>memorizing a shitload of arbitrary keyboard shortcuts and commands: the OS
Memorizing a shitload of arbitrary keyboard shortcuts and commands: the OS
use the software you're most productive with and shut the fuck up
Just look at this fucking shit.
"Here you go bro, you're gonna have to learn this for your job"
Said no one ever.
fpbp my nigga
>he fell for the loonix meme
Just buy a cheat sheet
Yes, and?
>learning a single page of anything is too much for a job
The real world is going to destroy you, kid.
No one said you had to only use CLI in Linux.
see There are autists out there who literally replicate windows in linux, just use their configs.
>No one said you had to only use CLI in Linux.
Sup Forums did.
there is literally nothing that requires you to remember more shortcuts or commands than windows in a normal user-friendly distro with a sane DE
People might tell you to use a terminal to do x just because copy/pasting a command is easier or faster than explaining what fancy gui button you need to find
Finland is a non-country btw.
>Wasting screen real estate on buttons when you have literaly thousands of key combinations available on the keyboard.
dont shit on tmux and vim
Developing on the same OS you are going to deploy to sounds productive to me.
Yeah, it's great
>listening to what bullshit Sup Forums spouts
Come on user, you're better than that
>memorizing anything
yeah learning is for faggots
i think that technology board is not necessarily for you.
Not if he locks himself in basement
Spacemacs regularizes the shortcuts across all workspaces and modes
Good luck remembering them retard.
Learning implies the knowledge is somehow useful. This can be the case with computer science, set theory, math, biology etc. Memorizing some keyboard shortcuts that some neckbeard chose for every single program that you use, when you don't have to, doesn't fall into that category.
maybe you're dumb or something but the shortcuts become second nature after 2 or 3 hours of use.
Time it takes to do a thing with your mouse and fancy GUI- 10 seconds
Time it takes to do the same with keyboard- 3 seconds
You are just a faggot who can't learn and is being salty because of it
>not realising that even guis have lots of shortcuts
>he doesnt like midnight commander
>not ranger
Well by OP's post, they are implying that they use GUI without any special shortcuts
see which is fpbp
In particular in case of Jupyter, where you are best of using the notebooks (soon: labs).
thats just one program tho. try to do it with 50 programs.