why aren't you using elementary? pantheon is fucking gorgeous.
Why aren't you using elementary? pantheon is fucking gorgeous
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It looks pretty good indeed. Is this the default installation?
fuck off samefaggot
youre just a try-hard apple wannabe poorfag
>shitty soyboy neo 80´s style
I'm happy with fedora. I don't want to distrohop again
>Shitty OS X clone
>No desktop icons
>800 MiB @ 1920x1080 is a fucking bloatware, even GNOME will be lightweight in comparising.
No, thanks, I'd rather stick to W10, W7, XFCE, KDE, Lxqt, fagOS
Because they made a fatal mistake tying their theme and (forked) applications to their own distro and their own distro is shit.
Wait... This is gnome.
Because I can't keep track of every meme distro that pops up? Maybe you should provide more details, because your screenshot just looks like GNOME with a transparent panel.
cause i use pop_os
i use gentoo w/ openbox
do they still call anyone who uses it without donating a thief?
Why would I use this frankenbuntu wannabe macOS?
jesus christ
why are you so mad?
because i use xubuntu and it works fine
Because it's GNOME, and GNOME is shit.
Pantheon != Gnome
>how can I fit into Sup Forums
>oh yeah!
>and f-fuck apple, right guise?
I like macOS more. Works pretty well even for having a Ryzen cpu.
gtk 3 sux
I was never a fan of not being able to put anything on the desktop
I ran into a bug. Every time the screen turned off the lock screen would turn on and turn my display back on. The display would never turn off, even if using something like
xset dpms force off
The lock screen would kick in and turn the display back on. Only solution was to disable the lockscreen, only then would the display stay off.
This led me to look elsewhere. I'm currently running Fedora.
Can you share that pape?
its pretty thats about it
Because i'm not gay iToddler
I prefer to donate my money to KDE
I'm pretty happy with Linux Mint, it just works.
because I doesn't pick my distro based on the look you fucking nu-male
it looks too gnomey to me
they should fork KDE instead of gnome
Same. I think I finally found a home on Fedora.
christ you need to get a nut off...
pretty much, it seems.
>contrarian 19 year old edgelords who graduated from fedoras to being a full fucking incel
>pantheon is fucking gorgeous.
No it isn't.
it's not gorgeous
Add nautilus -n to your startup
>pantheon is fucking gorgeous
that's cool and all but... IS IT COMFY?
>close on one side
>minimize on the other
elementary-tweaks lets you change that
Gib wallpaper OP
>no high quality blur behind transparent backgrounds
years late
Because I'm not a faggot, and I use Arch Linux.
nice bait
I'm wating for the next release, I'm in Fedora right now.
Far better than the proprietary Qt garbage
Wasted money
KrapDE is too buggy and always will be, it is their nature
Qt is lgpl or proprietary.
So fuck off.
This thread again?
You need to sign an abusive and anti-freedom CLA if you want to contribute, is by definition proprietary garbage
I used it for approx. 6 months...and I hated that the apt sources got fucked up, and that I couldn't minimize fucking windows and all that stupid little bugs everywhere...and it also took like 1.4 gb on startup...but I relly liked the dock and how virtual desktops were implemented...now I try to mimick eOS functionality on Plasma with Latte dock and is pretty good but rough around the edges compared to eOS
used it for a few months some time ago, way to many bugs to be useful for everyday
moved back to mint and im happy
Some people are working in making pantheon compatible with Fedora. You can give it a try that way.
wallpaper please