What's been your experience with electronic drum sets under $500?

What's been your experience with electronic drum sets under $500?

Percussion general

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Don't get an Alesis DM5. If you crash into a roll the crash cuts out almost immediately because it can't handle all the notes at once.

Don't be a poor fuck and save some money until you can afford a $1000~ budget. Rolands are pretty good because they can actually register all the notes you are playing rather then skipping them.

At that point you might as well just play on a practice pad and a cheap pedal with another pad attached to a mechanism.

These threads usually don't last very long.

But i am a poor fuck.
I was hoping to cheap out and use it for home recording.

Get a cheap acoustic kit and get remo silent stroke drumheads on it

you can't cheap out for recording unless you want a shitty recording

is also a decent option

Fuck. If I do this, can I still record well with it? I mean It's not like it's loud music either. I have no experience with drums at all

it will be much harder to record acoustic drums, but they'll sound much better.

but if you can't play drums, you're better off just using software/sampling desu

I'm willing to learn. At this point I have no other options.

then learn rudiments.

Get this: amazon.com/Stick-Control-George-Lawrence-Stone/dp/1892764040 or look it up online if you are too lazy to get a physical copy.

Eventually you should learn how to keep a simple 4/4 beat in time once you are comfortable. Remember to practice with a metronome as much as possible and to take your time.

I have the drum set pictured. It is great but it does not have natural speakers so if you want to record, you would have to invest in speakers that can hook up via AUX. Also the hi hat and bass drum pedals require carpet to be used properly, so don't put them on wood flooring unless you want to hear them rattling 24/7 (which I somewhat have to manage with since my room I have it set up in is mostly wood flooring).

Thanks man, much appreciated

Does it take 1/4 jacks?

Generic headphone jacks as far as I know with my build

I guess cheap acoustic it is then.

remember, it's better to cheap out on drums then cymbals. in other words, get a shitty set and swap out the shitty stock cymbals for decent ones (cheap zildjians/sabians work)

So basically it's get a cheap set, with ok hardware and the cymbals and drumheads of this video?

Don't do it OP! Save more money, you need to hit the 1K range.


Same guy that said to get an acoustic with silent strokes , OP I have been playing on acoustic drum sets for 7 years with different multiple genres, and I looked into electric sets to only be disappointed in an unnatural sound that just doesn't feel genuine, and the cymbal pads are the worst, please just get an acoustic set, it's better in every way, especially for learning

Ok user I will


they're fucking trash

the samples don't sound like real drums, the pads don't feel like real drums

get silentstroke heads and l80s

if you're doing this because you can't make noise, yes

also zildjian released a newer, quieter, cheaper model of those


Shit pads and shit sound don't do it get a cheap acoustic set I started on a cheap electric kit that was 240 bucks hated it went with an EXTREMELY cheap Camco Tama set I got for 90 bucks and enjoyed it a lot more than the cheap electric kit

What the fuck is this?

i have some portable roland i use for practicing in my dorm at uni and that was like $700, can't cheap out on electric sets senpai. Also weird you want to buy one and you're not even a drummer yet

I'm not OP, but I am also trying to get my first drumkit and I was considering acoustic til this thread popped up. Practicing alone in silence not only helps keep neighbours/roommates off your back, it also helps deal with the embarrassment of sucking during practice.

just don't cheap out on electric man, I can tell you the roland kit I got if you want, or save up for one over $1000

They're shit tier.

Roland > 2box drumit5 > yamaha

save up more and buy a good second hand one

Whats the best electronic kit to buy for heavy metal, and blast beats etc


Anyone tried doing Drum triggers on silent-strokes ?
Been considering having an Ableton Drum trigger set-up with Superior drummer.

Ill silent stroke you user

I need advice senpai, it sounds like such a good idea but i feel like its not gonna go well

cool, which one ya got? or do you think that acoustic + silent stroke might work?

for electric drums, nothing decent comes under $1000

They sucks, plain and simple. If you are going to buy a tech drum set (really not worth it, I bought a roland TD-9 for 1300) then you are going to want to spend a couple Gs.