Art music

If everything is art, doesn't that devalue the term and make it meaningless?

no, because art isn't inherently good

Who said everything is art?
A miserable dickhead, sure.

Art is anything that was made to be art, not just any random thing.

Basically the only requirement in my opinion is that it was made by a human deliberately . If it was made by god it is not art, and if it was made accidentally it is not art, regardless of its beauty.

you mean art is creative expression

Does that mean you aren't art?

oooh snap

Art is finding value in meaningless things.

by a human, yes. "creative expression" is a bit vague though.

I assume you're making a joke about the deliberately bit, but no, I'm not art, humans are made by god

"God" does not exist.


This thread is bullshit.

shut up you gay little bitch

ooh how profound you fucking prick

>if everything with calories is called food doesn't that devalue the term xdd

it doesn't even matter what is "art" and what isn't

this made me kek. However I still do not promote date rape.

>it doesn't even matter what is "art" and what isn't
This user is an intelligent person.


Yes, if you care if weather or not a given work is art then you're a retard.

I can't believe nobody posted this yet.

That quote is one of the biggest bullshit ever heard

that's a pretty pretentious thing to say desu

I think there are certain kinds of art that anyone can appreciate--especially certain kinds of classical music. the thing is that certain people just don't really care enough to put in the effort to appreciate them. it's not that they CAN'T, it's just that they don't realize how good it can be. and I say these people should be educated, not shamed.

Schoenberg wrote some cool music but his philosophy and art kinda sucks.

Spoken like a true musical sadomasochist.

I agree