I'm planning to "take without permission" a macbook (version circa 5-7 years ago) from work. It has been sitting in the store room for a couple of years now and I doubt anyone will know that it's even missing. I can use some extra cash $$
Problem is, what do i need to do after taking the macbook? Can i reformat and reinstall the OS like in a windows pc? Is there any ID or login credentials that i will need to delete? Can it be tracked if going online? Any other concerns
If you're not smart enough to answer your own questions you aren't smart enough to steal a macbook.
Caleb Powell
Jack on its back, Jamal.
Dominic James
Don't do it DeShawn.
Connor Moore
>reformat and reinstall the OS like in a windows pc? Nobody on Sup Forums actually knows what (highest) version of OSX you should buy and install per model of macbook. Whereas, that feature would be listed on the Macbook wikipedia page. >Can it be tracked if going online? You could do something to change the MAC address
It can always be traced back with serial numbers however that is very very low risk if it's not under warranty.
Carter Nguyen
On the one hand, you have a job that provides you with money over the long term. On the other hand you have an action that could provide a small boost of money in the short term, but could result in the loss of your job, and make it more difficult for future employment.
Unless you are in desperate need of that short term money, you should seriously reconsider what you are about to do.
Nathaniel Turner
>MAC address
This is not how shit happens.
It's the warranty requests and sometimes original invoice must be presented and there are retards that will actually call your company where computer/phone was stolen and ask for original invoice because that's what guy at service center told them.
Adrian Bennett
macbooks have shit ton of proprietary bullshit, no one knows what happens exactly even if you take all precautions
dont do it Jamal
Aaron Lopez
wipe it with gparted and then hold down the option key when you're booting up to do an internet recovery.
Leo Foster
Pro gun, maga hats racist kids but conditioned so nicely into holiness and untouchability of their bosses property.
There's only one thing you really need to teach the poor and america does great job at it.
Bentley Gomez
>MAC Found your problem.
Cameron Kelly
from work, op said.
Adam Anderson
Just curious, what do you plan to do with money?
Gavin Ward
Before you steal it, move it somewhere else and see if anyone asks about it
Jonathan Cook
ur fukken dum
Levi Long
Always have cooldown period.
Caleb Bennett
Boohoo you're too poor to buy anything, doesn't mean you can steal shit blow it out your ass
Jack Long
Make masta happy suckers.
Ethan Collins
Don't do it. Not worth the $$. If it is on someone's icloud account they can track it by serial number even if you wipe it.
Daniel Watson
>and I doubt anyone will know that it's even missing
there's cameras everywhere jamal. doesn't matter if no one uses it. no one steals anything from a workplace without being ID'd. and no one likes employing a fucking nigger thief. good way to lose your job over a piece of shit that's worth $80-100 tops.
Jayden Stewart
Lol you just admitted to being nonwhite, why are so many nonwhites criminals???
Christian Lee
Being poor is the new black retard.
Joshua Sanchez
>darkie with entitlement /victim problem feels his boss isn't paying him enough so jamal needs to justify criminal behavior to make himself a self righteous hero
Not him, but you're way off money-wise my dude. My 5-year-old 13" macbook air would sell around $450 on Craigslist right now in my area. Hell, my 2009 mac mini would sell for at least $175. So I dunno what world you live in, but in the real world Macs depreciate slow as FUARK. That's kinda the 'macfag secret' though. We don't really have disposable income quite to the level we pretend to have; sure we dropped about $1200-$1500 on a laptop where even the fucking RAM is soldered in, but 2-3 years later when the model we bought gets a refresh that is not just a minor incremental upgrade, do you think we just go out and spend that kind of money again? Fuuuuck no. We make sure our time machine backup on our external drive is up to date, wipe the macbook back to factory fresh oob settings and sell it for 80% of what we paid for it, usually within hours of making the cl post, and usually to a neckbeard that can't afford one brand new. This now offsets the price of the brand new macbook we want so that we're not really paying more than the average poorfag spends on a Walmart back to school special Acer or some shitty Chromebook (the two are not mutually exclusive)
Jackson Jenkins
Selling used shit man that's no comfy.
Asher Young
Faggots who've never sold hot items. Just make sure there isn't any evidence of you taking it, and sell it online. Don't use your work email.
Logan Allen
If you can't afford something it means you need to work harder, not steal shit. Now you should be working instead of shitposting.
Ian Anderson
>Any other concerns Even if the asset is ancient, you're still stealing assets from your employer. >It has been sitting in the store room for a couple of years now Wow almost like there's a hidden camera in there. You can't make it to the gate without being seen. Stealing is bad mmkay.
Jack Robinson
You should just ask your boss if they can give it to you.
Cooper King
He changed the Mac’s address when he took it from work to his house
>Faggots who've never sold hot items >sell it online user... I...
Leo Thompson
Normally I don't help Jamal, but this time you may just be able to log in by putting "root" in the username field and spamming the accept button. You may get lucky.
Ayden Cox
>Pro gun, maga hats racist kids This isn't Sup Forums, Sup Forums or Sup Forums. Maybe you should ask them for help
Benjamin Turner
And just for lulz, tell us if this works.
Ayden Jenkins
you're black aren't you?
Blake Diaz
>Is there any ID or login credentials that i will need to delete? The OS will be password protected and if you can't guess it that hard drive is useless. Open the case and take out the SSD/M2 and make sure you format the entire thing, because there is a hidden recovery partition which stores the user data too. Best idea is to just put in a new hard drive, the OS is free, just get it from someone with a mac.
Henry Wood
>all these "give it back" niggers
>it's loads older than the latest macbook available
Holy shit people, wake the fuck up. Nobody's gonna give a shit about it.
Not OP btw.
Dylan Butler
Have you ever considered not being a cunt and asking if you can have it?