/daily/ - 2Кoт Edition

It's 9:30 AM in Kazakhstan.

Listen to your library, show off your backlog, babble about new music, tell us what you have been listening to today and what you will listen to in the following month, just let the good times flow.

>resurrected, but working (!)

>fifth dimension for space-time memery (aka "music") ever since plug deejay was musically aborted

>Site with templates, OP covers, archive, & random stuff

Most importantly, cats!

Previously on /daily/:

Other urls found in this thread:


For the boys

For domoi

Previously on daily: 65081369

silly goose

Lack of sleep makes men do funny things.

Speaking of which, I need caffeine.

Previously on /daily/: now w. meme arrow magic

we /cat/ now?

What is this, REDDIT??????????????????????

No, it's a Кoт. Easy mistake to make, I understand.

I wish he didn't die so young

Yegor Letov has the best cades

this thread's off to a great start

Bob Dylan- The Times They Are A-Changing
wow this is weirdly comfy for how depressing it is
Bob riffing on the blues a bit, with songs like Ballad of Hollis Brown are great, but the protest folk stuff doesn't impress me much


Bobby D- Nashville Skyline
This is like Bizarro Dylan, short and simple, no complex and surreal lyrics, weirdly normal voice, it's country. This shouldn't be happening and it shouldn't be as good as it is. Despite being really basic romance country, it works, weirdly well. Still falls flat in some spots, but it's only 26 minutes, so it's nice and short and sweet and I like it.


Running multiple stellar acts in 43 years isn't too shabby, I'd say. Not to mention basically being the foundation of Soviet punk and inspiring countless artists. That's more than most people get to do in double that time. Still sucks that he died young, though.

It's true.

hey dudes
my laptop just shit the fucking bed; I restarted it and it won't turn back on.
I'm pretty sad and drunk 2bh and if it doesn't spring back to life I don't know what I'll do.
I made a super funny /daily/ pic and had the post all readied for when the bump limit was reached :'(
I'm pretty upset and listening to free jazz LP's but I wanted you to all know that you're cool people and I hope you're all having a great day.

good mornin', /daily/

oh shit

I hope you get it fixed, man

have fun with more jazz though

That sucks man. It's always shitty to lose a computer. This may seem obvious, but have you tried taking the battery out and leaving it alone for a few hours? That was the source of many of my troubles back when I solely dealt in shitty laptops.

Have a rare Кoт to brighten up your day.

I got a sudden burst of inspiration and I wrote my first song in a couple months


sorry man, hopefully you can salvage the hard drive :^/

transgod, you're meme wasn't funny so you're out of the tourney, sorry
someone come grab this free spot before i go to bed

Why not just let him lose?

cause i actually want to listen to music. there, i set the joke up for you, now knock it down

yes please

no restriction

Gavin Bryars - Sinking of the Titanic


this one :^)

o shit
Should I listen to the original first or nah?

nah just go with that one, it's the one I listened to and it was pretty great


Image is too big to upload lol, w/e it's full and hopefully i'll see it through

Fish's /daily/ batch of non-reviews. From best to worst:

>The Sonics - Here Are The Sonics!!!
How is it a proto-punk band can kick so much more ass than like 90% of any band ever? Don't listen to the bonus tracks version because they are total lame-sauce. Good fucking shit.

>Sonny Rollins - Saxophone Colossus
Actually picked this up at a record show today. Shit's tight. Was in a good mood throughout this whole thing. Nice drums.

>Sleep - Jerusalem
This one goes BWOOOOOOOOOOO way better than Dopesmoker imo. Didn't do on weed though so maybe it'll be even better if/when I do?

>The Sisters of Mercy - Floodland
Changed score because I liked it more on 2nd listen. I might do that so be aware. 80s as fuck and I felt like it should've made me very depressed, when I was only kinda depressed.

>Slowdive - Just for a Day
Dreamy and mellow, but uneventful and kinda boring.

>The Shins - Oh, Inverted World
It's indie rock. A bit more detailed and thought out than your average indie record, but not by a whole lot.

>Tool - Lateralus
Came into this expecting to hate it, when I really didn't. Had a lot of kick-ass moments that were drowned out by some cringe-y ones. I liked the detail and production on a lot of these tracks, especially the s/t one.

>The Soft Boys - Underwater Moonlight
Should've liked this. All the elements were there:
>Post Punk
>Jangle Pop
and most importantly
>Scaruffi approved
But the songwriting was just so bland. May give a few more tries but left a bad taste in my mouth.

>Beck! - Odelay
Alt-country moments were actually pretty good. Sample-work on the hip-hop tracks were nice, but the production made me want to...uh...stop......listening...to...it......... :/

>Popol Vuh - In den Gärten Pharaos
Note to self: stop trying tribal ambient, you do not like it.

>Pearl Jam - Ten
It'd be 10/10 if we were measuring by how bad it was lmao. Honestly don't know why I have this on my chart.

>Beck - Morning Phase
Worst thing I've heard all year.

Note how I fucked up Night on Earth so it's Paint'd over bad.

Also in the Sonics review I meant "90% of any punk band ever" but I think you get the jist. Exclamation marks well deserved.

yo in den garten is gr8 what the shit bto

if you enjoy the Sonics you'll prolly like some of the shit on this chart I made.

also someone plz give feedback on song ;_;

Have you listened to Midnite Vultures? I feel like you might like that side of Beck more than the folksy stuff.
I'm not into it that much either.

>Pearl Jam - Ten
>hurr durr best grunge album ever

How the fuck people like this shit

I'm busy the whole day but I really want to hear it, can you remind me tomorrow please?

Forgot trip

I will user

Yeah I'm not sure. I tried it several times but it was just too uneventful for me and didn't really feel its "meditative" feel. I liked their next album so maybe I'm retarded idk.

yo thanks boyo

I'll backlog it, but idk I've liked nothing by him yet

ikr? One of my teachers last semester wouldn't shut the fuck up about them so I thought I'd at least try them out.

Just heard cuz I missed it earlier and was unfortunately listening to Beck. Shits mixing is tight and it transitions very well maybe minus the guitar solo-y part in the background around the 3 minute mark, but I didn't really mind it at all. Subtle and shit, good shit.

didn't forget dubs tho

I liked your album btw!

I'll agree to an extent that it is a bit aimless and not refined, a lot of stuff could go.
But hey that's how experimental music usually goes, not everything sticks. I think you got some choice cuts on here though.
first two tracks are especially good.

thanks for listening my man. I might bring the fuzz towards the end further into the background. Also doesn't really have a good ending....and it could use some lyrics I feel but I can't write or sing sooooo.


for some reason when I'm drunk I like to pretend I'm blind and live out entire scenarios with my eyes completely closed.
I just went downstairs snd made sure thre front and back door were locked (weird fuckers outside) and ate a bannana and tgrew it in the bun. I hope my layout turns on, I'll see you guys tomorrow, bye god now.

How do you manage to listen to so much music you end up disliking? Do you randomly select whatever you listen to or is it in your nature to quickly love or hate something?

p good drunkpost I rate 7/10

My rec will be The Jazz Composer's Orchestra - s/t

I'll send it to you when I am home

My life is as hard as your dick when you see disgusting loli shit (jk luv u bb)

Send me a rec for my tourney so I can maybe continue with it sometime or perish

Restrictions remaining are: music written before 1900 and german techno (or techno in general idc)

why does Sup Forums underrate the tool so much? is it really just pitchfork, it has to be

>tfw the kittycats are probably dead too

Sup Forums and only Sup Forums, matter of fact

because they're a band for annoying nerds

Hecитe вaшeгo гoвнopaя oбpaтнo нa хapкaч. Oхyeли yжe co cвoим гoвнoфopcoм

but then why does Sup Forums underrate the tool so much?

i don't know

ты o чeм?

>oн вce eщё нe нayчилcя фильтpиpoвaть пocты


Love russki shitposting

>гoвнapикy нeпpиятнo

Tы этo, дaвaй мypикaнцaм cлoвecный пoнoc в тeкcтaх пepeвeди лyчшe, вдpyг им пoнpaвитcя

тyт мypикaнцeв мeньшe чeм пoлoвинa, пoтoмy и нeинтepecнaя твoя pycкocpaнь никoмy

>Tpипфaг нa инocтpaннoм caйтe фopcит гoвнapя, кoтopый c мyзыкaльнoй тoчки зpeния мaлo кoмy интepeceн, a тeм бoлee бeз пoнимaния o чeм ГЛУБOКOM oн тaм opёт

Кoгдa кaзaлocь бы хyжe чepвя-пидopa хyжe нeльзя cтaть. Haвepни caжи.

Бля a тeбe тo кaкaя paзницa? Heyжeли этo пoвoд для тaкoгo бaтхepтa c твoeй cтopoны?

Пpocтo вы yжe вecь мyзaч зacpaли этoм гoвнoм, тaк eщe и тyт тeпepь. Taк чтo пoддвaчнy тoгo aнoнчикa, cъeбитe oбpaтнo, тyт вaш Eгopкa кpoмe вac 2,5 ceмeнoв-тpипфaгoв нaхyй никoмy нe ycpaлcя.

чтo пo-твoeмy глyбoкoe? твoй aнyc? ;^)

B cлeдyющий paз yчтём твoё мнeниe пpи выбope мимacикoв.


Jo mi host ghaut wou hamms na dey ahsm Kriegsgefangenenlager ahsloun mei da Reagan heyd enk scho kinna solln ja krutzerussn öllendtige

Гoвнapик-пидop cpaзy пpo aнyc, яcнo

>krutzeruss öllendtige
beautiful. what kind of dialect is this, though? I can barely understand the meaning.

Topsters is down again, fuck it

fuck yea nü-revival
this shit makes me happy

>oн нe cyeт cвoeй бaбe в жoпy

what's with all the moonrunes ITT

The Time - What Time is It?

*sniff sniff* What is that smell? Oh my, it's old cheese! Hold on, it's not just any kind of old cheese. It's cheese from the 80s! That's right, this album is filled with momentarily fun 80s cheese. Now don't get me wrong, cheese can be enjoyable. I am in fact an appreciator of the fun times you can get out of cheesy music but did not appreciate it for too long. It is entertaining at first and adds to the appeal of the album but soon gets stale and boring over time. It's a good thing the songwriting here was decent and funky, otherwise this album would've been pretty mediocre. 3/5.

I'm stupid

why didnt anyone tell me about this
this is going on my new chart

even if it sucks, idc, but if this guy is right:
>This is a devastating attack on aesthetics
then it's gonna be great

Shut up and send me your album


Kervokian when are you reviewing Glowstyx?

which one, cpt ahab or the attempt at a b8 chart?


>Missed out on the Russian memes

тaкoвa жизнь

More japanese fusion jazz.
2 down, 61 to go.
(and although the band seems to have find it's hold full of cheese and needless technicality, some of it shines through, for instance in the evermoving groove of a track like Asayake or the welking, running and leaping of Olion)

I always love these small review images. Good to have you back! (Don't know if you remember me, I was 'Eruditey' before).

why are we so dead today
it makes me

it makes me sad too.
I haven't listened to anything yet today, though, so that kind of explains my inactivity.
Have you listened to something good? Done something nice? I've been making good progress with my thesis finally, so I guess that's good.

>tfw rainy miserable day of shit
>tfw spent nearly three hours on a shitty overlong statistics assignment and still not done
musica for this feelerino, familia?


i had band practice, but our singer cancelled just an hour before we were supposed to practice, so we ended up having a short instrumental session instead. Kinda annoying.
I did have some nice music listening on the train though, The Transfiguration of Blind Joe Death on the way there, and Basho's Bonn Ist Supreme on the way back home.
I particularly enjoyed the Basho album.

Wew apparently we have a green president now instead of a brown one. It was very close though

Listened to this recently, and it should be good rainy day music

Aren't the threads usually this dead about this time of day?

Thank fuck

>I will not have a significant other of the opposite sex within my lifetime

Harmonies for this emotion, family members?

Even more japanese fusion jazz.
3 down,60 more to go.
Digging that space station cover though. And the title-track is okay too.

There's more where it comes from. Because I really don't think I could write full-fledged reviews of fusion/smooth jazz even if I tried.

They are as dead as we'll let them be.

Back from work. I think I'll listen to vinter's album or maybe throw in something else. We'll see.
you will, but for now listen to Tacoma Radar
Hey Mort, long time no see!

I have a question. I remember you wrote a review about some album that had a black and white cover of a mask or something and you said it changed the way you perceive music. What was the album if you remember by any chance?

gregorian chants

True. I've had cold shivers running down my spine whenever Hofer (the right wing guy) was on tv yesterday. I was working at an election office yesterday, the tension was incredible. Looks like VdB won with about 15 k of votes.

I remember it very well.
Although I'd say it has a lot to do with the way it mixes lyrics and composition, so unless you speak french it may not be all that interesting.
And I don't know how well it would work with a translation sheet. Still.

you will

did the netherlands just have an election?

Yup, that was it. I'll see how that works out.Thank you.

I think tecnomalaser is german.

same but this is cool enough

hmmm that's p shitty
are you the guitarist? I keep forgetting

What trips are your favorite? What trips are your least favorite? Who has the best taste? Who has the most interesting taste?

Nope Austria did. A right wing nut (FPÖ) vs a liberal guy (green party). No decision after the first day, the sent-in votes decided it today.

Already eliminated someone, but i ain't telling you til Sunday. Making battle emblems when i get home

Austrian it seems
good thing they didn't get what looks like a literal fascist as your president

this is my old band, Brudte Lofter, where i play the bass. We just recently started practicing again for one last show.

Hampus is clearly the best trip in nearly every regard.

cool stuff
you're the vocalist of Big Mess then?
is this also a pop-punk kinda band or?

But hampus, you're a namefag, not a tripfag!

Silly hampus.