what browser are you using since firefox shat the bed? i'm still using an older version of firefox, waiting to switch to something that won't cripple my browsing habits
What browser are you using since firefox shat the bed? i'm still using an older version of firefox...
SeaMonkey. It's unironically the least bloated alternative out there /despite/ being bundled with a mail client and other silly features. After much browser hopping, testing, and comparison over the years, it's the only browser I can even tolerate, despite having practically no extensions. The absolute state of browser tech in current_year.
Firefox esr
Google Chrome lol
Waterfox unironically
Pale mooon
If they could make SeaMonkey not skinned like the ugliest 1998 fuckfest of a design, I would probably use it. It's so atrociously ugly and hard to theme that I can't do it. The "download manager" is also just good awful
Firefox Quantum.
Old addons not working on new browser?
Shocking! This has never habbened before, to the best of you're knowledge.
how hard is it to use if i already know python?
Palemoon on desktop and older Firefox on mobile (F-droid hasn't updated it yet but it's so /comfy/)
Quantum Firefox
check out basilisk, it's based around pre-quantum firefox
Slimjet has always "just worked" for me. Its a kind of ungoogled chromium with added security + privacy options.
will try any other firefox variant as long it supports the michael kraft session manager addon. any recommendations?
Absolutely this.
Waterfox should work.
k-meleon is goat on windows