Have a fractal define r5 case

>Have a fractal define r5 case
>Clean out computer
>All clean of dust
>Take apart GPU and replace thermal paste on the heatsink and die
>have x2 3000 rpm industrial noctua fans in the front of the case
>Have a single 3000 RPM fan at the back of the case
>100% load on R9 390
>Fans are all on full speed ahead
Pic related shows my GPU thermal throttling and at the max 94 degrees. Is there anything else I can do to reduce the temps?
When I open up my windows in my room the temps go down to around 84 degrees, but when I close them it comes to the max 94 degrees. My room is quite warm.

Attached: 1494790556900.png (1920x844, 454K)

Keep the windows open.

Too cold

Downclock and undervolt. Try -100mV and 900MHz. Even my reference 290 is cooler than yours

Attached: cool off.png (680x649, 331K)

>He fell for the fractal meme

Pick up an Artic Accelro cooler, Morpheus, or MK-26. That will solve your heating issue.

Attached: Prolimatech Mk-26 Black Edition.jpg (1280x854, 816K)



No joke try replacing thermal paste. 200 and 300 series house are getting old, and have always been hot. Redid my 2 290s and Temps dropped from 94 to 73 and 69 (different cases) problem was the thermal paste was completely dry
Can't hurt to try user

Reading is hard.

Well since you've covered pretty much everything else you might just have to settle for lowering the power limit. Since you're thermal throttling anyway there can't be much to lose. Otherwise or just get a different case.

Liquid metal on the gpu

Get two of these 9G1212E101 120mm 3100 rpm to replace the gpu fans.


109P1412H101 140mm 2600 rpm

How do I attach fans to the gpu?

For some reason he’s overvolting/clocking if I understand the pic correctly. Power limit +50%, seriously?

Reading is difficult

how the fuck do you make msi afterburner show the clock speed instead of the offset numbers

>Power limit +50%
Oh gee I wonder why it's making so much heat.

Attached: 1518214334270.jpg (341x307, 41K)

By having an AMD card instead of an Nvidia.
AMD=actual values
Nvidia=offset from stock

oh ok so i was just being retarded. thanks

tfw my mum opens the door to check up on my and it goes down to 91 degrees.

Attached: 1519345985117.jpg (644x632, 136K)

it's the crypto shit, you idiot

Do what this person told you.

No dramas. Not the thing you'd be expected to know.

Alright my man
Are those Artic Accelro cooler better than the aftermarket coolers on my GPU right now?

Absolutely. Get one that's rated for the 300W TDP of your card. I recommend the Raijintek Morpheus by anything will do.


Is this one fine?

Attached: 1515709259706.png (1067x922, 416K)

Definitely. Many people use it on Vega cards and these are also known for their huge TDP.

Does it come with the fans, or must I buy one myself?

It doesn't, which IMO is fine since it's always a good idea to replace stock fans on anything.

if I want noctua fans on them what size would be compatable (140mm, 120mm), and how would I attach them to the heatsink? Noctua fans that I got don't come with any kind of attachment for heatsinks

Just use 120mm static pressure optimized fans.

Reduce the power limit and put fans on auto, don't buy anything until you exhaust all other options.

Hey /biz/

Is that the new skype or what ?

>fan speed control via MSI Afterburner

no thanks, i don't trust application level fan speed control

>power level +50%

Attached: 2dd.jpg (300x300, 15K)