where do you keep your offsite backup user?
Where do you keep your offsite backup user?
safe deposit box
128gb usb in my anus
on site
On a LVM group spanned across a bunch of old IDE drives.
In a locked water tight case in the desert
I hide my files inside videos of popular movies then upload it on pirate bay and similar.
The data I keep encrypted, merged and split into 10 gig chunks in Google Coldline.
The metadata I keep encrypted on a few different cloud storage accounts.
The backup decryption keys are well secured on some property I own a few thousand miles from where I live.
google drive
I’ve learned to practice non-attachment towards data so I don’t have any that I care about losing anymore.
You've gone full autist
Who needs backups?
2tb HDD in my panties draw
If I need backups I'll just email the NSA. I'm sure they have everything
"""The Cloud"""
encrypted in the cloud
A large safe in my parents house
>8 HDD raid 0
Oh God why?
You'll have to try harder than that you fucking glow in the dark.
he's an absolute mdadm madman
I keep my backup in a server under my friend's bed.
Placed in a plastic container and buried in my backyard.
Nice try CIA.
If you encrypt with long symmetric key you can store CP on presidents computer and nobody would know
>muh (((cloud)))
Why symmetric?
I keep all three copies right next to the server in a cardboard box on top of an old stack of news papers next to an electric space heater, why?
1Tb Yandex Disk and 2Tb hdd in small fireproof safe. Basically it is only music and favorite anime and films.
On a 1Tb VPS which is also being used as vpn server.