Update your packages!

Daily reminder to do your:

pacman -Sddyyuv --force --noconfirm --needed


Attached: alanwelcome01.jpg (500x281, 59K)

I use debian and therefore update weekly not daily. Also my update commands are human readable.

sorry, I use NixOS

I don't use arch luke

I prefer sudo apt-get update && upgrade

Sick of so many updates on Arch.

Makes me pine for a slower distro that can handle different versioned releases.

you mean sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

What you typed won't upgrade shit

>not pacman

I just reinstall gentoo monthly

>using sudo in debian
>not superior su

good thing nobody is forcing you to update shit

>mfw had manjaro KDE for a week
>mfw pacman -Syu would always say up-to-date and no packages to install
that worried me that a rolling release didn't upgrade faster than Debian-based distros.

>update my Arch laptop for the first time in 3 months
>5gb download
>heavy breathing.png
>works perfectly fine

What did they mean by this?

>not using shell functions

What's wrong with just pacman -Syu?

Oh yeah? What about when you try to install a new package without upgrading first?
arch is a meme

>so many updates
Weird to see these complaints. I like up to date software. Makes me feel more secure against cia niggers.

>iptables --version
Your mom is a meme.

>having a root account in the first place

Why wouldn't you have a root account?

What are the advantages of using su over sudo?

different user, if you are writing a script you can change user once write a block of commands requiring different user privileges then exit, as opposed to writing "sudo [Options] command" for every single line.