Change my mind on privacy

I'm curious why one should even bother. I feel like I've been on the internet for so long without protecting my personal data that even if I managed to do it perfectly from now on it would be pointless at this point. Change my mind

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Unless you're a pedo, I guarantee not one pair of human eyes has seen anything that you search or do on your computer. Let me end this anxiety about big brother spying on you with two points...

Unless you are breaking the law you should have nothing to worry about
>how original. I know...

The US has over 300 million citizens, and last I checked only 2.7 million of them work for the government. Each of them would have to be watching over 100 citizens 24/7. And that's if every worker had the same job. And even more they would have to be accountable for every device each of their citizens uses.

t. CIA nigger

How old are you? Do you even know what t. means?

The NSA targeted people for things as innocent as reading the Linux Journal. We all know that you're glowing right now.

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there's this thing called automatization and big data analysis nowadays grandpa

Ask yourself how you would benefit

This is true, it's not worth the effort to manually look at every thing you do online unless you are on some kind of watchlist.
But that doesn't mean that whatever you post isn't saved at least 10 times, at 10 different locations, for unforseen amounts of time.
It can be stored there for years, and maybe one day, you get in a little trouble with the law, and officials are gonna look through every last Sup Forums post you ever made.
Of course, you never posted anything that is slightly less than politically correct am I right?

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There must be at least 3 agents watching Terry at all times

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So you are telling me that everyone who regularly visits websites like the Linux Journal, are being spied on? Once they get a new person on their list they immediately search their records and look at every last thing they ever searched, maybe not everything just things that might be suspicious. Then that agent memorizes everything in that persons record and goes home and jacks off to the thought of it? Then that same linux neckbeard instantly feels the violation in his anonymity and cries himself to sleep?

I'm not sure calling someone a pussy ass nigger faggot or posting and making jokes with rekt gifs would ever land you in a jail cell. Tormenting a song you might have already paid for would get you arrested before that. I don't look for CP threads or have any on my computer so all in all I feel bretty good.

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Of course not, but it doesn't look good either.
What if one day your gf accuses you of rape (lets say you didn't rape her).
FBI digs through your posts of the last 5 years.
One of those was from when you were drunk, when you stated that "women were made for sex and should be treated like objects, because they are".
This post will be shown to the entire court during your trial.
Do you think it will help your case?

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Sounds like the type of person who belongs in prison

Give us the password to everything personal you have and we can show you.
Pictures, videos, everything, go on.

maybe (((they))) have an ai that parses all your personal data

>what are logs and metadata
Kill yourself

why would you say that user if you have no distaste for woman, i stand behind every word i said and am going to say i do not "troll"

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Fucking this.
This user just gave a clear example on why it's an importamt thing
Everyone has something to hide, not because we're criminals, there are many reasons on why you'd prefer to obscure some informatiom about yourself
Maybe you live in an area where your sexuality/religion aren't fully accepted
Maybeyou are afraid people will discriminate you because of your hobbies, or the things you talk in private with your friends
Everyone would definitely see me with different eyes if they saw the kind of shit me and my friends joke about
Think about the anonymity you have on Sup Forums too
Anonymity sets you free, allows you to be yourself without fearing irl backlash
I have said stuff on this site I would never dare to say irl, and it feels so good to have a place to say these things
Even if you don't care about any of that, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be comfortable talking about intimate stuff with friends/partners/family if you knew something you said is being copied, stored, and can be used against you in the future

Further reading

Feel free to question me about any of the topics I talked about, or even coming up with a specific situation, I'd love to continue to conversation

You realise google dont keep most of your information for more then 2 weeks, that is unless you use shit like google+/youtube/facebook and put all your information on there for free, only then do you not deserve to not have any privacy

>goes home and jack off
Yeah, jack off to the thought of seeing you in prison sucking tyrone's dick

It's all automated you dumb nigger cattle. You get tagged for extra surveillance in the database automatically and then maybe an NSA nigger will personally look through the data. It's all a single XKeyscore search away you dumb nigger monkey.