/daily/ - "hampus containment thread" edition

>resurrected but keeps fucking up, just use paint for your charts honestly

>fifth dimension for space-time memery (aka "music") ever since plug deejay was musically aborted

>Site with templates, OP covers, archive, & random stuff


Other urls found in this thread:


for da 'pus

who is this thread for

For you and for me


>my OC is being used by the meme himself
it's an honour

see pic related for another mayme

I like all the 'overrated' one's too, I just don't think any of them deserve above a 7.5

for da nglia

There's a girl in my class who's 6 years younger than me who for some reason keep talking to me about her relationships and asking me for advice
>asking me
>about relationship advice

Well untitled 4 on Hisou / Pathétique / 4 is an experience
Didn't expect this album to sound like it does, it gets very droning at times, almost minimal in a certain way. Pretty good stuff famalam.

GFR give download for yr EP rec

perhaps she needs a bit of 'hands on' teaching from the Hamp ;^)

maybe you should tutor her in a bit of 'chemistry' followed by some 'phys ed'.


Nah I'd rather give my spot to Rudi, he has sick taste

heads up?

I thought you rec'd V. Sinclair - Balance

oh yeah i did rec that one.

Are you good for the Wyatt EP?
How's the tourney shaping up?

dicks up


the person I was DLing it from on slsk went offline before I could DL it but I'll find another source when it's time to listen to yr rec.
the tourney is being fun even if most of what was rec'd is music I tend to dislike.
Listening to Car Seat Headrest.

can anybody find me a download for alva - fair headed guillotine? it's on soulseek but there's like 300 people in queue

what kind of porn does king buzzo like

what did you dislike about montremartre though


oh well it's on spotify that's cool

I only liked the rare distortion filled moments, they stopped my boredom for moments. the instrumentation and production were both bad and literally the only thing they had going for them was the vocalist. and I didn't like her very much

Hello friend-o's

I've posted in these threads a couple times but never really stuck with it. I've been listening to a lot more music lately though, and I want to talk about music with people! So I'm gonna make a big essentials chart and give my thoughts on the albums I hear, will post the chart in a bit.

here lad


listening to this, it's fuccen cool but i hope there's still somewhat of a chance for me to win

I hope it's a shitty score :)

gl man!

wait don't threads get deleted when hampus starts them

well whatever

Whiskeytown - Stranger's Almanac (1997)
>alt-country, americana

Okay, I didn't like this nearly as much as I led on or as I thought I would. It's just alt-country by the books, literally just a continuation of the Uncle Tupelo sound with nothing new added to it. Granted, it's still really nice to listen to, but I find myself fairly bored by it. There are the sad, whiskey drinkin' songs, the upbeat cowpunk songs, the americana songs, it's just a by-the-books alt-country album. At least it's a /good/ by-the-books alt-country album.


Friendly reminder, don't forget to listen to my album!


I'll listen to it if
- you give me a dl link
- you listen to mine: hedon-ism.bandcamp.com/album/a-forest-of-delirium

Getting ready to listen to this :)
Fun fact: Track 3 - "King Korn" is where the band 'Korn' took their namesake from.

>[Scaruffi]'s a good critic.
He barely even qualifies as a critic, much less a good one.

One down, 62 more to go.


Let's see your list of the 163 best jazz albums m8

i'll feel somewhat sad for you if you don't find one stand out album in that chart


sounds good friendo, the more people actually posting their thoughts on albums instead of just a number the better

Sure thing. Here's the link: vinter-music.bandcamp.com/releases

I will listen to yours right now :)

See above

Because I'm sad and life is a bottomless pit of despair

Making lists isn't the same as being a critic.

CSH's EP was a solid one. I really liked the fourth track. The rest was mostly stuff that didn't stand out though.


Wyatt's EP started off real good, and despite getting a bit worse and me getting tired of this voice, maintained a level of quality that's pretty satisfactory. Pigs was the track I liked the least, it felt gimmicky. Shipbuild was the best.


Haha, nope. Fuck outta here.

Serious question: would you consider yourself a better critic than Scaruffi?

>Fun fact: Track 3 - "King Korn" is where the band 'Korn' took their namesake from.
wew, who would've known they'd be into Free Jazz

Everybody can make long lists, but not everybody can be intelectually dishonest enough to list their own opinions as an "history of music".
Scaruffi wouldn't be as bad if he didn't try to pass his own thoughts as facts.

I'm resurrecting this chart

Gal Costa - Gal

Definitely her most psychedelic and most out-there release. And I think it benefits a lot from that.
There's a lot more going on musically with the instrumentation and effects, but not so much that it becomes a style over substance ordeal. The songwriting is still just as good as on her 68 album, even better at some places.
It's an album that ventures out of it's latin pop confinement at times and dares to seek influence elsewhere. There is a song with a distinctly middle eastern melody to it. And the whole record is much harder edged, moving into psych rock territory.
I hope this isn't her peak, but it sort of feels like it. Nevertheless I will continue exploring her discog.


Träd, Gräs och Stenar - Djungelns Lag

My journey continues through the Träd, Gräs och Stenar/Harvester/Parson Sound/whatever-you-want-to-call-them albums.
So far I haven't been horribly impressed with what I've heard, but I haven't disliked it either.
This release is no different in that regard. It's much more straight forward and less experimental than the International Harvester stuff. Essentially more kraut-y jam band stuff interspersed with mostly uninteresting interludes.
Songwriting has never been their strong suite though, so the jamming is mostly what I judged this album on, and it's decent.
It's exactly what you expect basically, and if you're into extended psychedelic guitar jams with lots of repetition, you'll probably enjoy this.
This is a live album so the recording quality goes up and down between songs which is a bit distracting.
Tidigt om morgonen and the final 30 minute track are the two big standouts and really save the record from mediocrity.
Unfortunately the last track, (as with the good tracks on International Harvester) was a bonus track as I later found out, so if you're going to listen to this make sure to get the version with Bonus Tracks.


I wouldn't consider myself a critic at all.

Gong - Camembert Electrique

Gong has done it again.
I never thought one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard would be found on a Gong record of all places, but the second half of Mister Long Shanks, O Mother, I Am Your Fantasy is simply immaculate.
Even though this is an earlier album from them, it somehow seems to be a bit more mature, both in tone and composition.
The goofiness is still there, but it's a bit more balanced with more sincere lyrics and a few sobering moments here and there.
In addition there is a larger focus on atmosphere than just jamming. It flips back and forth between hard rocking prog and ethereal space rock sections, but in a way that isn't nauseating.
It's a very well done record, it's definitely got some of my favorite Gong songs of all time, and it might even be better than Flying Teapot.


Today I listened to ESKIMO by The Residents.
4/5 || strong 8/10

Out of the 3 or 4 Residents albums I've heard, I liked this the most, ranking it just above their debut.
I preferred Eskimo because both the sound and the concept for the album have a stronger "character" or theme running through.
In addition to this, the jokey nature of The Residents remains, but alongside some really smart musical ideas which, to me, makes the silliness both more tolerable and more justified.
Good album, would listen. Would possibly purchase a pressing.

In my opinion, he's a good historian (esp. outside of music), but not a great critic.


I like scaruffi (all of his 9s are at least great) but as a reviewer he sucks. Still, the music he elevates is some of the greatest there is, so im ok with him.

Mortimer is back!
Where have you been? we missed you

this. the man has great taste but his reviews (mostly his bias often due to an artist's past efforts) are not the best.

ok so revisiting all the albums I never talked about is gonna take a minute, however I did listen to Silver Apples today, so here's one:

Space (station) Rock. While I was listening I was made aware of pic related, and it’s pretty clear that they’re from the same world. Some parts of the late 60s were just stupid. It’s ahead of its time, but not in a “___ wouldn’t have happened without this” kind of way. Dancing Gods is nice, though; it’s the part of a movie from that time that I’d like best. Could do without the kazoo synth at the end, though, sorta ruins the whole summoning ritual feel they had going. 2.0

Is that your band btw?

four songs in and i'm not enjoying it. considering that's a third of the album, would you mind giving us your thoughts behind it? usually an album's inspiration helps to put together a better understanding.

Thinking he's a good critic =/= agreeing with his opinions
He's consistent, he knows his shit, and he can back up his ratings and reviews.

I'm not sure if you guys are memeing or actually don't believe he's a good critic. Again, you don't have to agree with any of his ratings, or lists, or charts to see he's someone who cares about music and tries to rank it based on merit.
I also thing Anthony Fantano is a good critic for a lot of the same reasons (yes I realize what I'm doing to myself rn). He's consistent and can back up his ratings with actual evidence.
AGAIN - This doesn't mean I agree with all - or even some of their opinions. I like differing viewpoints which for some reason scares a lot of you guys.

And now we have this. You know what to do, no restrictions but streamable is preferred, running low on compy space again

Everything is improvised
I like your album so far, I'm about halfway through. My favourite track is the opener


if u heard then
Gorguts - Obscura


The Residents - Mark Of the Mole

if heard, Mama Dada 1919 - Slits, Quick

Scaruffi is still preferable to a lot of other reviewers out there but just like we don't have to agree with every viewpoint we don't all have to enjoy every critic.

I feel like I've walked in on a literal circlejerk.

I'm not a native speaker so probably you will understand almost nothing of my explanation but I'll try.

In my opinion music has to represent the feelings of the author. I'm in a bad period of my life atm so I did the album just to enjoy doing something. I know how to play a lot of instruments and I think I have a decent music culture. Also I've proven a lot of times to myself and to others that I can make "normie" music but still this is what came out. A dissonant album with poems written by me, with recordings of me destroying my shitty drawings and with me almost destroying my guitar.

Probably I did it for myself and not for others, that's the only explanation of the album I can give you :(

This is fucking amazing for being improvised. Loving the vocals! (Do you have the lyrics by any chance?). I have to listen the last track yet


will someone post the bait chart to a chart thread or /rym/ etc

really enjoy this one

Every person that prefaces with "I'm not a native speaker" is always better articulated than like half of native speakers.
You dud gr8 m8

Jacks - Vacant World

lel, that explanation actually only elevates it in my mind. really does sound like fatigue and bad feels.

>I did it for myself and not for others
>guys pls listen to my album pls
Also no, you make noise music because you're a shitty musician and couldn't make good music to save your life.

(not true by the way)

ok three seconds

holy shit this is so bad


Welcome back!

Do you want a rec yet?

Hampus don't be an asshole

W E W !
didn't see this
round 2 when


Sometimes there are no lyrics, but if you tell me a track I can try and remember them.

Impossible. Assholity is my nature.

I love you too hampus

Seriously talking probably I'm incoherent, I know, still I don't have any problems if people find my album bad. It's just a momentary sense of happiness if people say that I did great. I'm dumb yeah.


whenever the first one ends, but you can rec right now

its not that bad

not mine, I fucking hate soundcloud


Liar's Lyres which is my favourite

>(not true by the way)
forgot the comma

i know i was just memeing
but you share your name with a great band

You have.

Didn't even listen and I don't have to - I already know it's bad.

you are truly an assoholic

we know lol

how does it feel to see a band with the same name as yours be so much better than your music

Have you heard Jesus Lizard - Pure?


If that is meant to be representative of a certain mindset or situation, I would recommend you find help, or help yourself.

Been busy doing stuff and failing at most of them.

>leave for a while
>people now rec some 808 State
Glad to be back

