What made David Bowie so special?

What made David Bowie so special?


he died

He destroyed Iggy Pop's asshole

Lack of roots. A mix of modesty and curiosity that made him reluctant to commitment to any art form after the novelty had worn off.

A common middle class mindset, constantly trying to find an identity that reconciles ambition with humility, only latter in life finding out that that "searching" mentality is their truest identity.

Brian Eno.

good post

He was a multi-disciplinary musician who worked with other amazing musicians before, during and after his own time (all of which making fantastic albums and individual songs) and has consistently put out great music for the large chunk of his career that ANY ONE can get into.

He also was a chameleon in the way he presented his music, with almost every album having a unique identity that he would portray and create himself. He was interesting, had a distinct voice, a flamboyant look and did his own thing despite what others may have seen as queer, but he didn't give a shit.

I wish we had another Bowie that wasn't blatantly either ripping him off or trying too hard. It will probably never happen.


He has been inside of Mick Jagger


David Bowie turned marketing intpdghsjajdhxgnsnsnznxjf

I thought people were very homophobic back then. How did people like Bowie or Prince become so beloved even though they were really flamboyant?

I think about this a lot too. Bowie made several statements, whether they were true or not, that he was also into men, and I always thought that at that time and period, a statement like that would be enough to damage a career, but it actually lifted his own. How does that even work?

a lot of social change started happening during the 60's and 70's and today is a continuation of that.

He was into underground clubs like jazz (black) and gay bars. Like how eminem or elvis "stole" black culture bowie stole gay culture even though he wasn't gay or trans. He never was gay but he tried to be.

Yes, but people knew at the time that he was lying? Because he was not only using all that gay subculture style, he had stated to be bisexual on several occasions before coming out as straight on the 80's.

No people didn't know he was lying until later and he said that saying he was gay and later bi was the biggest mistake of his life.

Flamboyant artists like Bowie, Mercury and Prince were the ones who showed people that being/looking that way was okay.

All three didn't care what the homophobics thought because if they did there wouldn't have been Bowie, Prince or Mercury. In the prime of their careers, they were already legends in the making, had huge followings and were killing it musically.

It also helped that all three were extraordinary at their craft. They were the OK signs for a ton of people in the closet back then, I'm sure. And it showed.

He raped a child and he said he liked Hitler.

So if people thought he was telling the truth, how come it helped his stardom? Differently from Prince and Mercury(who was actually bisexual but very private about it), Bowie was pretty vocal on not being straight.

The answer is different from what most drones will tell you. It's because he has had eleven #1 albums in UK.

Bowie has been a pretender all his life. He sounded like Frank Sinatra at best, but then started selling well because of his provocative costumes, sexuality and pretty face.

In his "glam" era, he produced the tamest music ever, with some fucking rock'n'roll piano. After it became apparent he sounded like a dinosaur, he hopped trends, retired his Ziggy persona and called Eno.

Sup Forums will forever continue dickriding Bowie, seeing him as a "proof beautiful people write best music". The reality is, Bowie is all style and no substance. Under all his costumes, he was just Robbie Williams, male Madonna of his generation. Don't fall for Bowie meme, and save yourself time from listening some of the most boring albums of the '70s and '80s.

Is your favorite band Radiohead?

Radiohead is just the same "platinum selling but still experimental indie" p4k shit Sup Forums loves so much.

My favorite band is Stooges, thank you very much.

Funny how Eno only PRODUCED the berlin stuff and the only song he helped composing is Warszawa. Also what about Station to station? That's not your average pop record and Eno wasn't part of it.

>calls bowie boring

oh there it is

>Station to station
Was going to post this but decided not to. It is IMO the best Bowie by far, if we don't count Low.

> Funny how Eno only PRODUCED the berlin stuff and the only song he helped composing is Warszawa.

Just wrong.

"Often incorrectly given credit as Low's producer,[12] Eno was responsible for a good deal of the direction and composition of the second side of the album and wrote the theme and instrumentation for "Warszawa" while Bowie was in Paris attending court hearings against his former manager. Eno in turn was helped by producer Tony Visconti's four-year-old son who sat next to Eno playing A, B, C in a constant loop at the studio piano. This phrase became the "Warszawa" theme. On Bowie's return Eno played him the work which impressed Bowie who then composed the vaguely Eastern European-sounding lyrics.[13]

Although the music was influenced by German bands such as Kraftwerk and Neu!,[4][12] Low has been acclaimed for its originality and is considered ahead of its time, not least for its cavernous treated drum sound created by producer Visconti using an Eventide Harmonizer.[3][14] On the release of Low, Visconti received phone calls from other producers asking how he had made this unique sound, but would not give up the information, instead asking each producer how they thought it had been done.[14] In 2004, Bjorn Randolph of Stylus Magazine said that "had the album been released twenty years later, this would have been called "post-rock.""[15]

So basically Eno and Visconti made Low the album we know. I love it for what it is, but Bowie didn't define its sound.

wow this is too true lol

Funny how I could name literally any other band and still get booed.

In case anyone wonders, here's a list of my favorite records, just to give you the idea of what I listen to the most:

> Stooges—Raw Power, Fun House
> Dio—Holy Diver
> Yes—Fragile
> Sonic Youth—Daydream Nation, Dirty
> Nirvana—In Utero, b-sides and unreleased
> Roxette—Look Sharp!
> Richie Blackmore's best work from Rainbow and Deep Purple
> MBV—Loveless, Isn't Anything, the EPs

So, boring music in the same vein as Bowie?

I can get with most of that list but DIO? what do like about that album?

it always seemed like a medieval type metalfest to me........but overly dramatic and halloweeny

Wow, you're a lot of fun. Let's see your super interesting taste then

(In b4i t's all Sup Forums memes)

Take it easy. I'm just saying that the music you listen to is a lot like the music you put down for being boring.


His huge penis

You see, I don't really like Dio for who he is. But the band he put up was excellent. Vivian Campbell from Thin Lizzy, Jimmy Bain from Rainbow and Vinny Appice. Holy Diver (I'm talking about the album) has insane energy, and to me is an example of album that has no filler at all. Every song is killer.


Radiohead are better musicians than Bowie unless you're trying to imply otherwise.


No, but really, post your tops. So that at least I could see that it's not all Radiohead and Young Thug.

I should clarify "boring" as people seem to hate this word on Sup Forums. By this I mean that Bowie had the voice and personality suitable for adult-oriented radio. He sounded old back when he even started.

His subsequent "rebellious teen idol" persona was as cheesy and fake as it got. He sounded as sincere as rockers in their 70s trying to appeal to youth today.

He actually did write some interesting songs. But he was no more relevant than other average singers/songwriters of the '60s, despite trying to write edgy lyrics to appeal to the youth.

ceaseless musical integrity and ability to go with the flow of popular music at the same time. it is nearly impossible to pull that off if you're anyone else but him

he had the biggest crotch of the time

>musical integrity

I don't think there has ever existed a more empty phrase

jesus christ, you are easily triggered.

congrats that has literally nothing to do with anything.

and im not even that guy lol