Essential /holdingmywifessonshand/ core

essential /holdingmywifessonshand/ core

listened to this as i put my tick next to sanders in the voting booth



Gira is literally the opposite of a cuck. he's married and still rapes sluts like no one's business

This has been my go-to soundtrack for prepping the bull ever since it came out.

i think he knows he makes music that only cucks listen to and uniroincally think they enjoy

he must get a great laugh out of it

haha original and funny guys XD le cuck meme so humorous

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You're gonna have to do more to justify this opinion, op. The Seer is the aesthetic opposite of the sort of enervate indie pop Sanders voters would go for.

>this post
>this literal post

I never understood why Joanna Newsom seems to be overlooked when it comes to nu-malecore.
Being an effeminate, weedy cuck is a definite prerequisite to being able to enjoy(or pretend to enjoy) her music.

Lol cuck.

This is a safespace my friend. Please refrain from making homophobic posts.

truth has finally been spoken

Anyone got any recent pics of Gira's wife?

This, and she's my favorite artist too.

>autistically obsessed with the cuck meme
>call anybody who calls you stupid a cuck/nu male/redditor

This thread makes me want to go fishing

just looks like 99% of white guys, probably including you

what the fuck are you on about you fucking retarded faggot? you don't like the album and suddenly it's "cuck" core. there are hardly any lyrics and most of them are nonsense. an album like tpab is actual cuck core. kysmm

Requesting a JUST edit of the cover

You know some times you have to stop memeing in life. If you only meme you become an obsessive weirdo posting about cucks all the time on the internet and then wonder why other dudes are getting girls and being happy.

he has new wife