Visual Studio won't STOP FUCKING FREEZING.
I can't believe I let the god damn windows shills tell me software development on windows has gone anywhere in the last 20 years. It's still the same pile of shit it always has been. Back to Linux I go. Forever this time.
You didn't realize it wasn't going to be very good when you had to download about 20 gigabytes just for C#? lmao
Not that guy but options are few on windows.
My VS install has some issue that's been happening for at least 5 years that's fixed by restarting.
Been using visual studio last year when my office switched to ms azure and .net core from php(lel)
Never encountered any freezing m8. but weekly updates can be pain in the ass and slow as fuck but still its optional
install gentoo and vim
>20 gigabytes just for C#?
You mean 40Gb on VS 2017.
Yeah optional.
>49 GB monstrosity
>takes hours to install
>just to code and compile some shit
You deserve it, OP.
I don't think you understand. My issue is that things are TOO bloated. I would like them to be LESS bloated. I'll stick with Zext and LFS, thanks.
It's fucking slammed into UE4 on Windows. I can't not use it. I have no choice.
Why would you want to use VS, ever? If you want the build tools you can download them as a separate install and use your own editor or IDE.
Again, you deserve it.
I hear they can cure gayness in Texas
waht? are you too dumb to NOT install all components like unity or the FUCKING Android SDK that is 20GB? vs2017 with c# takes like 2gb max.
Want to know how I know that you're unemployed?
I do my unreal shit on Linux desu. I think I'm the only person that streams unreal dev on Linux too...
you dont have to literally select everything el tardo
. Net core not selected. Get the fuck out.
Game devs seem to prefer Windows by far, even people like Carmack. Probably because they use Windows because muh gaymez anyway.
use VSCode pajeet
Unless you are going to build a hello world or fizzbuzz program, you're a gonna need that SQL server package, lets see how much it weights after.
That is only 346MB.. still under 2GB total
>70% of bloat not installed
>b-but guys it's only 2GB
>unbloated ide
Choose one, pajeet.
> muh minimalism
Get the job done first, faggot.
I have very little knowledge in app developement, but why would people code in c# if it only works on windows when making an app in other languages makes it works crossplatform?
What is .NET core
I dont know thats why im asking
duck duck go it
>*teleports behind your xmla*
>*intellisense goes mad*
>"nothing personell mr. Patel"
Use jetbrains Ryder, then.
this, kys faggots
> crash and hangs on pleb tier pc
> upgrade ram and SSD
> everything is smooth and works perfectly
Java-based IDE (Eclipse, Android Studio
> Hang and crash on pleb tier PC
> Upgrade everything
> still hangs and crash
> literally $3000 worth specs still hangs and crash
> nothing personel kid
or just use emacs/vim
>works on a computer from the previous century
>no need to upgrade anything on modern PCs
>everything is smooth and works perfectly
Nah, I disagree. In the past, like pre-2000, development on Windows was pretty comfy. When M$ shat out dotBLOAT, everything went to fuck.
Seems to me the more power M$ developers have the less performant each application becomes.
Wow, is like you need to manually set up your JavaVM maximum memory so it doesn't crash the entire system like VS does.
most people who get shit done are on windows and of course it triggers freetards.
*most people who get shit done on the streets are on windows
Works on my machine
microshills are all about "muh jobzz!!!" as they can't think of something else that isn't working
is there any good alternative to creating winforms in C#?
what about not using a laptop with intel atom processor like any real developer with a job does?
There are more retarded peasants in the world than there are educated patricians. This is not news. Whenever I see someone using Windows, I instantly look down on them. It's so trashy. It's like going to McDonald's or something. The nasty overhyped Bud Light of operating systems.
Hey those numbers look like my workforce. About 27% of us are in a tech position, about 23% are manual labor, and the remaining 50% are just make-work jobs filled with diversity hires. Might wanna consider that next time you try to make the "numbers" argument
Oh honey. You poor baby bothered boy. If popularity mattered, Hillary would be president.
No, Visual Studio is fine on anything that's not a toaster. I don't even like Windows and I'll admit that Visual Studio is nice.
the absolute state of Sup Forums
muh numbers is not an argument, retard.
This is why I abandoned C#. I don't want to develop on Microsoft environment.