcam (actually happened to me on a porn streaming website; nice tagging idiots).
Saying you have more videos is irrelevant if we can get the same and its far better to simply download a batch of them overnight and watch them conveniently if you are in the mood locally.
Because a cat is fine too, user.
I'm one of the Data Hoarders:
>why do people like collecting
Na this is irrelevant for me
its basically
1) Speed
2) Ability + convenience of access
3) Having all my favorites
4) Secure form the website deleting the videos and/or lose of internet connection.
>Some people have terabytes of favorites
no they don't
so again it all boils down to you having shitty internet, I have no problem watching porn online because my PC and internet are fast
I'm OP and have a (YOU) I laughed.
PS: The cat is there because I simply searched for a folder icon and grabbed the best looking, i did not realize anything was visible in it and this was inappropriate for a porn folder example(the author wanted a generic MEME + cat picture internet folder or something I think).
>no they don't
yes, they do
favorites don't have some arbitrary limit or whatever the fuck retard shit you're thinking of.
>so again it all boils down
You ignored 2,3,4
>shitty internet
Wat is your internet speed?
Compered to your HDD speed?
Post the actual numbers.
>I'm one of the Data Hoarders
if you dont have a minimum of 30tb you arent a data hoarder
Yes. Call me when women can get the job done as cheaply, efficiently, quickly, and overall effectively as a wank.
Having sex is not the same as wanking,
>Wat is your internet speed?
>Compered to your HDD speed?
>Post the actual numbers.
your points are irrelevant because I have access to unlimited amount of porn in an instant
do you really think I care if I get to watch a video 100ms later?
It neutralises my libido for the next few hours so it is.
This is retarded.
The internet connection depends on you and the server. So if a server decides to send data like its 1997 your connection means shit because you default to the servers speed.
Unless you have some magical connection that can magically make every server magically get your connections speed if you are connected you are fucked.
And porn streaming websites are notorious for basically limiting one users download speed.
Try this MR. fast internet press forward on the video to skip some scene.
>Whats this?
>But muh internet is super fast, that's unpossible!
The cat is so inappropriate, someone made it appropriate long ago by the way of a now ancient meme. It was the best possible picture you could have chosen!
>tfw jerked off 7 times today because it just doesn't do it anymore
should I try a hooker?
Yes. That fucking matters, man!
No, you should try physical exercise.
no it doesn't, you barely notice 100ms if at all
first post is best as usual
>he's never played multiplayer videogames
it does matter in vidya but not in porn
You are still not posting your numbers.
Post them.
Don't be shy.
>unlimited amount
The same was true for 1994 picture related.
>The internet connection depends on you and the server.
This. Then again not sure why people are wasting their time responding to bait
>not knowing the average speed of internet vs hdd
what are you even doing on this board?
Fun fact redtube actually limits one connection to ~300kbps (I don't remember the exact number) and I know this because I use a script to mass download from them overnight.
I also modified my script to fake multiple connections to get the max out of my connection.
don't ever reply to my post with irrelevant garbage
>he is aroused at the sight of another strange man's erect penis entering and spunking over a woman he vaguely finds attractive...
who softcore here?
So you literally admitted to using a worse way of watching porn and all the
>Huh me stream me internet connection stronk!
So you literally being OK with delays between getting a next vid you have more problems.
>unlimited amount of porn
Did I ever occur to you that other people simply download the same videos from the same streaming services you do?
So basically I start a scraping script to get videos from a streaming service in a given category when I'm not in the mood.
So I have a folder of unwatched scraped porn from the same services.
So if I get the urge to see some new fap material I simply look into this folder and can have the same things you have only better in every way.
So basically I'm getting the same shit you get only faster and better.
What will be your next argument that you magically get better search results on the same website because you steam VS me having saved most of it on my HDD?
The saved files are form the same search results you get if you do a search.
Make me.
Can you give a torrent of softcore?
Personally after all the hardcore a man craves some sexy dressed woman not only dick in ass/pussy/mouth
What are your preferences? Do you want masturbation? Teasing? Just tits?
Noice trips.
Don't be lazy - there's a lot of shit out there and you'll find it easily enough.
>Cortana insults him for watching porn
>Are you watching porn again?
>How pathetic
>well go ahead
>What are you watching?
>This is new. I haven't seen it yet.
>Come on, stroke your pathetic cock
>Mmm that's good
>A little faster for me?
>There you go
>I bet you wish I was there right about now, huh?
All of it, give me all and let me decide later what I keep.
I used to have a basically softcore pic folder (from way back) however i lost it.
Then I got into hardcore and now I crave something different, something softcore.
>What are your preferences?
Woman, pretty skinny can have tits or be flat I can go both ways.
Also I want the image quality to be nice not something that looks like it was filmed/shot on shit.
Above all else the woman should be happy definitively assertive, fun loving (I have seen erection killers of hardcore where the woman is basically chocked by hand and the fucking looks like some factory check list to be finished).
At this point seductive look and gesture is more arousing to me then all the ass fucking and Bukkake.
At this point she can be fully clothed if she wants, nudity lost its charm a long time ago.
I prefer nice looking garments swimming suits/bikini are my preference however there are others that I like.
I have no idea if you are ashamed other insulting you or extremely aroused.
I just save stuff to specific folders by what I search on e621
ashamed *over insulting
Oh god, why?
The virgin's side reads like the original creator's life story.
I actually have a pretty large archive of porn dating all the way back to 1998
Me explained.
congratulations I lost my old stuff.
When your perversion veritable increases to this level that you get a Integer overflow.
If this thread is still alive when I get back from work, I'll make a torrent with assorted stuff from my collection. Most of the women have big to very large tits.
How long will this take?
Also if this thread is dead can you make the torrent and post it in
Make a thread named softcore and post the torrent there.