What do you think of hackintosh, user?
What do you think of hackintosh, user?
Pretty pointless.
>Windows is better for third-party application support
>GNU/Linux is better at everything else
there is no point
you're just asking for problems. get ready for apple to deepthroat you somehow and enjoy random shit breaking.
i've been using hackintosh for half a yeah i guess and it is more stable that linux or windows.
It helps me compile my programs for Mac without spending a shitload of money
I'm using one right now, it's cool I like it.
The only problem is that it's a pain in the ass to install and upgrade...
>I posted it again mom
i think hackintosh is for poor people who cant afford a real mac
I don't understand why people knowledgeable enough to handle hackintosh installation would want facebook os.
>use mac
>can't play your childish games
>instead have to watch other people play games
Wow. That's something.
imagine being so autistic you install a meme os to watch a someone else play a videogame you can't play because of said os
I'm sure there are moba's for mac os. Though I have no idea what game exactly is on the screenshot.
Channel is "LoL Esports" so I would assume League of Legends, which if so does run on macOS. I'm not a big gamer though, just searched some shit.
>league of soy
Yes goy, all of the male streamers would make HOT females!
What are your thoughts on snazzy labs, Sup Forums?
it's a good alternative to windows if you need a desktop experience that doesn't suck. linux sucks.
>saving that pic to your HD
You're in denial, user.
Sasuga, user
>pain to upgrade
no its not
Not gonna lie Sneaky would get a canoodling, penis or otherwise.
Can't you just run a VM?
Ive never actually given a go at setting up a hackintosh, how difficult do installs tend to be?
It's the makeup. Makeup makes anyone look cute.
If men wore makeup would more people be gay?
Also thoughts on Sneaky vs BoxBox?
>Watching twitch
>League of losers
>posts on Sup Forums
Fucking kys
>what is performance