Everything should have a notch

Honestly after using my iPhone X for two months (only paying $62.50 with a tiny down payment) I'm starting to wish all my displays were notched, it just feels like the content on the screen is popping out at you.

Attached: iphone-x-notch-design-macbook-ipad.jpg (782x410, 77K)


>Sup Forums - Technology

Attached: 1499835930027.jpg (800x500, 204K)

>Initially thought they were pajeet flags

>popping out at you
Well yeah, this is what happens with irregular shaped screens. Depends what you want more, a non-rectangular screen which resembles balding pattern or muh 3d illusion gimmick.


Attached: and this is to go even further beyond.jpg (782x410, 46K)

Looks more stylish that way to be honest.

pushing innovation even further

Attached: 1520941168380.jpg (782x410, 44K)

Attached: iPhone-X-jilaxzone.com-Samsung-Growing-Up-Ads[1].png (800x406, 303K)

All the notch does is prove Steve Jobs knew what he was doing

Thank God Samsung is keeping to its guns

> Phones shouldn't be bigger than 4" since people can't fucking hold it
>iPhone Plus models comes out

"Well Fuck" -Steve


I unironically don't have an issue with this, that iPad looks sexy as fuck.

I miss not having a small phone.
was nice being able to one hand thumb the whole display without effort.

>no notches on keys
So uninnovative

>t. Manlet
Xiaomi Mi Max 2 (6.44") masterrace

>tap home three times
Was it that hard?

Attached: Screenshot_20180313-142652.png (1080x1920, 337K)


Polant stronk

Fuck no it isn't