Sup Forumsbore is almost completely comprised of extremely dull and boring albums that value experimentation...

Sup Forumsbore is almost completely comprised of extremely dull and boring albums that value experimentation, artistic expression and general bullshit over real technical finesse and musical talent

>pic related is far superior to all everything that is embarrassingly consider "Sup Forumscore"

did your mom forget to change your diaper today?

Oh shit a 'your mom' joke? Nice, this is the content I come here for, a truly strong and well articulated counterpoint

It's definitely dope

Fortress is really good for what it is.

Sometimes Walker's vocals get alarmingly close to bad metalcore vocals but it all works

>technical finesse should be valued over artistic expression

I always liked Kezia more t b h

actually, that's not technically a 'your mom' joke. just because it involves your mom it doesn't mean it's that type of joke. sorry man

technical music can only ever be technically good you shitter

obviously lol technical music is, literally, undeniably impressive

art is subjective - people like Captain Beefheart can go jerk off in the woods for god knows how long and come back with an "album" that people praise for its ingenuity hah give me a break

>only technically

Like only logically and irrefutably without being masqueraded by shallow artistic expression? Hm, guess you're right

>American Football
>not technically impressive
Protest the Hero are great, but they're an exception in the techincal stuff. Most of it is self-indulgent wankery.


trout mask replica is just an attempt at a free jazz wank

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

that's an extremely simple minded way to see it

oh really its a simple minded way to see it? please elaborate on the technical nuances of TMR (but, you know, i won't actually believe its your own opinion. the only reason that album, and all of mucore, is a thing is because other people tell you its good)

stop caring about what other people on this board want to listen to and join the already existing pth thread

actually they are probably one of the best examples of tech metal that still has a lot of emotion

Fortress is meant for stoned 16 years to play Call of Duty 4 to

source: me in 2008 (god I'm still doing that shit though)

Man...I'm the biggest Protest the Hero fan ever but you are really painting fans of this band in a bad light. I don't know what to say to get you to see that people love experimentation because, when done right, is a pure unfiltered representation of the artist's thought process.

what an incredibly over-generalized, unspecific claim

The PTH fan base must be utter garbage if one shit poster on Sup Forums is soiling their name with one, insignificant thread