What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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mixed children. Well at least she is asian and not black.

My guess - condom broke.

white women swallowed the feminist BS agenda hook, line and sinker forcing white men to resort to substitutes

I don't know they seem like a happy family

He went for the wrong chink

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Linus reproduced himself
Stallman didn't
Guess how the future generation will call GNU/Linux in the future

I hope Linus is going to be a good father figure. He's kinda childish and soft... Maybe that's a good thing I don't know.

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Why not both

I think most of it comes fron the YouTube persona, people like watching active and childish personalities
Most YouTubers act completely different in the real world

Faggots like you keep spamming Linus Manletcuck Soytips on Sup Forums even though that's breaking the advertising rule which mods are too dumbfuck to enforce, and even though it belongs on or since that's a marketing channel and not a tech channel.

>What went wrong?
Nothing. Hapa nerd race is the race of the future. White roasties BTFO.

It's just a facade.

Disgusting. Very manly features.

That girl probably has more testosterone than him. Look at that fucking jaw

kys senpai

Nothing, he is successful, he gets all cool stuff for free, and he has successful business of making jewtube videos.


>he gets all cool stuff for free
Working your ass off 24/7 to appear with dead eyes on YouTube in order to get pity-packets from sponsors who are willing to do so, is not how you define "free" user.

>his children

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Linus Shill Tips is
80% 20% Whether he should be posted on Sup Forums is debatable.
It is a fact however that:
- He leans more towards entertainment than being educational (even if it is 9gag level entertainment for retarded people).
- His reviews are geared mostly towards gamers and 13-year-olds rather than actual tech enthusiasts.
- He doesn't actually know much about tech beyond the level an average gamer knows.
- He is mainly a marketer and brand shill, rather than a tech(nician) or a tech hobbyist.
A tech hobbyist is interested in much more than just the narrow gaming tech field.
A Sup Forums related Youtuber should at least be involved in actual projects and wikis or reverse engineering and repair,
tangible and defined involvement like Wendell for instance.
That is to say: His reviews of hardware are shallow and scratch the surface, and the same goes for software,
because that is his maximum capacity and any more would end up with him looking stupid with every word (and he already has instances of speaking stupidity on the shallow level of hardware discussion).

I believe that banning LTT from Sup Forums would increase Sup Forums's general quality pertaining to the board's main topic: Technology.

I also believe that moving LTT to Sup Forums would also increase Sup Forums's general quality pertaining to video gaming since getting a bit educated on how gaming hardware works would reduce stupid GPU/CPU wars threads.


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she looks like any man's worst nightmare

This. He's successful, has procreated and is happy. A lot of salty forever alones hate on him though.

That is why he had 20 or so employees.
Actually, this is ad business, that took off for some reason.

His kids look nothing like him. Was the man cucked?

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>Was the man cucked?
do you even need to ask?

>marrying a blue haired dyke

>That is why he had 20 or so employees.
Great 20 fuckups to look after and manage, that's even worse if you never worked a management job before. I have. Even the most capable staff requires constant maintenance.