Come home, white man.
Come home, white man
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Why should I use DragonflyBSD over NetBSD?
You crossed the line this time
*files police report*
Racists GTFO
Because it has the best logo of all BSD distros
That's FreeBSD. There's a reason why DragonflyBSD forked off of it.
> There's a reason why DragonflyBSD forked off of it.
DragonflyBSD has been around for years.
I was going to open a similar thread, I love this OS and Matt Dillon. However, I run OpenBSD on my machines.
daily reminder DragonFly has fastest networking stack
I really, really hope it takes off. But it's probably too late.
>There's a reason why DragonflyBSD forked off of it.
Because FreeBSD dev matt dillion didn't like the direction they were going with SMP.
That wasn't the only reason. Dillon was actively booted out of FreeBSD by the same retards that are advocating sjw bullshit today. He didn't have a choice but to fork.
Similarly, NetBSD booted out based Theo, leading him to create OpenBSD. FreeBSD also kicked out John Marino of Synth fame relatively recently, and he went on to start RavenPorts, which is likely to become the new default Dragonfly ports system:
noticing a pattern here?
Yeah, they all got kicked out because they let their bad behavior and personal opinions get in the way of the project's mission.
>get in the way
yeah, thank goodness we don't have to deal with their pesky wrongthink anymore, now we can work on REAL innovations like new Codes of Conduct
>Similarly, NetBSD booted out based Theo, leading him to create OpenBSD
NetBSD is better than OpenBSD in a lot of ways like npf being better than pf, and netpgp being better than signify.
No it isn't. NetBSD should suck Theo's dick.
I'm inclined to agree that _certain_ netbsd tools are "better", but I wouldn't claim that the OS as a whole is better than openbsd. That being said, it's an apples and oranges comparison because obsd tools are highly specific to the obsd system. Net on the other hand, focuses on everything being portable to practically anything, so it does a lot of things that simply aren't relevant to obsd tools.
>npf being better than pf
npf's selling point is its multi-core support. Openbsd's SMP support on the other hand is pretty basic, therefore pf wasn't designed to do much with it.
>netpgp being better than signify
that's like saying sudo > doas. They aren't really focusing on doing there same things. Netpgp is a full gnupgp replacement, signify is focused specifically on signing packages.
both of those arguably go back to openbsd's philosophy of deliberately trying not to include any code it doesn't need, because you can't have flaws in code that's not there. As a result, openbsd's codebase is significantly smaller than netbsd's, making it easier to read and contribute to.
Come home, GNU/Linux man.
He could just reverse engineer the "blob" rather contributing to nodriversBSD.
no driver.
I notice a pattern all right. A rigid direction will cause divides in FOSS community.
I would use an Abacus over NetBSD
was that an opressive innuendo without concent? I'm telling core!
t. coctard or locktard
So guys shouldn't we offer some resistance? I mean... I like FreeBSD. It is sad to see it go down without any kind of resistance.
How free is this exactly?
Just let it die.
the resistance is there, but it's being censored to all hell on anything even remotely resembling a official channel, so what do you expect?
Dragonfly is already pretty much functionally equivalent anyway, so does it even matter? Just migrate to dragonfly.
doesn't support arm
doesn't support linux programs
doesn't support 32bit programs (64 bit browsers use too much memory)
Don't you have to compile updates from source with DF?
Antiracists GTFO
That is an annoying feature as well
It doesn't support Windows or Android programs either.
>It doesn't support Windows
>doesn't even have wine
No, it wasn't a reference to SJWs.
I mean... just a thought... but... you could... you know... contribute?
Want a feature? Suggest it, or write it. Not gonna get written if you do nothing.
>calling a place you have never been to a "home"
you have one job
OK, OK, you talked me into it. But only on a VM, for now. I'm not going bareback on the first date. What WMs are people using? cwm is pretty fucking stark. If it's all just out of the box stuff, I'll probably go with Xfce unless there's some big reason not to.
>ohaio godzaimas nigga-kun
if they'd port ZFS over instead of coming up with their own filesystem people would take them a bit more seriously