Why do you still pay for your internet Sup Forums?

Why do you still pay for your internet Sup Forums?

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I don't though. Mommy does.

This better not be some internet of things scheme.


You can bet that the very day I learn how to crack on a wireless AP I'll call my ISP to tell them tchaos bitchatchos

None of pay for our internet. Our parents do, Sup Forums is full of neets.

i pay out the ass for 2 internets

home and cell

>Free lunch

Attached: milton.jpg (280x396, 64K)

>Here's ten reasons why Bernie can still win the election

I still remember NetZero , it was truly free internet but it had an ad bar , and everyone's computer was slow and so was the internet so the business failed , there were also other companies that offered free internet not as popular as NetZero and they went out of business also.

Now that everybody has fast computers and internet nobody wants to touch that business model. It would have limits anyway making it useless.

if it's free you're the product

Because i need more then normal

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>free botnet for everyone

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Because the lines and servers have to be paid somehow, and if its not by direct payment, it will be by advertising.

>ISPs pay for servers
Lmao what? How much money do you think ISPs put into infrastructure every year? The cost of internet is solely based on demand, that is it. Everybody needs it so they get to charge a ridiculous amount of money because competition is basically non-existent thanks to our corporatist overlords.
As a libertarian, I would fully support a full government takeover of the countries internet infrastructure like we have for electricity and water, offering free service and paying for infrastructure upkeep the same way we pay for roads. I'm not saying that's the best way or even a good thing, it's just better than what we're getting now. Corporatism is almost as evil as Communism

>thinks he gets internet for free
Go on. Let's see what retarded shit you're gonna say. How do we magically make the internet free?

Yeah, such is life in the rural areas where the nearest neighbor is half a mile away, and 30mins to the nearest walmart. It's an hour to an actual mall.
Just upped to the 100mb/s plan, but the hardware won't get installed for 10 more days. I can't justify paying for the 300mbs plan, but even 10 is enough to do most almost anything fine.

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If you aren't paying for it you're the product.

The "real internet", as in backbones and shit is more expensive than what you pay for at least an order of magnitude.
ISPs work kinda like drug dealers, buying pure expensive internet and then stuffing it up to make a cheaper grade and selling it to several people.
Most do it by a combination of the fact people don't use the internet 24/7, caches, caches everywhere and sometimes just overselling and hopping you don't get too annoyed.

And all this shit is not free.

fuck off commie and suck my nigger cock.

You meant "nigger's", right, user?

no other choice

>tfw only 400KB/s

>>ISPs pay for servers
>Lmao what? How much money do you think ISPs put into infrastructure every year? The cost of internet is solely based on demand, that is it. Everybody needs it so they get to charge a ridiculous amount of money because competition is basically non-existent thanks to our corporatist overlords.
>As a libertarian, I would fully support a full government takeover
you're not a libertarian
>Corporatism is almost as evil as Communism

cos i like my speed

yeah i'll pay for better speeds

>he's too poor to pay for 1gb/s fiber
im sorry m8, maybe next life