Some threads are loading the malicious scripts from a few months ago.
Some threads are loading the malicious scripts from a few months ago
Other urls found in this thread:
4chinz is ded
Has these scripts loaded, triggered by keywords?
So? Block them.
If you don't think this is a bad thing, you are stupid
the scripts are gone now, that's pretty weird.
in my experience, it's pretty random when they show up. they will disappear and show up from thread-to-thread, board-to-board, seemingly without much of a pattern.
weirdly enough i saw Sup Forums trying to load scripts from a fucking bitcoin related site on /jp/ the other day, but it only occured on one thread.
What these scripts do? Why are they malicious?
read up on it here.
tl;dr yes they are suspicious as fuck
>a random website wants to store data on your computer and load scripts
what do you think
Are they linked with certain ads or keywords?
Some threads load them, some don't.
Sometimes they stay, sometimes they don't.
Some threads get unique scripts to them, other times they don't.
It seems to happen more on slower boards
Only the google and adglare shit is showing in my NoScript. And blocking Sup Forums directly breaks the damn catalog.
Clover user here
Works fine on my machine
phoneposting should be against the law
What's the point of blocking stuff individually when you have the entire domain blacklisted? It's eye cancer.
Why does hiro allow this?
why is he evil?
>thread gone
>blocking subdomains when domain itself is already blocked
>blocking individual items when the entire domain is blocked
>have toaster PC
>firefox doesn't load umatrix sometimes (RAM shortage? CPU?)
>PC turns into a helpless gaping anus exposed to hiro's malicious barbed cocks
Fuck moot for selling us off to that scheming, conniving, greedy piece of shit.
I'd say you fellas have been buttfucked by some spyware hahahahaha try using an offline antivirus checker, and by "offline" I mean one that starts from a bootable disk avg used to have an offline antivirus checker
is hirens-bootdisk still around that had a few different ones on there
and before you get all snotnosed about AVG you'll find their offline scanner is a lot more ruthless than the shit that loads when windows starts
Ironic given clover users are immune to this
I guess I'm safe
Haven't seen those in umatrix although I guess I haven't really been looking.
>i saw Sup Forums trying to load scripts from a fucking bitcoin related site on /jp/
Are you constantly checking it even on sites that you frequent or do you get a notification or something?
I'm using ublock origin, and I keep seeing a white page, unless I reload the page completely (ctrl+f5)...
wait, how do you solve captchas? also, you don't see a white page?
I dont have any problems solving captchas. I just had to whitelist gstatic and google.
Why is clover not in the playstore?
And how do you know its safe from these scripts
Have a guess why its not in the playstore.
Playstores shit anyway.
Wheres clover gonna store and execute those scripts?
>being this retarded
I have no idea why its not in the playstore
Thats why i asked
Judging by ur answer seems like neither do u my guy
Let me google it for us
Ok turns out it was some bullshit on behalf of google due to the nsfw material
Ur welcome
Everybody already knew that apart from you