Wtf I hate white people now?

wtf I hate white people now?

same, good job kendrock

Srsly though there is a lot more to take away from this album than black politics dudes

when will this meme die


is there? i mean, there's more than "white ppl suck blacks oppressed" but its all very much through a black lens

>a lot more to take away from this album than black politics

"you got the yams?"


king kunta really outdid himself. bravo

>over a year since release
>people still post this meme

Themes of depression and criticism of music industry are pretty prevalent as well.

dude weezer XD

fuck off

muh black oppression from muh evil white bois

i better glamorize gun/gang violence in my songs then cry about being stereotyped!

>through a black lens
Well no shit sherlock

the irony in this post is fucking palpable

Kendrick openly mocks people with this mindset on Blacker the Berry and criticizes hood nigga mentalities in 'the celebrity world' in Institutionalized. It's literally about how black people can't help themselves from being dumbass criminals at nice events and that mentality is what's holding them down socially to an extent

listen to the fucking album next time retard


damn, almost like biggie and lots of others did exactly that millions of years before him

>criticism of music industry

damn, almost like a million rappers have had those themes too


It's amazing how shitty TPAB was compared to his first two albums

This, for fucks sake. Jesus christ Sup Forums doesn't even listen to this shit.

That being said, album's a 7/10. Too long and too far up it's own ass from a conceptual standpoint, but musically it's top-notch.

>I hate that race that stopped slavery, conceived all the neighboring countries to do the same and invented most modern medicine that saved millions of lives.

don't bother discussing hip hop on here, it's a depressingly ignorant and stupid environment full of racism.

>Kendrick hates blacks

crackers really believe this.

Everyone knows this is what the album's really about, people just love to trigger nu-males like you guys


Why is it that whenever two threads have the same image, those threads always end up next to each other in the catalog?

triggered ya lol

whoa op you forgot to put pic unrelated there

I don't think you know what triggered means if you think posting a pic of a baby is it, the word you are looking for is bait.

i transitioned to black after listening to this

Different words to say you don't like Kendrick Lamar because I disagree with his politics
x1000 threads

valuable conversation

Now imagine every day someone did this with Burzum or Death in June , how would you feel about those threads

wastes of oxygen