
what did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


It was just some bitch Trent fucked after seeing Raisin in the Sun staring Denzel Washington.

Is Trent Reznor a misogynistic fat-shaming macho piece of shit?

Here we go again with this fucking story

What is this story?

Trent was so gay back then

>at 3:48 when he just picks up danny lohner and throws him down on his back
millennials fucking ruined music. shit used to be fun

it was drugs and alcohol, highly entertaining but bad for artist's health.

>hey pig piggy pig pig pig

i want to say millennials need some drugs and alcohol stat but then we just get diiv


we live in the matrix now.

>be older
>one day download all old NIN albums to listen to again
>quickly realize it's all edgy teen shit
It's amazing how with age you can change so much.

youtu.be/qboe5CebixA?t=273 implying people can't be mad anymore

DEP? Please. Let me know when a women shows up to one of their shows. They're just a bunch of high school band dweebs playing "crazy spazzy" for their neckbeard audience. The only thing they have in common with NIN is a manlet lead singer.


I thought they had a pretty large female fanbase, i've seen a lot of girls at all their shows

>nothing in common with nin

faith no more =/= nine inch nails

>a band is only good if girls like them

this has to be bait, if not stop posting any time


No, you're right. Girls are sooooo icky!

NIN general?

The Fragile > Year Zero > Downward Spiral > Broken > The Slip > Hesitation Marks > Pretty Hate Machine > With Teeth > Ghosts

I like all the albums though


Reznor and Patton are two of the band's biggest influences, you can hear elements of both in those songs

what do you think about later albums?

pleb, the lyrics may not be that great but the actual music and production is top notch

why did you delete your posts man, don't you want to look like a retard?

janitor probably

> the lyrics may not be that great
People keep saying this, and I can see why because his lyrics are a bit silly sometimes (that "fist fuck" part in Wish, for example) but I couldn't imagine songs like Closer, The Becoming, Hurt or The Great Below without the lyrics.

Mods on Sup Forums are obviously neckbeard garbage. Permavirgin DEP fan got his fee fees all hurt!
Only the most crazy & spazzy of dweebs would have tried mashing those two together.

jesus did someone in dep steal your girlfriend or something, why does this band trigger you this bad?


Truth hurts, I guess.

please end your life


fragile is fun, but really should have been a single disc. it noodles too much as a double disc and loses focus.

are you the same guy as hipster black metal sucks? you seem like the kind of irrational basement dwelling autistic cunt

Can we talk about NIN now and not reply to the shitposter that is unable to cope with someone liking something he doesn't like?

you're giving him what he wants m8

The Beatles have a great song called Piggy - referring to capitalist pig, rich, business suit guys. Its very good. Charles Manson went psychotic (he loved the Beatles) his followers wrote piggy in blood on the walls of Sharon Tates big house after they killed her. The Downward Spiral was recorded in that house.

Watch the Closer video, it has a few suited piggies in there. Or go to a city and look at the guys in business suits.

TDS>Pretty hat machine>Ghosts>nothing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>every other artist>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else by NIN

wew dial it back a tad, a bit too salty for my tastes

Never listened to DEP but you sound like a huge faggot lol

you sound hurt in the butt m8

TDS > The Fragile > Pretty Hate Machine > everything else by NIN

>pretty hate machine that high

If i want depeche mode I will listen to depeche mode

Year Zero is top tier, I will never understand why it's so underrated by people

That line is Wish is actually pretty good imo

TDS>Broken>The Perfect Drug>PHM

Nothing else in his catalog matters, NIN died with the 90s.

meme-tier opinion

>The Fragile doesn't matter

it actually doesn't

explain why

After Somewhat Damaged there's a smattering of half-assed ideas that could have been decent, but it's too much of a mess honestly. After that it's WITH-UH-TEETH-UH and no one with any taste is sticking around after that point. It's all down hill after Closure.

The two albums after with teeth are worth a listen, I think everyone agrees that's his worst

They might be worth a listen but they're not good albums. I've read over and over again where Trent explicitly says he views NIN as a brand/product at this point. Hesitation Marks, need I say more?

You're wrong.

Have you heard them?
Most albums are products and have been for a long time

Also I actually liked most songs from HM, but I'm a bit of a trent fanboy. I can see why people don't

bad album

>a smattering of half-assed ideas
Those are what, three songs off an album with 23 tracks? Please. The Fragile's a train wreck at best.
>Have you heard them?
Yes, sadly.

Also, take a look at the last three pics I posted and take a look at this one and tell me it isn't JUST over.

I really enjoy Year Zero

Haha yeah that pic is unflattering but he's still got it live


I think they're all great tracks. Also Fragile has some of the most feels inducing tracks like La Mer, Frail, The Great Below. For me this album is better than TDS.

Nah, even his stage show is a tame old man's impression of what a NIN show used to be.
>I think they're all great tracks. Pic related.



that's a great pic, not sure what you're trying to prove

nobody gives a fuck but i'll still do this

the fragile > tds > ghosts > year zero = broken >>> with teeth >>> the shit

the remixes from TDS and broken era with some of the live albums/still are up there as well

the nin fans in this thread seem to really like ghosts. I could never get into much myself aside from background study music

What's there to prove? Reznor has gone full blown "derpy Dad" à la Joe Walsh. Dude named his kids Lazarus Echo and Balthazar, I hate it for you if you think someone who lacks that kind of basic awareness hasn't long since jumped the shark artistically.

I don't care about his personal life or how he dresses. You seem to be the type of guy that cares about image more than the music. Even if you don't like the newer nin albums his soundtracks are good

>that cares about image more than the music.
His music's even worse than his image at this point, including his incredibly novice soundtrack work. I wish it was just his image, I could just close my eyes and be fine if that was the case.

Here, have some sexy rock star vintage Reznor before he started looking like a mid-level manager at Office Depot.

I like Reznor's work, but I swear his fans are almost as bad as Tool fans. I would not be the least bit surprise if most of you assholes would have preferred he killed himself during the production of The Fragile just to preserve him so that he never got around to exploring music beyond shrieking about killing God.

Reznor is not a coke and booze fueled kid with something to prove to the world and he knows it. Do you really think that at age 50 he's going to be punching and tripping his bandmates? He's grown up, he's not living in the past, and if he was still doing that shit, it would be far more of a parody then anything he does now.

I remember when With_Teeth was released. I absolutely hated it, I thought it was a betrayal of his music. I was wrong to think that way, looking back considering it's an album dedicated to dealing with addiction. The Downward Spiral is a great album, but it was what he was over 20 years ago. Hesitation Marks is about who he is now. It's better he stay constantly moving forward then become stale like many of his contemporaries have become.


nice blogpost faggot am i supposed to read all that shit

But PHM has better production than anything by DM, as well as boasting masterful songs like Head Like a Hole, Sanctified and Ringfinger

No, I doubt you have the capacity to do anything beyond slandering others.

I'll give you your personalized shortened version:

>"Waaaa I just want another Downward Spiral released every 2 or 3 years because I can't handle change!"

>it would be far more of a parody then anything he does now
>the parody he does now could be worse guys!
That's one hell of an indictment, user.

Here's a pic of a mid-level manager at Office Depot jumping up to the second shelf to snatch down a ream of printer paper.

>Reznor is not a coke and booze fueled kid with something to prove to the world and he knows it. Do you really think that at age 50 he's going to be punching and tripping his bandmates? He's grown up, he's not living in the past, and if he was still doing that shit, it would be far more of a parody then anything he does now.


>guys his music just sucks now because he got old
>no biggie
>we'll just call it change & maturity

I don't think it sucks though

That's probably because you're a fucking idiot. FYI

>my opinion is objective fact anyone who doesn't agree with it is an idiot

stop posting any time, dude was right this is tool-fan tier

Why are you so scared of change? Being this bitter over someone you don't know must be frustrating.

Where were you when Trent's pupil surpassed him?

He never did, the only halfway decent album he made was because of trent. Also didn't they end up hating each other?

MM is the sasuke of the music world

You Nostalgia faggots realize that Reznor's aggression on stage in the early and mid nineties was not spontaneous. It was a practiced part of the stage act meant to toughen the image of his music brand and gain as many new fans as possible.



>I wish opinions I didn't like would just disappear!
>muh hugbox! muh safespace!
Change? Like if Reznor suddenly started writing some good music again?

>I wish opinions I didn't like would just disappear!

Never said this


>Danny, I'm gonna pick you up and throw you down on your back around the three minute mark. Ok, cool? Be ready.
You fucking idiot.
>stop posting anytime dude!
>stop! please just stop!
>ad hominem! oh muh fee fees!
Faggot, that's exactly what you said.

>being this mad

Jesus man this is just music we're talking about here

Music that was written before he was born to boot.

Either you're blind or slow, I'll believe both

not sure but that was a nice little record

why did you post that? shit sucks donkey dicks

You've spent too much time on Sup Forums, that's the only thing I can think of that would make you this bitter towards people you don't even know.

NIN generals are usually have some of the best discussion on Sup Forums, even the people that think Trent sucks now are able to articulate why without flying into an autistic rage, I guess you can be proud of singlehandedly shitting up what could've been a good thread

With Teeth is shit. Addiction or no addiction.

Look, this faggots got it all figured out.


Now this is some good satire