Ok Sup Forums I need some help.
I am a right wing conservative that loves everything tech/programming/hacking but I am unable to find any Right leaning or even neutral tech news outlets (in the traditional sense, I have found a few YouTube channels). The tech news market seems to be dominated by Lefty/Liberal outlets like The Verge and Mashable.
I am not trying to start a political discussion, if I was I would've gone to Sup Forums. I am just looking for suggestions.
Right wing tech news
Tech news is mostly apolitical
>New apple ishit XXX announced, on sale for $9999.99
How is that left/right?
Anyway slashdot is full of old farts so maybe you'll like it.
>almost all of the Oligarchs in Russia are Jews
its really not to figure out what Stallman's agenda is
Why mix politics with tech? I don't care what the person reporting on shit believes as long as the report is accurate.
How is The Verge liberal? I mean they all look like they're probably liberals but I've never seen them discuss politics (outside of net neutrality, and even my Trump supporting, anti-SJW brother is for that)
You can make anything political.
Abortion, guns, healthcare, alcohol, internet and encryption are all essentially non-political issues that have been politicized.
In Singapore, chewing gum was politicized.
If all you're looking for is tech news, I don't really see left right bias as a big deal.
Unless it's something like pic related, who cares?
What if person only promotes USA items by giving better reviews and shows other countries products by negative comments? Yes reviewers do this.
OP here
Don't want to argue. just want suggestions.
I used to live in Singapore, good memories of smuggling gum in my backpack over from Malaysia.
Thanks you for your suggestion, I will check it out.
Just a shitty reddit tier meme, pic not related.
Op again, back to answer your questions. I just end up seeing autistic shit about wage gap in tech and sjw propaganda, when really I just want to read an article about the new samsung phone.
>smuggling gum in my backpack
Criminal scum! Procuring and trafficking illegal and prohibited goods! Endangering the safety of the nation, and the safety and security of our children!
This, ladies and gentlemen, is why we need to vote for [party x]. Without [party x]'s strong and wise leadership, dangerous criminals and thugs like are going to blanket our precious country in an unstoppable wave of crime. No man, woman, or child is safe while treacherous villains (like ) remain free to carry out their nefarious plans.
Do what is right for you, for your children, and for your country. Vote for safety and peace. Vote for [party x].
I dunno man, fucking even Slashdot is now a cesspit of nu-liberalism. The new owners have a clear agenda, somehow Soylent is even worse even if they post better stories.
It's rough. Fucking Ars is as soylent as they come, I have nothing to offer other than it's bad.
>Anyway slashdot is full of old farts so maybe you'll like it.
Slashdot has fucking fallen. They now block any post with the word nigger in it. Kind of funny considering the days of the GNAA, Gay Nigger Association of America. When those posts where first posts always. The new owners put very fucking particular stories up that show a clear agenda. It's bad, the users lap it the fuck up. I've been on there since the late 90s. I think my last submitted story was approved by CmdrTaco himself.
I still check in every few days, comment when I can... it's bad. It's fucking bad.
Surely there has got to be some non-cucked tech news on the internet, surely
I stopped visiting slashdot years ago
never even bothered with soylent or arse
hackernews is alright simply because there's almost never non-tech stories to drive political discussions, but I haven't checked it in months so maybe that's changed
counterpunch is the only good "right wing" site, all the rest are run by kike shills or fbi honeypot
for everything else there's stallman.org
luke smith on yt is a loonix autist that's right wing
gamers nexus for hardware i haven't seen anything political from them and they're pretty chill
anandtech, techpowerup, harwareunboxed (with their upside down computers), level1 techs, android authority...
all of those are fine or maybe i'm just not looking into it hard enough, but it never bothered me as a right winger
You are a faggot for trying to make everything in your life about politics
Sjw-tier i swear
I think if comrade Stallman ever became secretary of the american communist party, his first decree would be to make all software, past, present, and future, open source. His decree will force all software writers to publish their source code, with failure to do so punishable by 20 years in the gnulag writing open source code.
half-white-half-jew i suppose who funamentally defends freedums and is just fun to observe whenever things go political and he's just unable to pick the rainbows-and-unicorns-librul (batsht-sjw) side, yet cannot be criticized for it because teknikly a 'minority'
>On a right wing tech site
>Claims he can't find any right wing tech sites.
>Half white half Jew
That's full Jew.
You are not looking for pol discussions yet you start by claiming what your side is, that only leads to pol discussions.
Look up hackerspaces and solarpunk communities, join a local group and aim for neutral discussions
Apolitical... how deep your head is up your arse?
>10 reasons this new apple xxx thing hurts lgbt and how evil white men are making it worse!
ayte.. while ago i saw him writing something sarcastic on twitter about 'his' white privilege so assumed he's half
>Yid talking about white privilege
Every time.
Hi guys, have any memes?
There's no use living in a bubble. I mainly read slashdot and Ars Technica, and Sup Forums of course, between those three you'll be covered. Reading a 'liberal' viewpoint is not going to kill you.
But also check out Wendell's channel level1techs, he does a news show every week and they are fairly conservative being middle aged white men living in the American south. Kinda sad because it seems like their channel is dying though, they haven't seen much growth, but it's probably one of the best tech channels on youtube
Sup Forums has slowly been taken over by Sup Forums in the last two years.
They even joked about it.
I would say that sjws are trying to infest this board for at least two years.
I would say that he sounds like a whiny Jew.
no one cares about your stupid political bullshit.
are you so fucking retarded you can't even separate knowledge from politics?
fuck off to Sup Forums you fucking peasant
>I am a right wing conservative
Good lord.
I get my "tech news" from Sup Forums.org/g/, maybe you should check it out.
Why does it even matter? Who cares about that? It is not like I am politically neutral, but that doesn't mean I have to care about politics everywhere.
Things will get political much sooner than you'll like.
Just stick to an as objective as possible truth, and you'll be sticking it to your political adversaries soon enough.
There are none. To be in tech, you need to be able to think, and you're not right-wing/conservative if you're able to think for yourself.
>To be in tech, you need to be able to think, and you're not right-wing/conservative if you're able to think for yourself.
Reality disagrees.
>are you so fucking retarded you can't even separate knowledge from politics?
The problem is those newsout-lets can't
aww it's retarded
how does it feel to be a morally inferior subhuman?
>I have this political view so I only want to see and hear things that validate my opinions so I don't get my fee fees hurt
Grow a pair and get out of the bubble, snowflake.
so you kind of need a safe space in cyber space.
really sad for anyone. especially your kind who go around howling about 'safe spaces'.
tech isn't for your kind. leave the blue states, progress, tech and industry alone. we are the earners and producers in America.
OP the type who buys MAGA hats from Aliexpress
This but unironically
What left-wing tech news sources can Sup Forums recommend?
If you need lies with your tech try an Apple fanboi site.
Which right wing?
Black supremacist?
Muslim supremacist?
Polish supremacist?
German supremacist?
Mexican supremacist?
Japanese supremacist?
You're going to have to narrow it down since there is no singular "right-wing." The term just describes lies to a peevish, self-absorbed perspective.
>t. stalin's recreation
Stop trying to live in an rcho chamber, man. Tech news generally is apolitical anyway, but really, you shouldn't be intentionally hunting for a biased news outlet.
AM radio. Ham radio is where right wingers are. Get a license and git gud.
Oh no they block posts by loser edgelords!
This, if you need even more right wing news, just visit Sup Forums
this. Sup Forumstards are pathetic I swear they are worse than SJWs at this point. Is the cognitive dissonance too much for you that you need to block out all opposing opinions? and then announce to Sup Forums that you're a special right winger and need special tech news catered towards rural and suburban rednecks fuck off with this shit thread
>so you kind of need a safe space in cyber space.
>really sad for anyone. especially your kind who go around howling about 'safe spaces'.
Yeah it's realy sad when suddenly your kind starts blogging how we need massive deficit spending and when you disgree you get permanently banned from your tech blog.
>reeeee anyone who doesn't agree with me is a left winger!!
You know there is more to life than your stupid partisan politics. A lot of people think this thread is retarded and I guarantee not all of them are muh libtards
back to ResetEra
>>reeeee anyone who doesn't agree with me is a left winger!!
So what does "leave the blue states" mean?
I want someone to point what’s the difference between this retard who needs a Safe Space because he got triggered by opposing views and SJWs?
Different haircut?
>americans wake up
>thread instantly goes to shit