open 2 tabs in Firefox

> open 2 tabs in Firefox
> 1.2GB of ram

I'm not even in the 40-tabs category of people but this is a joke really...

Attached: 2018-03-12 20_37_03-Window.png (1503x796, 377K)

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This. The more memory you have, the more it hogs. If the add ones werent so good I’d use one of those gay lightweight browsers like pale moon.

Not bad for 128 tabs.

Attached: file.png (772x82, 5K)

But I "only" have 16GB, not like a monster 64GB machine... But yeah... At least it feels fast to use I guess.

y tho ?

>tabs in titlebar

y not ?

If only I knew how modern memory managment and caching worked...

what's wrong with pdf.js?

> windows
> twitch
muh gaymes
> netflix
when you have a job you can, too, pay the people that make the content you like
> twitter
what's so bad about it ?
> pdf.js
that's mozilla's choice not mine
> tabs in titlebar
I never have more than like 5 tabs open, no need for left-side tabs. Also it looks better


Works on my machine. Not to mention I rave like 20 extensions.

Attached: Screenshot_20180312_205318.png (1920x1080, 1.04M)