Rather talented singer

>rather talented singer
>record traditional song for your country
>gets remembered as a fucking 2012 meme

Is there a worse fate?

being sold to a molestation factory

>a fucking 2012 meme
pretty sure that was 2010

Hate to tell you this, but not everyone who uses the internet gives shit about the viral pheoms that go on.

You missed out, faggot.

>not knowing what WgXcQ is

he should have seen how goofy the song was when he performed it tho cmon

Russians have zero sense of shame at all.

>makes influential, ground-breaking albums
>remembered as shitty surf rock

it's not this is it

>proceeds to die shortly after the meme
must have broken him

True, but at least people remember some of their Pet Sounds songs, Wouldn't It Be Nice and God Only Knows are some of their most remembered songs

Poor guy

I feel for him

Yeah, it was. I saw it for the first time in 2010 whilst rip-shit stoned in high school with my bestie. Good times.

>rather talented singer


>record traditional song for your country

As if it would make a difference.

>gets remembered as a fucking 2012 meme

He's lucky that he became a meme. Probably wouldn't have achieved anything else with his generic traditional music.

he was pretty happy it got popular again though. he was to old to care or know about memes

That actually makes me happy. Good for him.

Yeah, I remember hearing about that. He was really happy that so many people were in to his work. Didn't mention anything about it being a meme. It's a shame he died though. R.I.P in peace.

My grandma kinda knew him so I`ve been at his flat a couple times as a kid. I remeber Edward Khill being a very kind and funny.

This song is very medicore but then again it didn`t mean to be some hit song to begin with, it`s even more like "vocal performance" rather than a written song.

And there`s a lot of potential meme-materials in Soviet music. Even more in russian 90s music.

He probably cashed in on it like Rick Astley

Edward is Khill. RIP

the orchestration is pretty good, esp. rhythm section in general

what if I told you their "shitty surf rock" was influential and groundbreaking? as fuck

and better than Pet Sounds, which isn't even rock music

and people like Smile for the circus sideshow "crazy brian" meme

It's a shame this board and lots of assholes IRL want to glorify his mental illness instead of remembering him for how great he really was

ie, Don't Worry Baby, I Get Around, Warmth of the Sun and shit

but no.. "chewing on carrots and honking bicycle horns lel xd"

Kind of a related question - what is the EARLIEST song that "went viral" during the internet era?

The Papa Smurf song (actual title "Lick My Ass" by a Miami bass group called "Boys from the Bottom") went online as an early viral video in 1998, along the the Hampster Dance song.

I don't remember if any songs went viral online before those.

>which isn't even rock music
But that's a good thing.

it'd be tough because we were on dial up and songs/videos were not normal on the internet. I do remember listening to realplayer tier shit on 28.8 but it was almost impossibly bad quality

I don't remember anybody passing along music or whatever. the internet was a quiet, still place in the old days. besides MIDI which alot of people hilariously embedded onto websites

That`s Soviet music education to you. Also at that time we had a "culture comitee" so if then though your music is badly composed and didn`t fit to _their_ standarts if would never be at national tv

Choclate rain, Numa-numa, Rickroll

Whenever I see people talk about internet history and culture I cringe not because I don't have an interest in it but because most of these people engaging in the discussion used the internet post-2010 and have no real clue but read up on KYM and ED and think they're "experts". Honestly, internet culture should be forgone at this point in time as with all the facebook, tumblr, ifunnys, reddits, 9gags et al around now it's made the concept of the culture redundant and the only people who will write about the phenomenon are people who use those sites as they have a levy over everything,

Tl;dr "Stop, stop, he's already dead."

t.memer being mad at his lack of memetic inmortality

This. But then Family Guy discovered the le funny meme and put it in their show, two years late.

you can trust me, I was on the internet in 1996

and I'm so old I've never been to Tumblr. But I've been to reddit. it was better than Sup Forums when it came out.

Better than post-2010 Sup Forums when it started yes. All of the mods and moot himself used reddit when it started, this isn't a conspiracy even moot has done several AMAs there on his account of a decade on that site. Reddit itself isn't the problem, well it is in terms of UI and the karma system, however the users of the site are by far the worst part about it.

>be OP
>comment on memes on the interwebs
>die alone

Is there a worse fate ?

Not being remembered at all.